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Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-RD-07-052
Date: September 2007

Long Term Pavement Performance Project Laboratory Materials Testing and Handling Guide

Chapter 4. Testing Instructions

This chapter contains the primary information needed to complete the testing of individual samples for the LTPP program. The tables on the following pages provide a list of the protocols included in this chapter and the expected number of tests per layer for each protocol by experiment type. These target levels of testing were not always achieved.

4.1 Laboratory Materials Testing Program

Details of the laboratory material testing program for basic GPS work are provided in Tables 4.1 to 4.6. These tables provide the layer type, test designation, LTPP protocol, and number of tests per layer.

The expected SPS testing for each material are presented by experiment in Tables 4.7 to 4.22. For the experiments involving rehabilitation, there were two rounds of testing performed and these are presented in two separate tables-one for pre-construction and one for post-construction. For the SPS-9A projects, the laboratory testing program was fairly involved. The required tests for these projects are presented across seven tables based on the layers involved and the types of samples being collected.

The MAP provided new target levels for the amount of testing required for some of the tests. The MAP testing program summary is provided in Table 4.23. Initially, the plan identified several new tests to be completed, including the Direct Tension Test, Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) testing, and Dynamic Shear Test on asphalt cement; petrographic examination of hardened concrete on the PCC layers; and specific gravity and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing on the unbound materials. Due to budget limitations, only the specific gravity and DCP testing of unbound materials were pursued for additional testing. However, the protocols developed for all of these tests were included in this chapter for informational purposes.

4.2 Protocols

After these tables, the protocols required for laboratory testing are provided. Most of the protocols were modifications of existing AASHTO and ASTM standards. The protocols provided specific directions for performing the tests when the tests were done for the LTPP program. In a few instances, neither AASHTO nor ASTM provided a suitable procedure and therefore a "stand alone" protocol was developed (for example, P01). The protocol and the corresponding AASHTO or ASTM procedure (if applicable) were to be rigorously followed when testing was to be performed for the LTPP program. The protocols are presented in numerical order with the laboratory test data sheets provided directly behind each respective protocol.

Table 4.1 Testing Program for GPS-1, AC over Granular Base
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 16
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 2
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 2
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 2
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, and Indirect Tensile Strength P07 2
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 2
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 2
II. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 2
UG02. Sieve Analysis (Washed) P41 2
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 2
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
UG07. Resilient Modulus P46 2
UG08. Classification P47 2
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
III. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 2
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 2
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 2
SS04. Classification/Type of Subgrade Soils P52 2
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 5

NAA - National Aggregate Association

Table 4.2. Testing Program for GPS-2, AC over Bound Base
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 16
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 2
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 2
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 2
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, and Indirect Tensile Strength P07 2
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 2
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape. P14A 2
II. Bound (Treated) Base and Subbase
TB01. Type and Classification of Material and Type of Treatment P31 2
TB02. Compressive Strength P32 2
III. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 2
UG02. Sieve Analysis (Washed) P41 2
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 2
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
UG08. Classification P47 2
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
IV. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 2
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 2
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 2
SS04. Classification/Type of Subgrade Soils P52 2
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
Table 4.3. Testing Program for GPS-3, 4, 5 - JPCP, JRCP, CRCP
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Portland Cement Concrete
PC01. Compressive Strength of In-Place Concrete P61 2
PC02. Splitting Tensile Strength P62 2
PC04. Static Modulus of In-Place Concrete P64 2
PC06. Visual Examination and Length Measurement of Cores P66 14
II. Bound (Treated) Base and Subbase
TB01. Type and Classification of Material and Type of Treatment P31 2
TB02. Compressive Strength P32 2
III. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 2
UG02. Sieve Analysis (Washed) P41 2
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 2
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
UG08. Classification P47 2
UG09. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
IV. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 2
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 2
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 2
SS04. Classification/Type of Subgrade Soils P52 2
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 5


JPCP - Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement
JRCP - Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement
CRCP - Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Table 4.4. Testing Program for GPS-6, AC Overlay over AC
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 16
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 2
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 2
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 2
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, and Indirect Tensile Strength P07 2
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 2
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 2
II. Bound (Treated) Base and Subbase
TB01. Type and Classification of Material and Type of Treatment P31 2
TB02. Compressive Strength P32 2
III. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 2
UG02. Sieve Analysis (Washed) P41 2
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 2
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
UG08. Classification P47 2
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
IV. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 2
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 2
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 2
SS04. Classification/Type of Subgrade Soils P52 2
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
Table 4.5. Testing Program for GPS-7, AC Overlay over PCC
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 16
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 2
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 2
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 2
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, and Indirect Tensile Strength P07 2
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 2
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 2
II. Portland Cement Concrete
PC01. Compressive Strength of In-Place Concrete P61 2
PC02. Splitting Tensile Strength P62 2
PC04. Static Modulus of In-Place Concrete P64 2
PC06. Visual Examination and Length Measurement of Cores P66 14
III. Bound (Treated) Base and Subbase
TB01. Type and Classification of Material and Type of Treatment P31 2
TB02. Compressive Strength P32 2
IV. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 2
UG02. Sieve Analysis (Washed) P41 2
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 2
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
UG08. Classification P47 2
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
V. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 2
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 2
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 2
SS04. Classification/Type of Subgrade Soils P52 2
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
Table 4.6. Testing Program for GPS-9, PCC Overlay over PCC
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Portland Cement Concrete
PC01. Compressive Strength of In-Place Concrete P61 2
PC02. Splitting Tensile Strength P62 2
PC04. Static Modulus of In-Place Concrete P64 2
PC06. Visual Examination and Length Measurement of Cores P66 14
II. Bound (Treated) Base and Subbase
TB01. Type and Classification of Material and Type of Treatment P31 2
TB02. Compressive Strength P32 2
III. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 2
UG02. Sieve Analysis (Washed) P41 2
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 2
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
UG08. Classification P47 2
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
IV. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 2
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 2
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 2
SS04. Classification/Type of Subgrade Soils P52 2
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 2
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 2
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 5
Table 4.7. Testing Program for SPS-1, Strategic Study of Structural Factors for Flexible Pavements
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 60
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 60
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 3
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 3
AC05. Moisture Susceptibility P05 3
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, and Indirect Tensile Strength P07 18
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG01. Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate P11 3
AG02. Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate P12 3
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 3
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 3
c. Recovered Asphalt Cement
AE01. Abson Recovery P21 3
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C), 115°F (46°C) P22 3
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C), 275°F (135°C) P25 3
d. Asphalt Cement from Tanker
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C), 115°F (46°C) P22 3
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C), 275°F (135°C) P25 3
II. Asphalt Treated Base
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 34
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 34
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 3
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 3
AC05. Moisture Susceptibility P05 3
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, and Indirect Tensile Strength P07 9
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG01. Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate P11 3
AG02. Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate P12 3
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 3
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 3
c. Recovered Asphalt Cement
AE01. Abson Recovery P21 3
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C), 115°F (46°C) P22 3
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C), 275°F (135°C) P25 3
d. Asphalt Cement from Tanker
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C), 115°F (46°C) P22 3
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C), 275°F (135°C) P25 3
III. Permeable Asphalt Treated Base
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 3
AG04. Gradation of Extracted Aggregate P14 3
IV. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 3
UG02. Sieve Analysis (washed) P41 3
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 3
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 3
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 3
UG08. Classification P47 3
UG09. Permeability P48 3
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
V. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 6
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 6
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 6
SS04. Classification P52 6
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P55 6
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 6
SS08. Unit Weight P56 6
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 6
SS10. Unconfined Compressive Strength (if thin-walled tube was available) P54 6
SS11. Permeability (if thin-wall tube was available) P57 3
UG09. Permeability (if thin-wall tube was not available) P48 6
Table 4.8. Testing Program for SPS-2, Strategic Study of Structural Factors for Rigid Pavements
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Portland Cement Concrete
PC01. Compressive Strength P61
14 day - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
14 day - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cores 6
14 day - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
14 day - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cores 6
28 day - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
28 day - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cores 6
28 day - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
28 day - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cores 6
1 year - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
1 year - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cores 6
1 year - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
1 year - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cores 6
PC02. Splitting Tensile Strength P62
14 day - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
14 day - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cores 6
14 day - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
14 day - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cores 6
28 day - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
28 day - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cores 6
28 day - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
28 day - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cores 6
1 year - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
1 year - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC, cores 6
1 year - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
1 year - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC, cores 6
PC03. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion P63 6
PC04. Static Modulus of Elasticity P64
28 day - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC 6
28 day - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC 6
1 year - 550 psi (3.8 MPa) PCC 6
1 year - 900 psi (6.2 MPa) PCC 6
PC05. PCC Unit Weight P65 12
PC06. Visual Examination and Length Measurement of Cores P66 99
PC08. Air Content P68 2
II. Lean Concrete Base
PC01. Compressive Strength P61
7 day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 4
14 day, cores 8
28 day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 4
28 day, cores 8
1 year, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 4
1 year, cores 8
PC06. Visual Examination and Length Measurement of Cores P66 24
III. Permeable Asphalt Treated Base
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 3
AG04. Gradation of Extracted Aggregate P14 3
IV. Unbound Granular Base
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 3
UG02. Sieve Analysis (washed) P41 3
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 3
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 3
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 3
UG08. Classification P47 3
UG09. Permeability P48 3
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
V. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 6
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 6
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 6
SS04. Classification P52 6
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P55 6
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 6
SS08. Unit Weight (if thin-walled tube is available) P56 6
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 6
SS10. Unconfined Compressive Strength (if thin-walled tube is available) P54 6
SS11. Permeability (if thin-wall tube is available) P57 3
UG09. Permeability (if thin-wall tube is not available) P48 6
Table 4.9. Pre-Construction Testing program for SPS-5, Rehabilitation of Asphalt Concrete Pavements
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 26
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 9
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 3
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 3
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, Indirect Tensile Strength P07 3
AC08. Field Moisture Damage P08 3
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG01. Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate P11 3
AG02. Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate P12 3
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 3
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 3
c. Asphalt Cement
AE01. Abson Recovery P21 3
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C), 115°F (46°C) P22 3
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C), 275°F (135°C) P25 3
II. Bound (Treated) Base and Subbase
TB01. Type and Classification of Material and Treatment P31 3
TB02. Compressive Strength P32 3
III. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 3
UG02. Sieve Analysis (washed) P41 3
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 3
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 3
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 3
UG08. Classification P47 3
UG09. Permeability P48 3
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
IV. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 3
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 3
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 3
SS04. Classification P52 3
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P55 3
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 3
SS08. Unit Weight P56 3
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
Table 4.10. Post-Construction Testing program for SPS-5, Rehabilitation of Asphalt Concrete Pavements
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 40
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 40
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 6
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 6
AC05. Moisture Susceptibility P05 6
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, Indirect Tensile Strength P07 6
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG01. Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate P11 3
AG02. Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate P12 3
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 3
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 3
c. Asphalt Cement
AE01. Abson Recovery P21 3
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C), 115°F (46°C) P22 3
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C), 275°F (135°C) P25 3
Table 4.11. Pre-Construction Testing Program for SPS-6, Rehabilitation of Jointed Concrete Pavements
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Portland Cement Concrete
PC01. Compressive Strength P61 10
PC02. Splitting Tensile Strength P62 10
PC03. PCC Coefficient of Thermal Expansion P63 3
PC04. Static Modulus of Elasticity P64 6
PC05. PCC Unit Weight P65 10
PC06. Visual Examination and Length Measurement of Cores P66 23
II. Bound (Treated) Base and Subbase
TB01. Type and Classification of Material and Treatment P31 3
TB02. Compressive Strength P32 3
III. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 3
UG02. Sieve Analysis (washed) P41 3
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 3
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 3
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 3
UG08. Classification P47 3
UG09. Permeability P48 3
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
IV. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 3
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 3
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 3
SS04. Classification P52 6
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P55 3
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 3
SS08. Unit Weight P56 6
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
Table 4.12. Post-Construction Testing program for SPS-6, Rehabilitation of Jointed Concrete Pavements
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 20
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 20
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 3
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 3
AC05. Moisture Susceptibility P05 3
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, Indirect Tensile Strength P07 3
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG01. Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate P11 3
AG02. Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate P12 3
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 3
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 3
c. Asphalt Cement
AE01. Abson Recovery P21 3
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C), 115°F (46°C) P22 3
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C), 275°F (135°C) P25 3
Table 4.13. Pre-Construction Testing Program for SPS-7, Bonded Portland Cement Concrete Overlays
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Bound (Treated) Base and Subbase
TB01. Type and Classification of Material and Treatment P31 3
TB02. Compressive Strength P32 3
II. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 3
UG02. Sieve Analysis (washed) P41 3
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 3
UG05. Moisture-Density Relations P44 3
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 3
UG08. Classification P47 3
UG09. Permeability P48 3
UG10. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
III. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 3
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 3
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 3
SS04. Classification P52 6
SS05. Moisture-Density Relations P55 3
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 3
SS08. Unit Weight P56 6
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
Table 4.14. Post-Construction Testing Program for SPS-7, Bonded Portland Cement Concrete Overlays
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Portland Cement Concrete Overlay
PC01. Compressive Strength P61
14-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 6
14-day, cores 4
28-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 6
28-day, cores 4
1-year, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 6
1-year, cores 4
PC02. Splitting Tensile Strength P62
14-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 6
14-day, cores 4
28-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 6
28-day, cores 4
1-year, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 6
1-year, cores 4
PC03. PCC Coefficient of Thermal Expansion P63 1
PC04. Static Modulus of Elasticity P64
28-day, cores 4
1-year, cores 4
PC05. PCC Unit Weight P65
14-day, cores 4
28-day, cores 4
1-year, cores 4
PC06. Visual Examination and Length Measurement P66 99
PC07. Interface Bond Strength P67
28-day 32
1-year 32
PC08. Air Content P68
14-day 2
PC09. Flexural Strength P69
14-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 6
28-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 6
1-year, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 6
II. Portland Cement Concrete Original Pavement
PC01. Compressive Strength P61 9
PC02. Splitting Tensile Strength P62 9
PC03. PCC Coefficient of Thermal Expansion P63 1
PC04. Static Modulus of Elasticity P64 9
PC05. PCC Unit Weight P65 9
PC06. Visual Examination and Length Measurement P66 47
Table 4.15. Testing Program for SPS-8, Study of Environmental Effects in the Absence of Heavy Loads
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 16
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 16
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 3
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 3
AC05. Moisture Susceptibility P05 3
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, Indirect Tensile Strength P07 3
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG01. Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate P11 3
AG02. Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate P12 3
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 3
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 3
c. Asphalt Cement (Recovered from Mix)
AE01. Abson Recovery P21 3
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C), 115°F (46°C) P22 3
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C), 275°F (135°C) P25 3
d. Asphalt Cement (From Tanker)
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C), 115°F (46°C) P22 3
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C), 275°F (135°C) P25 3
II. Portland Cement Concrete
PC01. Compressive Strength P61
14-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
14-day, cores 3
28-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
28-day, cores 3
1-year, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
1-year, cores 3
PC02. Splitting Tensile Strength P62
14-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
14-day, cores 3
28-day, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
28-day, cores 3
1-year, cylinders molded from fresh PCC 3
1-year, cores 3
PC03. PCC Coefficient of Thermal Expansion P63 1
PC04. Static Modulus of Elasticity P64
28-day 3
1-year 3
PC05. PCC Unit Weight P65 9
PC08. Air Content, 28-day P68 1
PC09. Flexural Strength P69
14-day 3
28-day 3
1-year 3
Table 4.16. Testing Program Subsurface Layers for SPS-9A, SUPERPAVETM Asphalt Binder Study
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Layer
I. Bound (Treated) Base and Subbase
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 6
II. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01. Particle Size Analysis P41 3
UG02. Sieve Analysis (washed) P41 3
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 3
UG08. Classification P47 3
III. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 3
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 3
SS04. Classification P52 3
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
Existing Pavement (Overlay Construction)
I. Existing Surface Layers
AC01/PC06. Core Examination and Thickness P01/P66 6
II. Base/Subbase
Field Classification of Unbound Base Field Guide 3
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness (Bound Base) P01 6
III. Subgrade
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 3
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 3
SS04. Classification P52 3
SS09. Natural Moisture Content P49 3
Table 4.17. Testing Program Aggregate and Binder Materials for SPS-9A, SUPERPAVETM Asphalt Binder Study
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Unique Material
I. Aggregate Tests
AG04. Aggregate Gradation P14 1
AG01. Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate P11 1
AG02. Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate P12 1
Specific Gravity of - No. 200 (0.075 mm) Material AASHTO T100 1
Coarse Aggregate Angularity Penn DOT TM 621 1
Fine Aggregate Angularity ASTM C1252 1
Toughness AASHTO T96 1
Soundness AASHTO T104 1
Deleterious Materials AASHTO T112 1
Clay Content AASHTO T176 1
Thin, Elongated Particles ASTM D4791 1
II. Asphalt Cement
Penetration at 41°F (5°C) AASHTO T49 1
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C) and 115°F (46°C) P22 1
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C) and 275°F (135°C) P25 2
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 2
Dynamic Shear at 3 temperatures AASHTO TP5 2
Brookfield Viscosity at 135°C (275°F) and 165°C (329°F) ASTM D4402 1
Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFOT) AASHTO T240 a
Dynamic Shear on RTFOT Residue at 3 temperatures AASHTO TP5 3
Pressure Aging (PAV) of RTFOT residue AASHTO PP1 a
Creep Stiffness of RTFOT-PAV residue at 2 temperatures - 24 hour conditioning AASHTO TP1 2
Creep Stiffness of RTFOT-PAV residue at 2 temperatures AASHTO TP1 2
Dynamic Shear on RTFOT-PAV residue at 3 temperatures AASHTO TP5 2
Direct Tension on RTFOT-PAV residue at 2 temperatures AASHTO TP3 2

a Sufficient material should be conditioned for the required tests.

Table 4.18. Testing Program of Mixture Design Tests on the SPS-9A, SUPERPAVETM Asphalt Binder Study Materials from Sections 01 and 03 Samples were to be obtained by combining the aggregate and binder materials in the laboratory.
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Section
Gyratory Compaction at design asphalt content at Nmax AASHTO M-002 3
Gyratory Compaction at 7% Air Voids AASHTO M-002 6
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 3
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 1
AC05. Moisture Susceptibility P05 1 test requiring 6 lab samples
Volume Percent of Air Voids AASHTO PP19 3
Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate AASHTO PP19 3
Voids Filled with Asphalt AASHTO PP19 3
Table 4.19. Testing Program on Specimens Compacted from Field Obtained Bulk Mix Samples Taken from Sections 01 and 03 from SPS-9A, SUPERPAVETM Asphalt Binder Study
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Section
Gyratory Compaction at Nmax AASHTO M-002 6
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 6
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 2
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 2
AG04. Gradation of Extracted Aggregate P14 2
Volume Percent of Air Voids AASHTO PP19 6
Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate AASHTO PP19 6
Voids Filled with Asphalt AASHTO PP19 6
Table 4.20. Testing Program on Specimens Compacted from Bulk Mix Samples Taken from Section 02 from SPS-9A, SUPERPAVETM Asphalt Binder Study
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Number of Testsa
Gyratory Compaction at Nmax AASHTO M-002 6 lab mixed samples
Gyratory Compaction at 3% Air Voids AASHTO M-002 2 lab mixed samples
Gyratory Compaction at 7% Air Voids AASHTO M-002 32 lab mixed samples
Gyratory Compaction at Nmax AASHTO M-002 6 field samples
Gyratory Compaction at 3% Air Voids AASHTO M-002 2 field samples
Gyratory Compaction at 7% Air Voids AASHTO M-002 26 field samples
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 9 lab samples9 field samples
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 1 lab sample2 field samples
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 6 field samples
AC05. Moisture Susceptibility P05 1 test from 6 lab samples
AG04. Gradation of Extracted Aggregate P14 2 field samples
Volume Percent of Air Voids AASHTO PP19 6
Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate AASHTO PP19 6
Voids Filled with Asphalt AASHTO PP19 6
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus and Indirect Tensile Strength P07 1 set lab samples 1 set field samples
Frequency Sweep at Constant Height and Simple Shear at Constant Height AASHTO M-003, P-005 3 lab samples 3 field samples
Volumetric Test and Uniaxial Strain AASHTO M-003, P-005 3 lab samples 3 field samples
Repeated Shear at Constant Stress Ratio AASHTO M-003, P-005 2 lab samples 2 field samples
Indirect Tensile Creep Compliance and Indirect Tensile Strength AASHTO M-005 9 lab samples9 field samples

a Lab samples were obtained by mixing aggregate stockpile samples with the asphalt cement in accordance with the mix design. Field samples were obtained from bulk samples of the asphalt concrete.

Table 4.21. Testing Program on Cores from Test Sections 01 and 03 from SPS-9A, SUPERPAVETM Asphalt Binder Study
Projects and from Test Section 02 at all Intervals after A1
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests Per Section
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 8
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 8
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 8
AG04. Gradation of Extracted Aggregate P14 2
Volume Percent of Air Voids AASHTO PP19 2
Volume Percent of Voids in Mineral Aggregate AASHTO PP19 2
Voids Filled with Asphalt AASHTO PP19 2
AE01. Abson Recovery P21 8
Penetration at 41°F (5°C) AASHTO T49 1
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C) and 115°F (46°C) P22 1
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 2
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C) and 275°F (135°C) P25 2
Dynamic Shear at 3 temperatures AASHTO TP5 2
Creep Stiffness at 2 temperatures AASHTO TP1 2
Direct Tension at 2 temperatures AASHTO TP3 2


  1. The cores represented by the number of tests in this table were for each test section to be tested at a specific time interval, t, where t represents the sampling time interval after construction as follows:

t = A at time 0, immediately after construction
t = B at 6 months after construction
t = C at 12 months after construction
t = D at 18 months after construction
t = E at 24 months after construction
t = F at 48 months after construction

Table 4.22. Testing Program for Cores from Test Section 02 on SPS-9A, SUPERPAVETM Asphalt Binder Study Projects Taken Immediately After Construction
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Number of Tests
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 8
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 8
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 2
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 8
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, and Indirect Tensile Strength P07 1
AG04. Gradation of Extracted Aggregate P14 2
Volume Percent of Air Voids AASHTO PP19 2
Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate AASHTO PP19 2
Voids Filled with Asphalt AASHTO PP19 2
AE01. Abson Recovery P21 8
Penetration at 41°F (5°C) AASHTO T49 1
AE02. Penetration at 77°F (25°C) and 115°F (46°C) P22 1
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 2
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C) and 275°F (135°C) P25 2
Dynamic Shear at 3 temperatures AASHTO TP5 2
Creep Stiffness at 2 temperatures AASHTO TP1 2
Direct Tension at 2 temperatures AASHTO TP3 2
Frequency Sweep at Constant Height and Simple Shear at Constant Height AASHTO M003, P005 2
Volumetric Test and Uniaxial Strain AASHTO M003, P005 2
Repeated Shear at Constant Stress Ratio AASHTO M003, P005 2
Indirect Tensile Creep Compliance and Indirect Tensile Strength AASHTO M05, M005 10
Table 4.23. Testing Program for SPS Projects based on the Materials Action Plan
Material Type, Test Designation LTPP Protocol Tests per Layer
I. Asphalt Concrete
a. Asphaltic Concrete
AC01. Core Examination and Thickness P01 3 per Section
AC02. Bulk Specific Gravity P02 3 per Section
AC03. Maximum Specific Gravity P03 3 per Project
AC04. Asphalt Content (Extraction) P04 3 per Project
AC07. Creep Compliance, Resilient Modulus, and Indirect Tensile Strength P07 3 per Project
b. Extracted Aggregate
AG01. Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate P11 3 per Project
AG02. Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate P12 3 per Project
AG04. Gradation of Aggregate P14 3 per Project
AG05. NAA Test for Fine Aggregate Particle Shape P14A 3 per Project
c. Asphalt Cement
AE03. Specific Gravity at 60°F (16°C) P23 3 per Project
AE05. Viscosity at 140°F (60°C) and 275°F (135°C) P25 3 per Project
II. Portland Cement Concrete
PC01. Compressive Strength (aging test) P61 3 per Project
PC02. Splitting Tensile Strength (aging test) P62 3 per Project
PC03. PCC Coefficient of Thermal Expansion P63 2 per Project
PC04. Static Modulus of Elasticity (aging test) P64 3 per Project
PC06. Core Examination and Thickness P66 3 per Section
PC08. Air Content P68 3 per Project
III. Treated Base and Subbase
TB01. Type and Classification of Material and Treatment P31 3 per Project
IV. Unbound Granular Base and Subbase
UG01/UG02. Sieve Analysis P41 3 per Project
UG04. Atterberg Limits P43 3 per Project
UG07. Resilient Modulus (at in situ density, moisture) P46 3 per Project
UG13. Specific Gravity P70 3 per Project
UG14. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer P72 3 per Project
V. Subgrade Soils
SS01. Sieve Analysis P51 3 per Project
SS02. Hydrometer to 0.001 mm (0.04 mils) P42 3 per Project
SS03. Atterberg Limits P43 3 per Project
SS07. Resilient Modulus (at in situe density, moisture) P46 3 per Project
SS13. Specific Gravity P70 3 per Project
SS14. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer P72 3 per Project

All protocols were to be adhered to as standard procedures for the laboratory material testing work. Results from laboratory tests were reported on standard LTPP test forms as provided with each protocol. The pertinent test form number was indicated in the REPORT section of each protocol. In addition, space for comment codes also was included as the second to last item in the REPORT section of each protocol.

The following entries were made on each of the forms in this section: Sheet, Laboratory Performing Test, Laboratory Identification Code, Region, State, Experiment Number, State Code, SHRP ID, Field Set Number, Sampled by, Date Sampled, LTPP Test Designation, LTPP Protocol, Layer Number, Sampling Area No., Laboratory Test Number, Location Number, LTPP Sample Number, Submitted by, Date, Checked and Approved, and Date.

SHEET: All data sheets from the laboratory material testing work on a particular project or test section were assigned sequential numbers starting from 1 for the sample receipt report (Form L01) followed by the sample inspection report (Form L02), preliminary laboratory test assignment (Form L03), laboratory test assignments (Form L04) and so on in increasing order through all of the respective L-type laboratory testing forms and continuing through the T-type laboratory testing forms.

If the information could not be completely filled out on one sheet for one type of sample/test then multiple sheets were used and numbered accordingly ... 1 of 30, 2 of 30, 3 of 30 ....

LABORATORY PERFORMING TEST: The name of the laboratory where the laboratory materials test was conducted was written on this line.

LTPP LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION CODE: The laboratory identification code number assigned to the laboratory performing the test was recorded. The first two digits of the code indicate the state in which the laboratory was operating.

REGION: Identifies the LTPP region in which the project or test section was located:

NA = North Atlantic Region
NC = North Central Region
S = Southern Region
W = Western Region

STATE: Two letter abbreviation (shown in Table 3.2) of the state, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico or the Canadian Province in which the project or test section was located.

EXPERIMENT NO: One of the eight GPS experiments (GPS-1, GPS-2, GPS-3, GPS-4, GPS-5, GPS-6, GPS-7, or GPS-9) or one of the seven SPS experiments (SPS-1, SPS-2, SPS-5, SPS-6, SPS-7, SPS-8 or SPS-9) as shown in Table 3.3 of this Guide.

STATE CODE: Two-digit code as shown in Table 3.2 for the state in which the project or test section was located.

SHRP ID: The four-digit code identifying the specific LTPP test section within the state.

FIELD SET NO: The field set number was a sequentially assigned number to indicate the different time periods in which material samples and field testing were conducted on the project. These time periods usually referred to different stages in the pavement life, such as prior to overlay construction, after overlay construction, end of test, etc. A field set number could have applied to more than one day since sampling of SPS test sections usually required more than one day. As a general rule, the same field set number was applied to all material samples and field tests conducted in a continuous 30-day period, unless a construction event occurred between the two sampling sessions. The number "1" was entered to indicate the first time that material sampling and field testing were conducted on the project.

SAMPLED BY: This was used to identify the Drilling and Sampling Crew who performed the field material sampling and field testing work for this particular project or test section.

DATE (OR DATE SAMPLED): All dates were recorded as mm-dd-yyyy. This date was the date on which the field material sampling and field testing was conducted.

LAYER NUMBER: This item represents the pavement layer number which was assigned by the Participating Laboratory and recorded on Forms L054, L05A, L05B, T01B through T72. This information was based on Field Operations Information Form 2 included in the Field Data Packet received from the Drilling and Sampling Crew, observations of samples in the laboratory packet, inventory data and approval by the Region.

SAMPLING AREA NO: The sampling area number was a two-digit number used to reference all of the samples taken from one area of an SPS project. It has the form SA-##. This number was specified in the materials sampling plan for the project as developed by the LTPP Region.

LABORATORY TEST NUMBER: The number one (1) was used for samples retrieved from locations at Stations 0-. The number two (2) was used for samples retrieved from locations at Stations 5+... The number three (3) was used for samples retrieved from locations within the test section (Stations 0+00 to 5+00). The number four (4) was for samples obtained by combining material from different areas of the test section. The number five (5) was for samples obtained by combining material from multiple test sections. This combining of samples across test sections was required on some SPS projects.

In some tables within the PPDB, laboratory test numbers higher than 5 were used. In these cases, test numbers 6 and 11 have the same meaning as test number 1. Test numbers 7 and 12 have the same meaning as test number 2. Test numbers 8 and 13 have the same meaning as 3. Test numbers 9 and 14 have the same meaning as 4. Test numbers 10 and 15 have the same meaning as 5.

LOCATION NUMBER: This was a three-digit alphanumeric code for the sample location obtained from field markings and Field Operations Information Form 1. This number designated the field location of the sample. Bulk samples may have been combined from several field locations to form a representative sample. See Section 3.2.6 for more information about the location number in these instances.

LTPP SAMPLE NUMBER: This was an alphanumeric four-digit code which had two letters on the left side and two Arabic numerals on the right side which identified the type of sample/specimen and the sampling location of the material sample. Bulk samples may have been combined from several samples to form a representative sample used in testing. See Section 3.2.6 for more information about the sample number identified in these instances.

The first digit on the left was a letter that defines the "sample type." One of the following nine letters was used: C (Core sample), K (Block sample), B (Bulk sample), M (Moisture sample), T (thin-walled tube sample), J (Splitspoon sample), P (chunk and/or broken pieces), F (molded beam), G (molded cylinder).

The second digit from the left end had another letter which indicated the sample material. It may have been one of the following eight letters: A (asphalt concrete), P (portland cement concrete), X (portland cement concrete 14-day test specimens), Y (28-day test specimens), Z (365-day test specimens), T (treated or bound base/subbase), G (granular or unbound base/subbase) and S (subgrade soil). Refer to the Field Sampling Guide for examples and a further explanation of the LTPP sample codes and numbers.(2)

Sample numbers for each sample retrieved from the field and sent to the Participating Laboratory were found on Field Operations Information Form 1 from the Field Data Packet received from the Drilling and Sampling Crew.

At the bottom of each LTPP Standard Form, the following information was required:

SUBMITTED BY, DATE: The signature (clearly written) of the Laboratory Chief and the date of this signature. Underneath this signature, the corporate affiliation of the Laboratory Chief was identified.

CHECKED AND APPROVED, DATE: The signature (clearly written) of the LTPP Representative who checked and approved the report and the date of this signature. Underneath this signature, the corporate affiliation of the LTPP Representative was identified.

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