Table 2-10: Rail Accidents/Incidents: 2008

Table 2-10: Rail Accidents/Incidents: 2008

(Includes freight railroad, Amtrak, and commuter rail operations)

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State Accidents/ Incidents Fatalities Injuries
Alabama 242 17 130
Alaska 93 1 89
Arizona 160 14 114
Arkansas 243 10 137
California 825 111 686
Colorado 198 13 122
Connecticut 96 6 74
Delaware 61 1 55
District of Columbia 100 1 97
Florida 254 51 163
Georgia 280 23 147
Hawaii 0 0 0
Idaho 94 3 53
Illinois 1,147 71 858
Indiana 351 27 189
Iowa 264 7 156
Kansas 266 14 152
Kentucky 182 12 108
Louisiana 291 22 151
Maine 28 0 16
Maryland 141 8 101
Massachusetts 223 16 338
Michigan 213 11 136
Minnesota 272 11 173
Mississippi 144 18 112
Missouri 286 20 173
Montana 193 5 129
Nebraska 313 3 196
Nevada 53 4 33
New Hampshire 7 1 4
New Jersey 444 24 368
New Mexico 96 12 60
New York 1,039 24 932
North Carolina 203 27 120
North Dakota 107 3 72
Ohio 334 26 168
Oklahoma 179 12 86
Oregon 140 8 94
Pennsylvania 754 31 618
Rhode Island 19 1 16
South Carolina 123 14 51
South Dakota 49 1 31
Tennessee 237 25 117
Texas 954 53 550
Utah 73 2 41
Vermont 34 0 30
Virginia 203 9 132
Washington 255 14 170
West Virginia 96 6 64
Wisconsin 196 9 100
Wyoming 132 1 94
United States, total 12,687 803 8,806

NOTE: Data are preliminary. Accidents/Incidents includes all events reportable to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration under applicable regulations. These include: train accidents, reported on Form F 6180.54, comprised of collisions, derailments, and other events involving the operation of on-track equipment and causing reportable damage above an established threshold ($8,500 for 2008, per 49 CFR 225.19); highway-rail grade crossing incidents, reported on Form F 6180.57, involving impact between railroad on-track equipment and highway users at crossings; and other incidents, reported on Form F 6180.55a, involving all other reportable incidents or exposures that cause a fatality or injury to any person, or an occupational illness to a railroad employee.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 2008 Preliminary Railroad Safety Statistics Bulletin (Washington, DC: December 2009), table 2-11, available at as as of Apr. 19, 2010.