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Market Fair Coming Soon

Woodworkers and weavers... horners, blacksmiths and brewers... charlatons and shepherds... soldiers, seamstresses, soapmakers and more will display their skills and their wares on the Dover Green! More...

Now Accepting Applications for the 2016/2017 Veterans Conservation Corps!

For more information and to apply, visit our Veterans Corps Page. This month's member spotlight is on U.S. Army veteran Ronald Lake. Learn about Ronald and his work with our Veterans' Corps.

Annual Passes and Surf Fishing Vehicle Tags Available for Online Purchase

Get yours today!

Listen To History

Listen to Delawareans talk about ways of life and activities that, in many cases, have changed dramatically or disappeared since they were first recorded. Everything from turtle progging, menhaden fishing and muskrat trapping to home canning, gospel and bluegrass music, and how to make chicken and dumplings. Listen now

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Save money with the monthly Delaware State Parks Newsletter -- get the latest news about our parks, plus exclusive info about camping and event discounts, contests and promotions!

Tobacco-Free Parks

Many public areas in Delaware State Parks have been designated tobacco-free. Click the tobacco-free icon to learn more.