Delaware grant programs are a great way for your business to access the funding it needs. Use this section to learn which Delaware grant programs may apply to your business.

Delaware Strategic Fund (DSF)

Businesses that demonstrate potential to create employment opportunities in Delaware are eligible to apply for the DSF, the state’s primary funding source to provide low-interest loans and grants to businesses for job creation, relocation, expansion and brownfield redevelopment.

Financial assistance may be provided in the form of low-interest loans, grants or other creative financial instruments.

Download application (PDF)

Download fee schedule (PDF)

Delaware Technical Innovation Program (DTIP)

The Delaware Strategic Fund also supports business research through funding transition grants that will bring innovative new products, jobs and revenue to Delaware.

Companies involved in small business innovation—including research-and-development firms looking for the next scientific and technological breakthroughs—can apply for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants as a pathway to receiving DTIP grants. These grants help promote the entrepreneurial spirit in Delaware.

To find more details, see the Delaware Technical Innovation Program official legislation.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR/STTR) Grant Application

The Delaware Strategic Fund supports business research that will bring innovative new products, jobs and revenue to Delaware, and is the primary funding source used for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR/STTR) Grants. The Delaware Strategic Fund also supports the Delaware Technical Innovation Program.

The Delaware Strategic Fund (DSF) supports business research that will bring innovative new products, jobs and revenue to Delaware.

Download the application (PDF)

Federal Research and Development Matching Grant Program

In the 2015 Fiscal Year Capital Appropriations Act, the Delaware General Assembly enacted the Federal Research and Development Matching Grant Program to support federal research and development programs to Delaware institutions. The purpose of the matching grant program is to support work that complements and extends an on-going federally funded project or assists with start-up costs.

Download the guide (PDF)

Download the application (PDF)

Brownfield Assistance Program

The Brownfield Assistance Program encourages redevelopment of environmentally distressed sites within Delaware by helping reduce capital expenditures.

The Program is funded through the Delaware Strategic Fund and offers up to $1 million annually in matching funds to assist with investigation and remediation of brownfield sites.

Since the state of Delaware understands the risks are higher for brownfield projects, it works to provide financial incentives and a fast-track cleanup process.

To be eligible, the owner, prospective owner or developer must obtain a Brownfield Certification through DNREC that recognizes the site as a Brownfield. After obtaining the certification, the owner, prospective owner or developer can send an application for evaluation and processing.

Eligibility for brownfield assistance is based on the project’s potential to serve a public purpose by maintaining or expanding employment in the State, by maintaining, expanding or diversifying business and industry in the State, and/or by maintaining or increasing the tax base in the State.

Additional funds are available from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) .

To search for a partial list of Brownfields available in Delaware, visit “Sites & Buildings”. Click on “Sites” (Tree icon), Click the “MORE FILTERS” button, and check the “Brownfield” box in the “Assets” section.

Governor Markell Executive Order: Preparing Delaware for Emerging Climate Impacts and Seizing Economic Opportunities from Reducing Emissions

Delaware Economic Development Office and Executive Order 41

Delaware New Jobs Infrastructure Fund

State economic development officials pursue economic development opportunities that, if realized, would have significant impact on Delaware's future economic health and competitiveness. Such situations frequently require expeditious action and the need to enhance Delaware’s infrastructure that are beyond the capacity of existing Delaware economic development programs.

To meet these challenges, pursuant to Section 39 (b)(1) of Senate Bill 130, the Fiscal Year 2012 Bond and Capital Improvements Act, the Delaware New Jobs Infrastructure Fund (the "Fund") was established to provide economic assistance for renovation, construction or any other type of improvements to roads, utilities and related infrastructure in order to attract new businesses to Delaware, or for the expansion of existing Delaware businesses, when such an economic development opportunity would create a significant number of direct, permanent, quality, full-time jobs

Download the application (PDF)