U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations


Research and Development (R&D) Project Sites


PMSS Projects Database Search

This research project database contains projects sponsored or conducted by the Federal Highway Administration’s Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) and the Exploratory Advanced Research Program. Projects continually are being added and updated in the database. Keep checking back for more information.
For links to research in other Federal Highway Administration offices go to the Ongoing Research portion of this Web site.


The Research and Technology Projects page consists of a search parameter toolbox (green background on the left) and a results column (white screen on the right). When accessed, the page automatically displays all of the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center projects in the results column.

Search Function: To start your search, type or select your search criteria in the search parameter toolbox.

   Click the "GO" button (located at the top or the bottom of the toolbox) or press "Enter" on your keyboard to generate a list of projects that match your criteria.

   Click on the linked project name in the results column to show additional details about the project.

To use this page: Click on the "Select All Projects" button to pull up a list of all projects.

Using Key Words and Filters:

Most parameters in this toolbox can be used individually or in combination. Once you type or select your criteria, select "GO" at the bottom or top of the toolbox to start the search.

  1. Select Project Name: Click on the "Project Name" dropdown to select a specific project name and view the project details.
  2. Select All Projects: Click on the "Select All Projects" button at any time during your search to pull up a list of all of the TFHRC research projects..
  3. Search using Key Words: Type search terms into the "Search using Key Words" text box using key words separated by comma(s) and/or spaces.
    • To search for a specific phrase, such as "advanced crash analysis" use spaces to separate words in the phrase.
    • To search for multiple words, such as a phrase and two words, use spaces between words in the phrase and commas to separate multiple words. For example, "advanced crash analysis, test, pavement" (Notice that spaces are used only between words in a phrase, and commas are used to separate multiple key words and phrases.)
    • Key words can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, ampersands, and commas. Any other character or punctuation will not work.
  4. Status: The Status dropdown selection enables users to search a project by its status.
    • Use the OR and AND selectors to enhance search results:
      • ’OR’ finds documents that contain one or more of the selected parameters, but not all of the parameters. The ’OR’ selection is a broader search.
      • ’AND’ finds documents that contain all of the selected parameters. The ’AND’ selection is a narrower and more filtered search.
  5. Contact Name: The contact name dropdown selection enables users to pull up projects in the selected contact name.
    • Use the OR and AND selectors to enhance search results:
      • ’OR’ finds documents that contain one or more of the selected parameters, but not all of the parameters. The ’OR’ selection is a broader search.
      • ’AND’ finds documents that contain all of the selected parameters. The ’AND’ selection is a narrower and more filtered search.
  6. Start Date and End Date: Enter the start date and end date of the project or enter a range of dates to pull up projects within the date range. The format is "mm/dd/yyyy" and "mm-dd-yyyy". If you do not know the date of the project, but know the year, type in 01/01/yyyy (replace yyyy with the year) as the start date and 12/31/yyyy (replace yyyy with the year) to pull up all projects within your specified year. If you leave the Start Date box empty, the search engine will automatically enter the minimum start date. If you leave the End Date box empty, the search engine will automatically enter the maximum end date. If you leave both boxes empty, the search engine will ignore this function.
    • Use the OR and AND selectors to enhance search results:
      • ’OR’ finds documents that contain one or more of the selected parameters, but not all of the parameters. The ’OR’ selection is a broader search.
      • ’AND’ finds documents that contain all of the selected parameters. The ’AND’ selection is a narrower and more filtered search.
  7. FHWA Laboratory Name: Select the laboratory name of choice from the dropdown box to display the research projects being conducted by the specific laboratory.
    • Use the OR and AND selectors to enhance search results:
      • ’OR’ finds documents that contain one or more of the selected parameters, but not all of the parameters. The ’OR’ selection is a broader search.
      • ’AND’ finds documents that contain all of the selected parameters. The ’AND’ selection is a narrower and more filtered search.


Click the "Reset" button to start all over again


Back to Search Page



Federal Highway Administration Research Project-For more projects go to: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/research/tfhrc/projects/projectsdb


» Turner-Fairbank Highway
Research Center
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101
» Visiting our facility? 
Take a look at the Driving Directions or get the latest TFHRC and Department of Transportation headquarters building shuttle schedule.
» Driving Directions/Map Click here for directions and a map to theTurner-Fairbank Highway Research Center facility.
» When you visit the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, we ask that you follow these security procedures before and during your stay.


TFHRC Contact Information:

» Research Expertise
» Research Laboratories
» RD&T Organizational


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101