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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This summary report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-09-038
Date: May 2009

Fiscal Year 07 and 08 Research Project Summary of Selected Items

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The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) mission is to improve mobility on the Nation's highways through national leadership, innovation, and program delivery. This includes developing, testing, and deploying technologies to build longer lasting pavements and more durable bridges, as well as advancing highway safety and traffic management through the creation of advanced traffic models and reflective materials. To advance this mission, FHWA's Office of Research, Development, and Technology (RD&T), located at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) in McLean, VA, conducts a comprehensive research program in the areas of Infrastructure Research and Development (R&D), Operations R&D, and Safety R&D. The Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management (http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/research/tfhrc/offices/corporateresearch/) and the Office of Resource Management support the RD&T research program. The new Exploratory Advanced Research Program focuses on longer-term, higherrisk research with a high payoff potential. RD&T research initiatives are intended to provide innovative solutions that address current and emerging transportation issues.

The following tables, which correspond to major RD&T offices and initiatives at TFHRC, provide representative examples of the Office of RD&T's activities in fiscal years 2007 and 2008 geared toward conducting research, deploying products and technologies, and providing communications and resource management support. FHWA is publishing this information as part of its commitment to identify, develop, promote, and install new and proven technologies and innovative solutions to improve system performance. This report documents completed research. As new activities innovations are initiated, they will be posted at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/research/tfhrc/.

Each table provides summary information on the individual research projects. For each project, information is included on its projected impact on FHWA's strategic goals, the percentage of the work that has been accomplished, information about whether the project is on schedule and within budget, its anticipated completion date or date when it was completed, and the availability of a resulting product. Contact information for more details on each project is also included.

As the products identified in this document suggest, FHWA continues to be a leader in developing and deploying innovative solutions to national transportation challenges.


American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
Air void analyzer
Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems
Concrete Mixture Performance Analysis System
Corridor simulator
Concrete pavement
Digital Highway Measurement System
Federal Highway Administration
Global Positioning System
High PERformance Concrete PAVing
Highway Safety Information System
Inter-Corridor Management
Intelligent Construction System
Intersection Safety Analysis Tool
Long-term pavement performance
Long-term pavement performance binder
National Crash Analysis Center
Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System
Research and development
Research, development, and technology
Research and technology
Risks due to earthquake damage to roadway systems
Strategic Highway Research Program
Seasonal Monitoring Program
Surrogate Safety Assessment Model
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
Vehicle infrastructure integration

Research Project List

Technical Contact Projected Goal Impact Project Completion Status (Percent) On Schedule Within Budget Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100

Office of Infrastructure R&D

Pavement Design and Analysis

Integration of Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Binder (LTPPBind) Version 3.0 with American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) M320 Specification Aramis Lopez HRDI-13 202-493-3145 Mobility and Productivity




X Yes Yes July 2008 Yes Version 3.1 of the LTPPBind program is now available. For information on the new version, visit the Web site, http://ltpp-products.com/OtherProducts.asp.
Pavement Materials and Construction
Enhancement of High PERformance Concrete PAVing (HIPERPAV) II Software Program Fred Faridazar HRDI-11 202-493-3076 Mobility and Productivity




X Yes Yes Apr. 2007 Yes Contact Fred Faridazar for information on this product (202-493-3076).
Future of Full-Scale Accelerated Performance Testing Nelson Gibson HRDI-11 202-493-3073 Mobility and Productivity




X Yes Yes May 2007 Yes The established pooled fund forum continues to function. Papers have been prepared for the Third International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing.
Procedures for the Detection and Quantification of Lime in Asphalt Pavements Jack Youtcheff HRDI-11 202-493-3090 Mobility and Productivity




X Yes Yes May 2007 Yes AASHTO published the procedure as a provisional test method.
LTPP Program Assessment Aramis Lopez HRDI-13 202-493-3145 Mobility and Productivity




X No Yes June 2007 Yes See report FHWA-HRT-08-062.


Technical Contact Projected Goal Impact Project Completion Status (Percent) On Schedule Within Budget Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100
Asphalt Pavement Performance Prediction Symposium Jack Youtcheff HRDI-11 202-493-3090Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesJuly 2007YesContact Jack Youtcheff for further information (202-493-3090).
Concrete Pavement (CP) Road Map: Mix Design and Analysis Track— Phase I Advisory Structure Rick Meininger HRDI-11 202-493-3191Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesSept. 2007NoContact Rick Meininger for further information (202-493-3191).
Adequate Air Void System, Measured by the Air Void Analyzer (AVA), for Freeze-Thaw Resistance Rick Meininger HRDI-11 202-493-3191Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesDec. 2007YesContact Rick Meininger for further information (202-493-3191).

Concrete Mix Optimization Software

Peter Kopac HRDI-12 202-493-3151Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesMar. 2008YesInterested parties received the Concrete Mixture Performance Analysis System (COMPASS).

Intelligent Construction System (ICS)— Computer-Based Field Curing Tool for Concrete Pavement

Fred Faridazar HRDI-11 202-493-3076Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesMar. 2008YesResearchers are seeking additional funds to make an existing prototype wireless accessible.

Full-Scale Accelerated Performance Testing for Super-pave and Structural Validation: Phase II—Loading

Jack Youtcheff HRDI-11 202-493-3090Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesMar. 2008YesCompletion was delayed due to a better-than-anticipated performance of test pavements. A draft report is available. Contact Jack Youtcheff at 202-493-3090 for information on how to access the draft.

Frost Determination of Seasonal Monitoring Program (SMP) Sites

Aramis Lopez HRDI-13 202-493-3145Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesMar. 2008YesThe report was delayed due to funding issues; see report FHWA-HRT-08-057.


Technical Contact Projected Goal Impact Project Completion Status (Percent) On Schedule Within Budget Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100
Moisture Determination of SMP Sites Aramis Lopez HRDI-13 202-493-3145Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesMar. 2008YesThe report was delayed due to funding issues; see report FHWA-HRT-08-035.
Bridge Design and Construction
Bottomless Culvert Scour Study: Phase II Laboratory Report* Kornel Kerenyi HRDI-07 202-493-3142Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesFeb. 2007Yes For further information, visit www.fhwa.dot.gov/engineering/hydraulics/pubs/07026.
Junction Loss Experiments: Laboratory Report* Kornel Kerenyi HRDI-07 202-493-3142Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesMar. 2007Yes For further information, visit www.fhwa.dot.gov/engineering/hydraulics/pubs/07036/index.cfm.
Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines for Steel Truss Highway Bridges* W. Phillip Yen HRDI-07 202-493-3056Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesApr. 2007YesThe report is available through FHWA’s Research and Technology (R&T) Szanca Solutions Product Distribution Center, which can be contacted by phone at 814-239-1160 or through email at report.center@dot.gov.
Seismic Isolation of Highway Bridges* W. Phillip Yen HRDI-07 202-493-3056Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesApr. 2007YesThe report is available through FHWA’s R&T Szanca Solutions Product Distribution Center, which can be contacted by phone at 814-239-1160 or through email at report.center@dot.gov.
Methodology and Software for Seismic Risk Analysis of Highway Systems— Risks Due to Earthquake Damage to Roadway Systems (REDARS) 2* W. Phillip Yen HRDI-07 202-493-3056Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesApr. 2007YesThe report is available through FHWA’s R&T Szanca Solutions Product Distribution Center, which can be contacted by phone at 814-239-1160 or through email at report.center@dot.gov.
Bridge Coatings: Performance and Selection Seung-Kyoung HRDI-10 202-493-3077Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesJune 2007Yes Shuang-Ling Chong and Yuan Yao. (Sept./Oct. 2007). “Selecting Overcoats For Bridges." Public Roads, Vol. 71, No. 2. www.tfhrc.gov/pubrds/07sep/03.htm.
*Additions to FY 2006/2007 Performance Plan.
Technical Contact Projected Goal Impact Project Completion Status (Percent) On Schedule Within Budget Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100
Alternative Bridge Deck Reinforcement Materials Paul Virmani HRDI-10 202-493-3052Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesAug. 2007Yes Publications: Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Components (TechBrief), FHWA-HRT-07-044, Aug. 2007, www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/pubs/07044/07044.pdf. Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Components, FHWA-HRT-07-043, July 2007, www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/pubs/07043/07043.pdf. Corrosion Resistant Alloys for Reinforced Concrete, FHWA-HRT-07-039, July 2007, www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/pubs/07039/07039.pdf.
Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures, Parts 1 and 2* W. Philip Yen HRDI-07 202-493-3056Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesNov. 2007YesThe report is available through FHWA’s R&T Szanca Solutions Product Distribution Center, which can be contacted by phone at 814-239-1160 or through email at report.center@dot.gov.
*Additions to FY 2006/2007 Performance Plan.
Office of Operations R&D
Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) and Research Related to Human Centered Systems
Real-Time Linux Operating System for Advanced Traffic Controllers David Gibson HRDO-04 202-493-3271Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesMar. 2008YesThe purpose of this project is to connect the Linux real-time operating system to advanced transportation controllers. This will provide the support necessary for faster detector polling and information processing, which is required for Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems (CICAS) and vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) research. Phases I and II are complete. A draft final report for Phase II is under review. Phase III will develop a version of the software suitable for on-street use by traffic signal vendors. The software is undergoing lab testing in Los Angeles, CA, after which field testing will begin. An initiative for transfer of the technology to the signal vendors is planned but currently unfunded.
Traffic Control and Operations
Traffic Detector Handbook David Gibson HRDO-04 202-493-3271Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesOct. 2006YesThe updated handbook is available at www.tfhrc.gov/its/ pubs/06108/06108.pdf.


Technical Contact Projected Goal Impact Project Completion Status (Percent) On Schedule Within Budget Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100
Inter-Corridor Management (ICM) Initiative Phase I: Foundational Research Dale Thomson HRDO-03 202-493-3420Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesAug. 2007Yes The foundational research (Phase I) to initiate the ICM program is complete. ICM stakeholder involvement will continue through Phase II (ICM Research and Systems Development). During Phase II, researchers will address integration issues, initiate research projects, develop ICM analysis tools, and establish demonstration sites. More information is available at www.itsa.org/icm.html.
Pedestrian Stereo Imaging Sensor David Gibson HRDO-04 202-4933271Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesSept. 2007NoThis project investigated the uses of stereo imaging to detect and trace pedestrians near intersections. Phase I was completed in Sept. 2005. A second phase was completed in Sept. 2007.
Inter-Corridor Management (ICM) Initiative Phase III: Pioneer Site Demonstrations* Dale Thomson HRDO-03 202-493-3420Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesMar. 2008YesPhase III was completed with eight pioneer sites selected to develop ICM concepts of operations and requirements. The pioneer sites were chosen to expand the probability of generating innovative ideas and to demonstrate the broadest advancement of the ICM concepts.
Surface Transportation Security and Reliability Information System Model Deployment (Florida) James Pol HOTM-01 202-366-4374Safety, Security, Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesJune 2008NoThis project demonstrated and evaluated how security, reliability, and safety can be enhanced through the widespread availability of real-time information.
Inter-Corridor Management (ICM) Initiative Phase II: Technical Integration and Advanced Modeling Systems Dale Thomson HRDO-03 202-493-3420Safety, Mobility and Productivity




XYesYesSept. 2008NoPhase II identified and conducted initial ICM operations and systems development activities to support early development of ICM management schemes, corridor operational strategies, analysis tools development, systems interfaces, limited prototype development, and field testing.
*Additions to FY 2006/2007 Performance Plan.
Traffic Analysis Tools/Simulation and Modeling
Corridor Simulator (CORSIM) Application Guidelines Raj Ghaman HRDO-03 202-493-3270Mobility and Productivity




XNoYesJune 2007Yes These guidelines were released as Volume IV of the FHWA Traffic Analysis Toolbox. Volume IV is available at http://ops. fhwa.dot.gov/trafficanalysistools/tat_vol4/index.htm.


Technical Contact Projected Goal Impact Project Completion Status (Percent) On Schedule Within Budget Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100
Enabling Technologies
High-Accuracy Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) James Arnold HRDO-04 202-493-3265Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment, and Security




XYesYesDec. 2007No This program provides the capability to broadcast corrections to the global positioning system (GPS) over long ranges to achieve a better than 10-cm accuracy throughout the coverage area. The conceptual model is completed. Phase I & II test reports are available on the TFHRC Web site (www.tfhrc.gov).
Precipitable Water Vapor for Weather Forecasting* James Arnold HRDO-04 202-493-3265Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment, and Security




XYesYesDec. 2007NoThis is a research program designed to develop and evaluate a perceptible water vapor algorithm, which is intended to help improve weather forecasting. The final model has been developed and delivered.
*Additions to FY 2006/2007 Performance Plan.
Office of Safety R&D
Run-Off-the-Road Prevention: Design
Wet Night Visibility of Pavement Markings Carl Andersen HRDS-05 202-493-3366Safety




XYesYesMar. 2007YesThe Virginia Transportation Research Council published reports VTRC 05-CR3, VTRC 05-CR4, and VTRC 07-CR7.
Updated Minimum Levels for Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity Carl Andersen HRDS-05 202-493-3366Safety




XYesYesSept. 2007NoThe final report was accepted in June 2007. The information will be used internally for development of proposed rule making.
Guidelines for Maintaining Night Visibility of Pavement Markings Carl Andersen HRDS-05 202-493-3366Safety




XYesYesJune 2008NoThe final report has been accepted. It will not be published, but it will be used in-house to guide rule-making efforts.
Run-Off-the-Road Mitigation: Severity Reduction
Cable Median Barrier Development—Phase 1 Ken Opiela HRDS-04 202-493-3371Safety




XYesYesJune 2008Yes Researchers developed models for cable barriers and demonstrated the usefulness of crash simulation for analyzing their performance. The National Crash Analysis Center (NCAC) posted the report on its Web site (http://www.ncac. gwu.edu/).


Technical Contact Projected Goal Impact Project Completion Status (Percent) On Schedule Within Budget Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100
Effects of Terrain on Vehicle Trajectories Ken Opiela HRDS-04 202-493-3371Safety




XYesYesFeb. 2009YesThe report discusses an analysis of vehicle tracking and the potential for rollovers on all types of roadside slope conditions. Technical activity is complete, and the results are available upon request. The results will be incorporated into future research.
Analysis of the Impacts on Existing Roadside Hardware of Updated Crashworthiness Criteria Ken Opiela HRDS-04 202-493-3371Safety




XYesYesJune 2009YesThe technical activity is complete, and the results are available upon request. The results will be incorporated into future research.
Safety Evaluation of the New Jersey Jughandle Intersection Joe Bared HRDS-05 202-493-3314Safety




XYesYesJan. 2007YesTransportation Research Record 1953 published the study results.
Novel Intersections— Diverging Diamond Interchanges Joe Bared HRDS-05 202-493-3314Safety




XYesYesMay 2007Yes The TechBrief is available at www.tfhrc.gov/safety/pubs/07048/index.htm.
Operational Evaluation of the New Jersey Jughandle Intersection Joe Bared HRDS-05 202-493-3314Safety




XYesYesJune 2007Yes The TechBrief is available at www.tfhrc.gov/safety/pubs/07032/index.htm.
Safety Impact of Urban Freeway Interchange Spacing Joe Bared HRDS-05 202-493-3314Safety




XYesYesJune 2007Yes The TechBrief is available at www.tfhrc.gov/safety/pubs/07031/index.htm.
Interchange Safety Analysis Tool Joe Bared HRDS-05 202-493-3314Safety




XYesYesAug. 2007Yes User’s Manual for Intersection Safety Analysis Tool (ISAT) is available at www.tfhrc.gov/safety/pubs/07045/index.htm (FHWA-HRT-07-045).
Innovative Speed Reduction Treatment Joe Bared HRDS-05 202-493-3314Safety




XYesYesMay 2008YesSee summary report FHWA-HRT-08-063.


Technical Contact Projected Goal Impact Project Completion Status (Percent) On Schedule Within Budget Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100
Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM) Joe Bared HRDS-05 202-493-3314Safety




XYesYesJuly 2008YesSee final report FHWA-HRT-08-051.
Pedestrians and Bicyclists
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Intersections Safety Indices Ann Do HRDS-06 202-493-3319Safety




XYesYesApr. 2007Yes The project was retitled; originally, it was titled “Hazard Index for Assessing Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety at Intersections." Reports are available at www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/pedbike/06125/ and www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/pedbike/06130/.
Development of Design Guidelines for Crosswalk Lighting Carl Andersen HRDS-05 202-493-3366Safety




XYesYesDec. 2007Yes Report FHWA-HRT-08-053 is available at www.tfhrc.gov/ safety/pubs/08053/index.htm.
Speed Management
Effect of Urban Street Environment on Operating Speeds Carl Andersen HRDS-05 202-493-3366Safety




XYesYesJan. 2008YesReport FHWA-HRT-08-040 is available (also available as NTIS-FB-2008-105181).
Demonstration and Evaluation of Speed Management on Main Roads in Rural Communities Carl Andersen HRDS-05 202-493-3366Safety




XYesYesFeb. 2008Yes The final report is posted at www.ctre.iastate.edu/reports/ traffic-calming-rural.pdf.
Safety Management Systems
SafetyAnalyst Software Ray Krammes HRDS-02 202-493-3312Safety




XYesYesNov. 2006NoAn interim version of the software was distributed to participating pooled fund States for testing on Dec. 8, 2006.
Evaluation of Low-Cost Safety Improvements Pooled-Fund Study, Phase I Roya Amjadi HRDS-06 202-493-3383Safety




XYesYesFeb. 2008Yes Four reports are available online: FHWA-HRT-08-041, FHWAHRT-08-042, FHWA-HRT-08-043, and FHWA-HRT-08-044. Visit www.fhwa.dot.gov/research/tfhrc/projects/safety/comprehensive/elcsi/index.cfm (three were published in Dec. 2007 and the fourth in Feb. 2008).


Technical Contact Projected Goal Impact Project Completion Status (Percent) On Schedule Within Budget Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100
Highway Safety Information System (HSIS) Evaluations Carol Tan HRDS-06 202-493-3315 Safety




XYesYesJune 2008Yes See (a) Evaluation of Factors Contributing to Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes on Rural Highways, final report available at www.hsisinfo.org/pdf/HSIS-Rural-PedBike-Final-Report.pdf (Report summary under revision, expected Dec. 2008) and (b) "Estimating Safety Benefits of Shoulder Rumble Strips on Two-Lane Rural Highways in Minnesota: Empirical Bayes Observational Before-and-After Study," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2019. Note: Thr pavement edge dropoff study was reported as a separate project in this section.
Safety and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Advanced Research— Digital Highway Measurement System (DHMS) Vehicle— Phase I Kunik Lee HRDS-04 202-493-3491 Safety




XYesYesSept. 2008NoThe first phase of the overall DHMS program is complete with the participation of DHMS in North Carolina Asset Management Rodeo and Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) 2 S-03 Rodeo, held in Sept. 2008.
Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management
Office of the Chief Scientist
Researchers conducted fiscal year 2007 laboratory assessments for Geotechnical Laboratory, Highway Safety Information Systems and the Geometric Design Laboratory, Bridge Management Information Systems Laboratory, and Nondestructive Evaluation and Pavement Surface Analysis Laboratory Joe Moyer HRTM-01 202-493-3370 Organizational Excellence




XYesYesSept. 2007Yes Summary reports are available on the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) Web site (www.tfhrc.gov). Geotechnical and Pavement Surface Analysis Laboratories were not assessed due to limited activity. Resulting action items from assessments are being addressed. Progress is reviewed biannually by TFHRC senior leadership.
Communications and Outreach Team
Developed and marketed the integrated FHWA R&T Web site Dawn Vanlandingham HRTM-03 202-493-3198 Organizational Excellence




XYesYesMay 2007Yes Visit www.fhwa.dot.gov/crt for more information.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101