Campaign: Topic 1: Identifying and Prioritizing the Major Risks from Disasters and Climate Change

Aircraft Crash Scenario Needed

An aircraft crash at a nuclear power plant site may have devastating consequences. FEMA needs to require plants to periodically conduct exercises involving an aircraft crash into a spent fuel pool at a nuclear plant site. Background information that I have already submitted to the NRC follows.

Other countries with nuclear plants have dealt responsibly with high level waste by safely storing spent, but still highly radioactive, fuel in safe off-site repositories. The US has not. As a result spent fuel has piled up in over a hundred different locations in the US (i.e. at existing nuke plant sites). Spent fuel pools have been overloaded way beyond their original design basis. As a result an aircraft crash into any of these sites would result in an accident equivalent to a Chernobyl or Fukushima. There is an established no fly zone around these vulnerable sites that, I am sure, terrorists will respect. The delays associated with Yucca Mountain have resulted in a huge security threat for our country.

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Idea No. 1624