U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-07-026
Date: February 2007

Bottomless Culvert Scour Study: Phase II Laboratory Report

Appendix B: Outlet Scour Results

Table 8. Outlet scour results summary.
Date Figure Flow Depth
Note Width of
Scour Hole
(W) [mm]
Depth of
Scour Hole
(ys) [mm]
Distance to
Scour Hole
(L) [mm]
2/11/2003 62 23 14 Yes 45 degree None Bottomless culvert study 446 115 615
2/25/2003 63 10 14 No 45 degree None Bottomless culvert study 278 107 659
3/25/2003 64 12 15 No 45 degree Circular bevel Bottomless culvert study 388 116 618
4/7/2003 65 13 16 No 45 degree Elongated, streamlined bevel Bottomless culvert study 157 59 875
4/29/2003 66 12 15 No 45 degree Short streamlined bevel Bottomless culvert study 330 63 874
7/22/2003 67 12 15 No 45 degree 45 degree Bottomless culvert study 393 116 846
8/6/2003 68 12 15 No 45 degree 8 degree (rough) Bottomless culvert study 323 91 516
10/7/2003 69 12 15 No 45 degree 8 degree (smooth) Bottomless culvert study 249 64 676
12/9/2003 70 12 15 No 8 degree (smooth) 8 degree (smooth) Bottomless culvert study 212 97 470
12/16/2003 71 23 14 Yes 8 degree (smooth) 8 degree (smooth) Bottomless culvert study 258 106 648
10/27/2004 72 23 13 Yes 45 degree 45 degree HGL (hydraulic grade line) for bottomless culverts 556 110 803
11/10/2004 73 23 13 Yes 45 degree 45 degree HGL for bottomless culverts, Chang's pile dissipator at outlet 403 84 663
3/19/2004 74 23 13 Yes 45 degree 45 degree MDSHA Standard Plan, Riprap = 1" 441 122 1,070

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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101