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IRIS Recent Additions

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Find current and past notifications about IRIS final assessments, materials released for public comment, public meetings, workshops, Federal Register Notices (FRN), and other announcements.

16 December 2016

EPA is announcing the release of the Evaluation of the Inhalation Carcinogenicity of Ethylene Oxide (EtO) (Final Report). The 2016 Interagency Science Discussion Draft of the Evaluation of the Inhalation Carcinogenicity of Ethylene Oxide (EtO) was also released.   

17 October 2016

EPA announced the availability of the preliminary agenda for the October 26, 2016 IRIS Public Science Meeting.

23 September 2016

EPA announced the release of the draft IRIS assessment of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) for external review by EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC). Information regarding the peer review can be found on the SAB RDX Activity web page. [SAB Federal Register Notice Sep 29, 2016]

20 September 2016

EPA announced the release of the IRIS Toxicological Review of Ammonia - Noncancer Inhalation (Final Report). The Interagency Science Discussion Draft of the Ammonia IRIS Assessment and accompanying comments were also released.

9 September 2016

EPA announced the release of the IRIS Toxicological Review of Trimethylbenzenes (TMBs) (Final Report). This assessment includes an evaluation of three isomers: 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzenes, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzenes and 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzenes. The Interagency Science Discussion Draft of the Trimethylbenzenes IRIS Assessment and accompanying comments were also released.

1 September 2016

EPA announced the availability of the IRIS Toxicological Review of Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) (Public Comment Draft) for a 60-day review period and that it will be discussed at the upcoming October 26, 2016 IRIS Public Science Meeting. EPA also released the interagency science consultation documents, comments from reviewers, and EPA's response to major comments. [Federal Register Notice: Sep 1, 2016]

18 July 2016

EPA announced an update of the IRIS database in which 51 assessments of pesticides were archived since we have more recent toxicity values developed by EPA's Office of Pesticides Program (related links are provided).

18 July 2016

Due to recent scheduling changes and to provide adequate time for public review of materials, the IRIS Program rescheduled the public science meeting on ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) to the October 26, 2016 Public Science Meeting.

22 June 2016

EPA announced the availability of the final agenda for the June 29-30, 2016 IRIS Public Science Meeting. In addition, on-site registration was closed, but participants could still register to attend the meeting webinar.

7 June 2016

EPA posted the preliminary meeting agenda for the June 29-30, 2016 IRIS Public Science Meeting. In addition, EPA announced the IRIS Public Science Meeting (Sep 2016) one-day meeting scheduled for September 7, 2016, in Arlington, VA. Meeting materials would be available late-June/early July.

16 May 2016

EPA announced the availability of the IRIS Toxicological Review of tert-Butyl Alcohol (tert-Butanol) (Public Comment Draft) for a 60-day review period and that it will be one of the chemicals for discussion at the upcoming June 29-30, 2016 IRIS Public Science Meeting. EPA also released the interagency science consultation documents, comments from reviewers, and EPA's response to major comments. [Federal Register Notice: May 16, 2016]

3 May 2016

EPA announced the opening of registration for the IRIS June Public Science Meeting which was held on June 29-30, 2016 in Arlington, VA. Science topics for tert-butyl alcohol and benzo[a]pyrene were discussed. In addition, a final agenda was posted for the May 10, 2016 IRIS Public Science Meeting.

28 April 2016

EPA posted the preliminary meeting agenda for the May 10, 2016 IRIS Public Science Meeting.

11 April 2016

EPA announced that the IRIS Public Science Meeting (June 2016) will be held on June 29-30, 2016 in Arlington, VA.

5 April 2016

EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) released a final report of their review of the September 2014 draft IRIS assessment of Benzo[a]pyrene. See the SAB's Benzo[a]pyrene Review Page for additional information.

31 March 2016

EPA announced the dates for the 2016 IRIS Public Science Meetings, the availability of the public comments docket, and how to obtain information about IRIS Program activities in the Federal Register. The meeting dates were posted on the IRIS calendar. [Federal Register Notice Mar 31, 2016]

28 March 2016

EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) office announced a request for nominations of experts to augment the SAB CAAC for the review of EPA’s draft Toxicological Review of Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX). Please visit the SAB Review of the IRIS Assessment for RDX website for additional information.  Any related questions should be directed to the SAB. [SAB Federal Register Notice Mar 18, 2016]

10 March 2016

EPA announced the release of the IRIS Toxicological Review of Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) public comment draft for a 60-day review period and that it will be the chemical for discussion at the upcoming May 10, 2016 IRIS Public Science Meeting. EPA also released the interagency science consultation documents, comments from reviewers, and EPA's response to major comments. [Federal Register Notice Mar 10, 2016]

17 February 2016

EPA announced the schedule and dates for the 2016 IRIS Public Science Meetings. We anticipate holding meetings on May 10, 2016; June 29-30, 2016; September 7-8, 2016; and October 26-27, 2016. Meeting materials will be made available in advance and will be announced on the website (under Recent Additions) and in the IRIS Bulletin.

17 February 2016

EPA announced the IRIS Public Science Meeting (May 2016) which will be held for one day on May 10, 2016, in Arlington, VA. Meeting materials will be available in mid-March.

15 December 2015

EPA announced the release of the IRIS Multi-year Agenda on the IRIS website. The multi-year agenda, which is a reprioritization of the 2012 IRIS agenda, indicates the top priority chemical assessments the IRIS Program will focus on in the next few years. As part of this reprioritization, EPA has decided not to finalize the reassessment of vanadium pentoxide. Instead, it will be incorporated into a broader assessment of vanadium and compounds.  Additional information is available on the vanadium pentoxide chemical webpage.

10 December 2015

EPA announced the availability of the most recent IRIS Progress Report and Report to Congress. This report, responsive to language in the 2015 Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act and submitted to Congress on December 10, 2015, provides Congress, stakeholders, and the public an update on the status of the IRIS Program’s implementation of the most recent National Research Council (NRC) recommendations.

7 December 2015

EPA announced a workshop on temporal exposure issues to be held in Research Triangle Park, NC on January 27-29, 2016. Meeting registration and expert nominations are now open. Nominations for experts to participate in the workshop and additional comments will be accepted until December 21, 2015.

4 December 2015

EPA has posted a final agenda for its upcoming Advancing Systematic Review Workshop, to be held in Arlington, VA, on December 16-17, 2015. In-person registration closes December 11, 2015.

20 November 2015

EPA has posted the background materials it submitted to the National Research Council for the upcoming meeting of the committee formed to peer review the draft IRIS assessment of inorganic arsenic. This information will be discussed during the public session of the NRC meeting on December 2, 2015.

20 November 2015

EPA has posted a preliminary agenda for its upcoming Advancing Systematic Review Workshop, to be held in Arlington, VA, on December 16-17, 2015.

16 October 2015

EPA announced a workshop on Advancing Systematic Review for Chemical Risk Assessment in Arlington, VA on December 16-17, 2015. Meeting registration and expert nominations are now open. Nominations for experts to participate in the workshop and additional topics will be accepted until November 5, 2015.

16 September 2015

EPA postponed the October 29, 2015 IRIS Public Science Meeting until the Science Advisory Board Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee has completed its review of the draft assessment of benzo[a]pyrene.

8 September 2015

EPA announced the October IRIS Public Science Meeting which will be held for one day on October 29, 2015, in Arlington, VA. Meeting materials including science questions related to the IRIS Assessment of Benzo[a]pyrenen are posted. Discussant registration, and suggestions for additional science questions, will be accepted until September 22, 2015. Registration is open.

27 July 2015

As a result of recent scheduling changes and in consideration of providing adequate time for public review of materials, the IRIS public science meeting scheduled for September 24 was canceled.

02 July 2015

EPA released additional information on the epigenetics and cumulative risk workshop held on September 2-3, 2015. The purpose of the workshop was to examine the state-of-the-science with respect to the role of the environment in inducing epigenetic changes in the regulation of gene expression, with an emphasis on exposure to both chemical and non-chemical stressors. The public was invited to provide comments on the scope of the workshop and nominate experts to participate in the workshop discussions. Comments and nominations were requested by July 17, 2015.

15 June 2015

EPA posted a summary table providing history and current status information for active IRIS assessments in place of IRISTrack. Included is a memo from the IRIS Program. Updated status information will be provided periodically until the redesigned IRIS website is launched.

03 June 2015

EPA has posted the agenda for the June 17-18, 2015 IRIS public science meeting on the scoping and problem formulation materials for the PCB assessment (effects other than cancer). Registration is open until June 12 to attend in person and until the day of the meeting to attend by webinar.

01 May 2015

EPA is announcing the availability of the most recent IRIS Progress Report and Report to Congress. This report, responsive to language in the 2014 Consolidated Appropriations Act and submitted to Congress on February 6, 2015, provides Congress, stakeholders, and the public with an update on the implementation of recommendations from the National Research Council (NRC).

21 April 2015

EPA announced several upcoming science workshops to discuss and evaluate topics in risk assessment that are designed to engage the broader scientific community, interested stakeholders, and the public. These workshops will not only inform ongoing work within NCEA, but also enhance our understanding of current scientific challenges that may be addressed through new research. Four workshops are currently planned in 2015-2016.

17 April 2015

EPA has posted scoping and problem formulation materials and key scientific topics specific to the IRIS assessment for PCBs (effects other than cancer), for the June 17-18 IRIS public science meeting. Meeting registration is now open.

30 March 2015

The National Academies' National Research council (NRC) is accepting nominations for experts to participate in the June 2015 IRIS public science meeting on PCBs. The nominations may be submitted until April 13, 2015 at the NRC website.Exit

18 March 2015

EPA announced the availability of preliminary discussion topics specific to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) for the upcoming June IRIS public science meeting scheduled for June 17-18, 2015 in Arlington, Virginia.

13 March 2015

EPA posted the presentations from the February bimonthly science meeting under the key science questions. 

11 March 2015

EPA is announcing two schedule adjustments for the remaining 2015 IRIS bimonthly meetings 1) the April 29-30, 2015 meeting is cancelled; and 2) the bimonthly meeting originally scheduled for September 2-3, 2015 will be moved to August 26-27, 2015. Save the September dates for a workshop that will be announced on the website shortly. The next bimonthly meeting is scheduled for June 17-18,2015 with materials to be posted in the near future.

06 February 2015

EPA is releasing the agenda for the February 2015 IRIS Bimonthly Public Meeting on BBP, DIBP, and DBP. The deadlines for registration and comments are posted on the February 25-26, 2015 IRIS Bimonthly Public Meeting.

16 January 2015

EPA's SAB-CAAC-Benzo[a]pyrene Panel announce two upcoming meetings: a public teleconference on March 4, 2015 to learn about the development of the Agency's draft IRIS assessment and to discuss draft charge questions for the peer review of the document; and then a face-to-face meeting on April 15-17, 2015 to conduct a peer review of the draft document, IRIS Toxicological Review of Benzo[a]pyrene (External Review Draft-September 2014).

14 January 2015

EPA is releasing the preliminary materials for Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) to be discussed at the February 2015 IRIS Bimonthly Public Meeting. In addition, the deadlines for DBP discussant registration and comments are also included with the February 25-26, 2015 IRIS Bimonthly Public Meeting.

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23 December 2014

EPA announces the availability of the final report, SUMMARY REPORT: State-of-the-Science Workshop on Chemically-Induced Mouse Lung Tumors: Applications to Human Health Assessments. EPA hosted a two-day, state-of-the-science workshop in January 2014, which covered a broad range of evidence from human, animal, and in vitro studies with a focus on specific chemicals (ethylbenzene, naphthalene, and styrene) that cause lung tumors in mice and are implicated in a proposed species-specific mode of action (MOA) based on metabolic and physiological susceptibility. The report is a brief summary of the proceedings of the workshop.

15 December 2014

EPA is announcing the schedule and dates for the 2015 IRIS Bimonthly Public Science Meetings in the Federal Register. The meeting dates are posted on the IRIS public meeting page and will include meeting materials before each meeting. [Federal Register Notice Dec 15, 2014]

11 December 2014

EPA announces the availability of the presentations from the NRC Recommendations for IRIS Workshop and the presentations from the October 2014 bimonthly science meeting.

8 December 2014

EPA is announcing Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) has been added to the agenda for the February 2015 Bimonthly Public Meeting. The preliminary materials for DBP will be released in mid-January 2015. The deadlines for DBP discussant registration and comments are posted on the February 25-26, 2015 IRIS Bimonthly Public Meeting.

8 December 2014

EPA is announcing the release of the final IRIS Summary for Libby Amphibole asbestos and an accompanying toxicological review, fact sheet, and frequently asked questions that have been added to the IRIS website. The Interagency Science Discussion Draft of the Libby Amphibole Asbestos IRIS Assessment was also released. [Press Release December 8, 2014]

21 November 2014

EPA has canceled the December Bimonthly Public Science Meeting on BBP and DIBP and will discuss these chemicals at the February 25-26, 2015 IRIS Bimonthly Public Meeting. On October 15, 2014, EPA’s IRIS Program announced an agreement with the National Academies’ National Research Council (NRC) to arrange for independent experts input on the science underlying the development of IRIS assessments through participation in IRIS Bimonthly Public Science Meetings. These independent experts, speaking on their own behalf, will contribute to the scientific discussions of issues amongst EPA, stakeholders, and the public. This meeting will be the first meeting where NRC identified experts will join the public discussion on preliminary assessment materials.

17 November 2014

EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) office announced the dates for two meetings of the Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC), augmented for the review of the draft IRIS assessment of ammonia; the first scheduled for (12/17/2014) and the second for (12/19/2014). A revised draft of the assessment was posted on the IRIS web site in August 2013, when it is transmitted to the SAB for review. Please visit the SAB website for additional information.  Any related questions should be directed to the SAB.  [SAB FR Notice November 17, 2014]

6 November 2014

EPA is announcing the schedule and dates for the 2015 IRIS Bimonthly Public Science Meetings.  The meeting dates are posted on the IRIS public meeting page and will include meeting materials before each meeting.

24 October 2014

EPA announces registration is now open for the December Bimonthly Public Science Meeting and key science issues are posted on the meeting website.

15 October 2014

In October, EPA announced that IRIS Bimonthly Public Science Meetings will be supplemented by scientific experts identified by the National Academies’ National Research Council (NRC).   These independent experts will provide valuable scientific input and broaden the range of perspectives represented at our public meetings. [IRIS Announcement October 15, 2014]

8 October 2014

EPA posted the agenda and key science issues for the upcoming the IRIS Public Science Meeting (scheduled for October 29-30, 2014 in Arlingotn, VA) to discuss preliminary materials for the draft development of the IRIS assessments of Diisononyl Phthalate (DINP) and Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(VI)). Registration is still open.

29 September 2014

EPA announces the availability of preliminary materials (literature search and search strategy, evidence tables, and exposure-response figures) for diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) and butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) for public review and comment. These materials will be discussed at the upcoming December IRIS public science meeting scheduled for December 15-16, 2014 in Arlington, Virginia. Key science questions will be posted, and registration will open, by mid-October 2014.

25 September 2014

EPA transmitted the latest update of the external review draft of the benzo[a]pyrene assessment to the SAB for peer review by the SAB Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC), augmented for the review of the draft IRIS assessment of benzo[a]pyrene (CAAC-Benzo[a]pyrene panel). Additionally, the draft assessment and charge to the peer reviewers were made available on the IRIS website. Please visit the SAB website for additional information. Any related questions should be directed to the SAB.

25 September 2014

EPA posted the agenda for the upcoming the IRIS workshop to discuss the NRC recommendations.

4 September 2014

EPA announces the availability of preliminary materials (literature search and search strategy, evidence tables, and exposure-response figures) for hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) for public review and comment. These materials, and key science questions related to the assessment, will be discussed at the upcoming October IRIS public science meeting scheduled for October 29-30, 2014 in Arlington, Virginia. Meeting registration is now open.

29 August 2014

EPA announced the availability of preliminary materials (literature search and search strategy, evidence tables, and exposure-response figures) for diisononyl phthalate (DINP) for public review and comment. These materials, and key science questions related to the assessment, will be discussed at the upcoming October IRIS public science meeting scheduled for October 29-30, 2014 in Arlington, Virginia. Meeting registration will open the first week in September 2014.

29 August 2014

EPA posted the EPA presentations for the upcoming the September bimonthly science meeting.

27 August 2014

EPA posted the presentations from the June 2014 bimonthly science meeting.

15 August 2014

EPA transmitted the revised external review draft of the ethylene oxide assessment to the SAB for peer review by the SAB Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC), augmented for the review of the draft IRIS assessment of ethylene oxide (CAAC-Ethylene oxide panel). Additionally, the draft assessment and charge to the peer reviewers were made available on the IRIS website. Please visit the SAB website for additional information. Any related questions should be directed to the SAB. [SAB FR Notice August 11, 2014]

11 August 2014

EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) office announced the dates for two meetings of the Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC), augmented for the review of the draft IRIS assessment of ethylene oxide; a public teleconference (09/30/2014) and a face-to-face meeting (11/18 through 11/20/2014). A draft of the assessment will be posted on the IRIS web site on or about August 15th, when it is transmitted to the SAB for review. Once the draft is posted, please visit the SAB website for additional information. Any related questions should be directed to the SAB. [SAB FR Notice August 11, 2014]

25 July 2014

EPA announced the availability of problem formulation materials and opens registration for the September IRIS Public Science Meeting, September 3-4, 2014.

29 May 2014

EPA is planning a public workshop to discuss some specific recommendations from the National Academies’ National Research Council’s May 2014 report on IRIS related to further improving the scientific quality of IRIS assessments. In their report, the NRC commended EPA for its substantive new approaches, continuing commitment to improving the process, and successes to date. They noted that the program has moved forward steadily in planning for and implementing changes in each element of the assessment process. They also provided several recommendations which they said should be seen as building on the progress that EPA has already made. This workshop will allow us to get input from the public and scientific community about some specific topics related to the NRC’s May 2014 recommendations. The workshop will take place October 15-16, 2014, in the Washington, DC area, and it will be available by webinar. Specific details, including the location, agenda, and how to register, will be available at a later date.

6 May 2014

The National Academies' National Research Council (NRC) released their review of the IRIS assessment development process. The NRC report applauds EPA's efforts to improve IRIS and finds that the Program has moved forward steadily in planning for and implementing changes in each element of the assessment process. Their report notes that the IRIS Program has made substantial progress in a short time, and the committee offers recommendations which build on the progress that EPA has already made.
[EPA Press Release May 6, 2014] [NAS Press Release May 6, 2014 Exit]

1 May 2014

EPA's SAB CAAC posted the agenda for the upcoming public teleconference meeting to discuss the review of the draft IRIS trimethylbenzene assessment, the meeting will take place on May 22, 2014. See the SAB site for specific details.

30 April 2014

EPA announced the availability of key science issues specific to inorganic arsenic and hexavalent chromium for the upcoming June IRIS public science meeting scheduled for June 25-27, 2014 in Arlington, Virginia. Registration is now open.

25 April 2014

EPA announced the availability of preliminary materials (literature search and search strategy, evidence tables, and exposure-response figures) for inorganic arsenic for public review and comment. These materials, and key science issues related to the assessment, will be discussed at the upcoming June IRIS public science meeting scheduled for June 25-27, 2014 in Arlington, Virginia.

17 April 2014

EPA announced the availability of preliminary materials (literature search and search strategy, evidence tables, and exposure-response figures) for hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) for public review and comment. These materials, and key science issues related to the assessment, will be discussed at the upcoming June IRIS public science meeting scheduled for June 25-27, 2014 in Arlington, Virginia.

16 April 2014

A final agenda is now available for the April IRIS Bimonthly Public Meeting. The meeting will be held on April 23, 2014 (the second day, April 24, is no longer needed).

9 April 2014

The EPA SAB staff office previously announced in the Federal Register (March 25, 2014) an incorrect date for the teleconference of the SAB Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee Augmented for the Review of the Draft Ammonia Assessment (CAAC-Ammonia Panel), the correct date is June 2, 2014 from 1 - 5pm. [SAB FR Notice for April 9, 2014]

4 April 2014

A draft agenda is now available for the April IRIS Bimonthly Public Meeting. The meeting will be held on April 23, 2014 (the second day, April 24, is no longer needed).

An updated preliminary Agenda is now available for the Formaldehyde Workshop, which will be held on April 30 and May 1, 2014, in the Washington D.C. metro area. A final agenda, additional workshop details, and a specific location will be announced in the near future.

26 March 2014

EPA confirmed the dates for the Formaldehyde Workshop to be held April 30 - May 1, 2014. The workshop is part of EPA's efforts in revising its Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) toxicological assessment of formaldehyde. This assessment addresses both noncancer and cancer human health effects that may result from chronic inhalation exposure to formaldehyde. To facilitate discussion of several scientific issues pertinent to the assessment, EPA will convene a public state-of-the-science workshop and webinar to discuss these issues.

25 March 2014

The EPA SAB staff office announced two meetings of the SAB Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC), augmented for the review of the draft IRIS assessment of ammonia; a public teleconference (06/04/2014) and a face-to-face meeting (07/14 through 7/16/2014). Please visit the SAB website for additional information. Any related questions should be directed to the SAB. [SAB FR Notice for Ammonia March 25, 2014]

25 March 2014

The EPA SAB staff office announced two meetings of the SAB Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC), augmented for the review of the draft IRIS assessment of trimethylbenzenes; a public teleconference (5/22/2014) and face-to-face meeting (06/17 through 06/19/2014). Please visit the SAB website for additional information. Any related questions should be directed to the SAB. [SAB FR Notice for TMBs March 25, 2014]

13 March 2014

EPA announced the availability of a new general comments docket for the IRIS Program. This docket will be used to accept public comments that have broad applicability to the IRIS Program, which may include comments on general scientific issues that apply to all assessments and/or other non-chemical-specific comments about the IRIS Program. Our intent is to promote transparency and an open dialogue within the IRIS stakeholder community, therefore commenters are asked to please identify themselves and provide contact information with each submission. This docket does not replace the IRIS Hotline, but rather provides another avenue to submit feedback to the IRIS Program.

6 March 2014

EPA announced the availability of preliminary materials (literature search and search strategy, evidence tables, and exposure-response figures) for diethyl phthalate (DEP) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) for public review and comment. This announcement came with a special message from the IRIS Program. These chemicals will be discussed at the IRIS bimonthly public meeting scheduled for April 23-24th in Arlington, Virginia. Registration is open.

26 February 2014

EPA confirmed the dates for the April 2014 IRIS Bimonthly Meeting to be held April 23-24, 2014 in Arlington, VA. At this upcoming meeting, the IRIS Program will explore a new format intended to promote public discussion of key issues for several assessments under development. The new format is responsive to public comments heard at the December 2013 bimonthly public meeting and reflects the Program’s continuing evolution in response to public comments and peer review advice.

20 February 2014

EPA announced that they will host a workshop to discuss several scientific issues related to its draft Integrated Risk Information System assessment of formaldehyde (inhalation exposure). The workshop will focus on three areas: (1) Epidemiological research examining the potential association between formaldehyde exposure and lymphohematopoietic cancers (leukemia and lymphomas); (2) Mechanistic evidence relevant to formaldehyde inhalation exposure and these types of cancers; and (3) Evidence pertaining to the influence of formaldehyde that is produced endogenously (by the body during normal biological processes) on the toxicity of inhaled formaldehyde, and implications for the health assessment. We will confirm the workshop dates in the very near future. Additionally, we anticipate posting a draft agenda in early March and a final agenda by late March.

12 February 2014

EPA rescheduled the February 18-20, 2014 Science Advisory Board (SAB) Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC) Review Meeting to provide the public with additional time to prepare. The purpose of this public meeting is for the SAB CAAC to peer review the draft IRIS assessments of ammonia and trimethylbenzenes (1,2,3-, 1,2,4- and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene) to provide advice to the Agency through the chartered SAB. Rescheduling the meeting is responsive to stakeholder requests, will provide the public with additional time to prepare for the meeting, and is consistent with the IRIS Program’s practice of providing approximately two months advance notice of its public meetings and the SAB’s commitment to provide at least 45 days advanced notice of meetings. The EPA SAB staff office will reschedule the peer reviews of these draft assessments. Additional information will be provided in the near future.

30 January 2014

EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office announced three public meetings. The SAB Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC) and additional experts will meet in a plenary session to learn about new enhancements to the EPA's process for IRIS health assessments for chemicals. Additional announcements will be posted in the Federal Register. [Federal Register Notice: Jan 30, 2013]

29 January 2014

EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) requested nominations for experts to augment the SAB Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC) for the review of the EPA's Draft IRIS Assessment for benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). [Federal Register Notice Jan 28, 2014]

16 January 2014

EPA cancelled the February 26-27, 2014, IRIS bimonthly public meeting to allow time to prepare additional materials that will promote more robust discussions at future public meetings based on public comments heard at the December bimonthly public meeting. The next meeting will be held in April 2014.

7 January 2014

EPA posted the presentations from the IRIS December Bimonthly Meeting.

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2013 - 1997

All pre-2014 recent additions are provided as a set of PDF attachments. These PDF attachments include some links that may no longer work because of the EPA website redesign and the moving of content on the IRIS website. They are provided here as a historical reference.

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