U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-RD-02-034
Date: September 2005

Long-Term Pavement Performance Materials Characterization Program: Verification of Dynamic Test Systems With An Emphasis On Resilient Modulus


Sample forms used for recording the appropriate data during the verification testing are contained in this appendix. A checklist of items to be completed, arranged in an order designed to follow the proficiency procedure from start to finish, also is included.

Inspection Date: ______/_______/__________

Laboratory Name: ______________________________

Equipment Model: ______________________________

Channel Designation: ______________________________

Input Voltage Amplitude: (peak-to-peak, pp) _____________________


Data Collection Channels
Input Freq. (Hz) Input Voltage (pp) Data Acquisition Recorded Voltage (pp) Data Acquisition Derived Input-Output Delay (ms)
2 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
4 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
6 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
8 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
10 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
12 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
14 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
16 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
18 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
20 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __  
50 __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __ __ __

Gain Setting: ____________________________________

Filter Setting: ____________________________________

Figure 14. Form. Sample form 1—data collection channel check.

Inspection Date: _______/_______/__________

Laboratory Name: ______________________________

Equipment Model: ______________________________


Load Cell Zero Reading
Load cell description _____________________________
Vendor _____________________________
Model number _____________________________
Serial number _____________________________
Capacity ______________ kN
Sensitivity __ . __ __ __ mV/V
ax. Zero value (±1.5 percent of sensitivity) ±1.5 percent of full scale
±__ . __ __ __ mV/V
Strain indicator error ±5 micro strain
Gauge factor on strain indicator 2
Balance range 0
Balance pot 500
Measured zero value (including strain indicator error) + or - __ __ __ micro strain
+ or - __ . __ __ __ ±0.0025 mV/V
Load cell zero values within specified tolerances? Yes / No
Last calibration date _____ /_____ / ________

Figure 15. Form. Sample form 2—determination of load cell zero reading.

Inspection Date: _______/_______/__________

Laboratory Name: ______________________________

Equipment Model: ______________________________


Load Cell
Nominal Load Level (kN) Dial Gauge Reading Proving Ring Load Level (kN) Laboratory Load Cell (kN) Ratio of Proving Ring to Load Cell Readings
__. __ __ __ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__
__. __ __ __ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__
__. __ __ __ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__
__. __ __ __ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__
__. __ __ __ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__
__. __ __ __ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__
__. __ __ __ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__
__. __ __ __ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__
__. __ __ __ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__ __ __ __.__

Figure 16. Form. Sample form 3—load cell check.

Inspection Date: _______/_______/__________

Laboratory Name: ______________________________

Equipment Model: ______________________________


Load versus Deformation
Nominal Target Load* (kN) Mean Applied Load (kN) Mean LVDT Reading, mm Rv=Ymax/Y min 1.1 Point within ±5%?
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No
_ _._ _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ Yes / No Yes / No

*Load levels are dependent on the type of load cell and proving ring used to conduct the testing.

Figure 17. Form. Sample form 4—dynamic load versus deformation check.

Inspection Date: _______/_______/__________

Laboratory Name: ______________________________

Equipment Model: ______________________________

Triaxial Chamber: Type 1/Type 2 (circle one)


Triaxial Chamber
Time, min. Pressure Level 1 (kPa) Pressure Level 2 (kPa) Pressure Level 3 (kPa) Pressure Level 4 (kPa) Pressure Level 5 (kPa)
System Gauge System Gauge System Gauge System Gauge System Gauge
0 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
1 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
2 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
3 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
4 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
5 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
6 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
7 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
8 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
9 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._
10 _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _._

Figure 18. Form. Sample form 5—triaxial cell check.

Inspection Date: _______/_______/__________

Laboratory Name: ______________________________

Equipment Model: ______________________________


Environmental Chamber
Time, min. Temperature Level 1 (°C) Temperature Level 2 (°C) Temperature Level 3 (°C)
System Gauge System Gauge System Gauge
0.00 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
1 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
2 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
3 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
4 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
5 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
6 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
7 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
8 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
9 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__
10 __ . __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __ . __ __ __.__


Figure 19. Form. Sample form 6—environmental chamber check.

Equipment Availability

Check that the following items are ready prior to beginning the QC procedure:

  • ___ Latest version of procedure.
  • ___ Computer with sufficient hardware/software for data analysis.
  • ___ Pressure gauge.
  • ___ Triaxial cell and pressure system.
  • ___ Loading device.
  • ___ Electronic load cell.
  • ___ Spring-loaded LVDTs.
  • ___ Signal excitation, conditioning, and recording equipment.
  • ___ All other miscellaneous equipment needed for preparing samples.
  • ___ Bulk material splitter.
  • ___ 152 mm diameter split mold, minimum height of 381 mm.
  • ___ 71 mm diameter mold, minimum height of 152 mm.
  • ___ Vibratory compaction device.
  • ___ Spacer plugs for compaction of material lifts.

Electronic Systems Performance Verification Check

  • ___ The electronic systems performance verification check has been successfully completed.

Calibration Check and Overall System Performance Verification Procedure

  • ___ Calibration check and overall system performance verification procedure has been successfully completed.

Type 1 (Base/Subbase) Proficiency

  • ___ Sample preparation is performed satisfactorily.
  • ___ Moisture content within ±1 percent of specified.
  • ___ Dry density within ±3 percent of specified.
  • ___ Specimen is compacted according to appendix B procedure.
  • ___ Porous stone and sample cap in place.
  • ___ Specimen is placed in triaxial chamber, with all lines hooked up, and no leakage is noted.
  • ___ Triaxial chamber checked for levelness.
  • ___ Initial pressure of 14 kPa applied to specimen in chamber.
  • ___ Apply confining pressure of 103 kPa.
  • ___ Load cell and LVDTs ready to begin testing.
  • ___ Sample is not decreasing in height after preconditioning.
  • ___ The type 1 (subgrade) test sequence has been performed.
  • ___ Remove specimen and determine moisture content.
  • ___ Triaxial pressure maintained within tolerance throughout testing.
  • ___ LVDT ratios are within acceptable tolerances.
  • ___ Specimen was handled appropriately throughout the test procedure.

Type 2 (Subgrade) Proficiency

  • ___ Sample preparation is performed satisfactorily.
  • ___ Moisture content within ±0.5 percent of specified.
  • ___ Dry density within ±3 percent of specified.
  • ___ Specimen is compacted according to procedure in LTPP Protocol P46.
  • ___ Porous stone and sample cap in place.
  • ___ Specimen is placed in triaxial chamber, with all lines hooked up, and no leakage is noted.
  • ___ Triaxial chamber checked for levelness.
  • ___ Initial pressure of 14 kPa applied to specimen in chamber.
  • ___ Apply confining pressure of 41 kPa.
  • ___ Load cell and LVDTs ready to begin testing.
  • ___ Sample is not decreasing in height after preconditioning.
  • ___ The type 2 (subgrade) test sequence has been performed.
  • ___ Remove specimen and determine moisture content.
  • ___ Triaxial pressure maintained within tolerance throughout testing.
  • ___ LVDT ratios are within acceptable tolerances.
  • ___ Specimen was handled appropriately throughout the test procedure.

Figure 20. Form. Sample form 7—checklist for proficiency procedure

Equipment Availability

Check that the following items are ready prior to beginning the QC procedure.

  • ___ Latest version of procedure.
  • ___ Computer with sufficient hardware/software for data analysis.
  • ___ Environmental chamber and temperature control system.
  • ___ Loading device.
  • ___ Diametral loading heads and specimen restraint system.
  • ___ Gauge points.
  • ___ Contact point template.
  • ___ Gauge point mounting system.
  • ___ Humidity cabinet.
  • ___ Data reduction and analysis system.
  • ___ LVDT calibration unit.
  • ___ Electronic load cell.
  • ___ Extensometers (4).
  • ___ Signal excitation, conditioning, and recording equipment.
  • ___ All other miscellaneous equipment needed for preparing samples.
  • ___ Masonry saw capable of cutting smooth surfaced specimens.

Electronic Systems Performance Verification Check

  • ___ The electronic systems performance verification check has been successfully completed.

Calibration Check and Overall System Performance Verification Procedure

  • ___ Calibration check and overall system performance verification procedure has been successfully completed.

Proficiency Testing

Sample Preparation

  • ___ Cores for testing have visible cracks or deformed in any manner.
  • ___ Specimens for test of one pavement layer.
  • ___ Specimens from one area of test specimen.
  • ___ Top and bottom surfaces trued as necessary.
  • ___ Test specimen greater than 25.4 mm but less than 53.3 mm in thickness.
  • ___ Core examination and thickness performed.
  • ___ Bulk specific gravity performed.
  • ___ Bulk specific gravities similar for the three candidate test specimens.
  • ___ Thickness measurement conducted by averaging four measurements located at quarter points around the sample perimeter and 13 to 25 mm in from the edge.
  • ___ Diameter measured (1) along the axis parallel to the direction of traffic and (2) the axis perpendicular to the axis measured in (1).
  • ___ Diameter = 97.8 mm or = 105.4 mm.
  • ___ Diametral axis marked with loading head contact template.
  • ___ Specimen sawn to provide smooth, parallel surfaces for mounting the measurement gauges.
  • ___ Gauge points attached per protocol.
  • ___ Samples’ temperature and moisture conditioned properly before test.
  • ___ Core samples in the cabinet/chamber for a minimum of 24 hours before testing at 5 °C and 25 °C.
  • ___ Specimens held at 40 °C for a minimum of 3 hours, but not exceeding 6 hours, before testing.
  • ___ Specimens stored in an environment where the temperature is maintained between 5 and 21 °C until they are to be conditioned for testing.
  • ___ Deformation devices mounted on sample and zeroed/rebalanced before test.

Creep Compliance Testing

  • ___ Load strip alignment mark on test specimen located in line of action of actuator shaft and loading strips (back and front).
  • ___ Specimen to strip surface in a contact condition (no obvious projections or depressions).
  • ___ Static load of fixed magnitude applied without impact to specimen.
  • ___ Fixed load produce horizontal strain of 150 to 350 micro strain.
  • ___ Constant static load within 2 percent of required loading during entire test procedure.
  • ___ Reasonable deformation response.
  • ___ Data collected at 10 Hz for first 10 s and 1 Hz for remaining 90 s.
  • ___ Initial load level achieved at end of test.
  • ___ Three temperatures achieved and within tolerance.

Resilient Modulus Testing

  • ___ Deformation devices zeroed or rebalanced prior to start of test.
  • ___ Correct haversine waveform produced.
  • ___ Reasonable deformation response.
  • ___ Horizontal strain in the 150 to 350 micro strain range.
  • ___ Data collected uniformly at 500 Hz.
  • ___ Five load cycles recorded.
  • ___ All three temperatures achieved and within tolerance.

Strength Testing

  • ___ All other testing complete and results checked prior to commencing test.
  • ___ Test performed at the correct temperature and within tolerance.
  • ___ Deformation devices zeroed or rebalanced prior to start of test.
  • ___ Load applied to specimen correctly.
  • ___ Data collected at 1 Hz.
  • ___ Test stopped when load begins to decrease.


  • ___ Calculations performed completely and accurately.

Completion of Data Forms

  • ___ Calculations performed completely and accurately.

Figure 21. Form. Sample form 8—checklist for asphalt proficiency procedure.

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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101