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Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT)

The Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) was developed to help the Department identify facilities that meet the criteria for high-risk chemical facilities under the Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS). CSAT also provides the methodologies these facilities need to conduct a Top-Screen and a Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA), and develop a Site Security Plan (SSP).

UPDATE: Earlier this year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) temporarily suspended the requirement to submit Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Top-Screens and Security Vulnerability Assessments (SVA) in order to allow for a phased rollout of the new Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) 2.0 surveys and enhanced risk tiering methodology. On October 1, 2016, the requirement to submit Top-Screens was reinstated. Chemical facilities of interest that have not previously submitted a Top-Screen, but which have come into possession of reportable amounts of COI, must submit a Top-Screen within 60 days.

DHS is hosting a number of webinars and in-person demonstrations to showcase the new CSAT 2.0. For more information, see the listing of events on the CFATS Tiering Methodology webpage.

CSAT 2.0

CSAT 2.0 consists of a revised and streamlined CSAT Top-Screen, SVA, and a Site Security Plan (SSP) that will collect the data necessary to process facilities through the improved tiering methodology and improve the integration between the SVA application and the SSP application. The Information Collection Request for the revised applications was approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Chemical facilities of interest will be notified by DHS to resubmit their Top-Screen using CSAT 2.0 beginning in September 2016.

The new CSAT Top-Screen Instructions and CSAT SVA/SSP Instructions have recently been released. Updated documents can also be found in the CSAT portal. To learn more on the CSAT 2.0 updates to the SVA and SSP, please visit the CSAT SSP Revisions webpage.

In preparation, facilities may want to:

Register to Access CSAT

CSAT is a secure web-based system that can be accessed only by Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information (CVI) certified individuals.

The Department encourages facilities to register on the CSAT website for a user identification and password if they believe they may be covered by this regulation. Once the Department validates a facility's registration, it will notify the facility how to access CSAT.

After receiving access to CSAT, facilities are provided access to the Top-Screen, which enables the Department to determine if they are considered a high-risk chemical facility covered by CFATS.

For facilities that are considered high-risk, the SVA and SSP will be available on CSAT. To learn more on the CSAT 2.0 updates to the SVA and SSP, please visit the CSAT SSP Revisions webpage.

Update CSAT Account Information

To ensure that a facility continues to receive CFATS and CSAT communications, the Department encourages individuals to log into CSAT and select the “Update My Information” link to confirm that all information is correct and up-to-date. This tool allows individuals to edit information entered during CSAT registration, and may be used to:

  • Update personal information (address, phone number, etc.)
  • Change password
  • Transfer responsibilities to another CSAT user

If you have more than one username, please remember to update the information associated with each one.

Additional Resources

Last Published Date: October 19, 2016

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