U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-04-145
Date: December 2005

Enhanced Night Visibility Series, Volume XIV: Phase III—Study 2: Comparison of Near Infrared, Far Infrared, and Halogen Headlamps on Object Detection in Nighttime Rain

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Table 34. Pedestrian in left turn, left side ANOVA summary table for the dependent measurement: detection distance.
Source DF SS MS F value P value  
TOTAL 29 218918.2785       
VES 3 84807.1349 28269.0450 5.48 0.0047 *
Error 26 134111.1436 5158.1209     


Table 35. Pedestrian in left turn, left side ANOVA summary table for the dependent measurement: recognition distance.
Source DF SS MS F value P value  
TOTAL 29 198449.1638       
VES 3 89200.49231 29733.49744 7.08 0.0012 *
Error 26 109248.6715 4201.8720     


Table 36. Pedestrian in left turn, right side ANOVA summary table for the dependent measurement: detection distance.
Source DF SS MS F value P value  
TOTAL 29 139157.8783       
VES 3 17586.70437 5862.23479 1.25 0.3107  
Error 26 121571.1740 4675.8144     


Table 37. Pedestrian in left turn, right side ANOVA summary table for the dependent measurement: recognition distance.
Source DF SS MS F value P value  
TOTAL 29 189451.1007       
VES 3 28588.88483 9529.62828 1.54 0.2277  
Error 26 160862.2159 6187.0083     


Table 38. Pedestrian in right turn, left side ANOVA summary table for the dependent measurement: detection distance.
Source DF SS MS F value P value  
TOTAL 29 299468.6658       
VES 3 110398.8699 36799.6233 5.06 0.0068 *
Error 26 189069.7959 7271.9152     


Table 39. Pedestrian in right turn, left side ANOVA summary table for the dependent measurement: recognition distance.
Source DF SS MS F value P value  
TOTAL 29 323655.6661       
VES 3 77045.56589 25681.85530 2.71 0.0658  
Error 26 246610.1002 9485.0039     


Table 40. Pedestrian in right turn, right side ANOVA summary table for the dependent measurement: detection distance.
Source DF SS MS F value P value  
TOTAL 29 176561.2842       
VES 3 48691.74861 16230.58287 3.17 0.0417 *
Error 25 127869.5356 5114.7814     


Table 41. Pedestrian in right turn, right side ANOVA summary table for the dependent measurement: recognition distance.
Source DF SS MS F value P value  
TOTAL 28 150784.0758       
VES 3 31460.35105 10486.78368 2.20 0.1134  
Error 25 119323.7248 4772.9490     


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