Table 5-1: Motor-Vehicle Registrations: 2008

Table 5-1: Motor-Vehicle Registrations: 2008


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State Private and commercial Partial classification of trucks2
Auto-mobiles Motor-cycles Buses Trucks1 Truck tractors Pickups Vans Sport utilities Other light3
Alabama 2,203 127 3 2,473 97 1,267 262 801 28
Alaska 240 28 2 435 4 205 50 166 5
Arizona 2,217 134 1 2,114 28 876 310 835 10
Arkansas 948 71 2 1,064 30 574 126 348 45
California 19,706 741 42 13,188 132 4,029 2,397 5,360 52
Colorado 724 118 2 850 9 285 97 363 74
Connecticut4 2,007 65 10 1,035 2 298 211 515 5
Delaware 454 24 2 400 1 50 32 76 11
District of Columbia 167 1 3 43 0 5 9 23 0
Florida 8,064 667 5 8,060 277 2,170 1,268 2,877 26
Georgia 4,229 187 5 4,207 88 1,687 617 1,584 20
Hawaii 480 51 3 444 1 184 78 175 2
Idaho 529 64 1 765 16 394 77 217 4
Illinois 5,704 332 19 3,981 72 1,115 943 1,686 45
Indiana 3,110 204 10 2,632 58 1,022 555 849 57
Iowa 1,786 182 2 1,595 59 719 287 403 37
Kansas 876 84 1 1,541 29 640 333 383 97
Kentucky 1,946 65 1 1,608 28 784 240 486 169
Louisiana 1,900 68 16 1,972 41 1,039 209 636 132
Maine 555 55 1 494 4 235 72 166 9
Maryland 2,636 79 7 1,838 18 538 402 852 21
Massachusetts 3,215 153 11 2,035 13 565 427 1,005 21
Michigan 4,337 270 10 3,449 20 1,181 801 1,387 53
Minnesota 2,530 248 7 2,192 36 807 427 696 45
Mississippi 1,142 28 4 860 9 476 94 257 4
Missouri 2,613 99 4 2,216 49 956 383 737 83
Montana 369 112 1 529 20 262 50 138 139
Nebraska 802 43 1 910 39 389 137 273 161
Nevada 689 65 2 700 8 248 81 279 2
New Hampshire4 646 81 2 549 6 216 92 221 5
New Jersey4,5 3,784 163 19 2,283 15 483 564 1,205 29
New Mexico 676 47 2 849 13 410 90 269 22
New York4 8,494 340 29 2,340 7 504 526 1,072 39
North Carolina 3,539 122 11 2,588 51 1,029 406 921 83
North Dakota 342 31 1 359 9 168 47 84 40
Ohio 6,345 369 23 4,383 43 1,550 1,001 1,612 45
Oklahoma 1,641 116 2 1,563 13 779 179 421 161
Oregon 1,433 102 5 1,593 22 685 242 544 26
Pennsylvania4 6,035 397 31 4,169 77 1,196 809 1,753 17
Rhode Island4 486 32 2 296 4 87 61 134 1
South Carolina 1,985 103 6 1,559 22 657 235 609 37
South Dakota 343 58 1 543 19 184 57 107 2
Tennessee 2,809 151 4 2,183 64 997 323 786 46
Texas 8,711 435 20 9,033 182 4,162 1,091 3,443 210
Utah 1,180 58 0 1,228 53 501 164 455 81
Vermont 304 28 1 267 3 115 39 103 4
Virginia 3,847 83 2 2,592 42 901 471 1,092 31
Washington 3,277 234 4 2,623 38 1,069 438 959 33
West Virginia 687 48 1 673 11 327 83 226 5
Wisconsin 2,643 310 10 2,279 41 860 514 776 75
Wyoming 255 31 1 384 5 278 41 153 6
United States, total 135,638 7,706 350 107,965 1,930 40,158 18,445 40,519 2,357

1Includes light trucks (pickups, vans, sport utility vehicles, and other light trucks) as well as medium and large trucks.

2May not add to total because some trucks may be unclassified and other trucks may be included more than once. For instance, a truck-tractor in farm use may be counted as both a "truck tractor" and an "other light truck."

3Includes farm trucks and other light trucks.

4The following farm trucks, registered at a nominal fee and restricted to use in the vicinity of the owner's farm, are not included in this table: Connecticut, 6,852; New Hampshire, 11,146; New Jersey, 8,823; New York, 33,135; Pennsylvania, 25,147; and Rhode Island, 1,440.

5State did not provide current data. Table displays 2007 private and commercial and state, county and municipal vehicles.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2008 (Washington, DC: 2009), tables MV-1 and MV-9, available at as of Mar. 30, 2010.