U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations



Research and Development (R&D) Project Sites

Project Information
Project ID:   FHWA-PROJ-08-0029
Project Name:   Mathematical Analysis of the Empirical Mode Decomposition
Project Status:   Completed
Start Date:  September 10, 2008
End Date:  November 30, 2012
Contact Information
Last Name:  Lee
First Name:  Kunik
Telephone:  202-493-3491
E-mail:  kunik.lee@dot.gov
Office:   Office of Operations Research and Development
Team:   Trans Enabling Technologies Team [HRDO-10]
Program:   Exploratory Advanced Research
Project detail
Roadmap/Focus area(s):   Comprehensive Approach to Safety
Project Description:   This study consists of two broad fronts of studies: to improve the presently available Empirical Mode Decomposition algorithms and to establish a rigorous mathematical foundation for the generalized adaptive data analysis methodology. The success of the first research area will enhance immediate improvement of information management in a complex or significantly rich signal data system, such as the Integrated Safety System being considered by the Federal Highway Administration or for full-scale traffic control systems. The success of the second research area would enable drastic improvement of robustness and reliability of the algorithm and guarantees its further applications.
Goals:   The key project objective is to attempt to develop a mathematical analysis of complex signals.
Background Information:   This project has been submitted in response to second round (fiscal year 2008) Exploratory Advanced Research Program solicitation.
More Information URL(s):  
  1. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/advancedresearch/pubs/10029/index.cfm
Product Type:   Research report
Test Methodology:   Empirical and theoretical
Expected Benefits:   Early detection of defects in bridges and other structures.
Deliverables: 1. Name: Reports
Product Type(s): Research report
Description: The product is a mathematical foundation of signal analysis.
2. Name: Software with mathematical algorithms.
Product Type(s): Software
Description: The product contains information on software usage of Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) methods.
FHWA Topics:   Research/Technologies--FHWA Research and Technology
TRT Terms:   Highway Traffic Control Systems
Information Technology
Empirical Methods
FHWA Disciplines:   Safety
Subject Areas:   Data and Information Technology


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101