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Redistribution of Certain Authorized Funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014
Classification Code Date Office of Primary Interest
N 4510.773 February 18, 2014 HCFB-10

  1. What is the purpose of this Notice? This Notice transmits the redistribution of certain authorized funds for FY 2014 pursuant to the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2014, title I of division L, Public Law (Pub. L.) 113-76. The distribution of these funds is shown in the attached table.

  2. Does this Notice cancel FHWA Notice 4510.771? Yes, this Notice cancels FHWA Notice 4510.771, Redistribution of Certain Authorized Funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 (October 1, 2013, through January 15, 2014), dated November 13, 2013. This Notice reflects the redistribution of certain authorized funds based on the distribution of obligation limitation for the Federal-aid highway program through September 30, 2014.

  3. What is the background information?

    1. Funds that are authorized to be appropriated for Federal-aid highway programs for FY 2014 under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), Pub. L. 112-141, that will not be allocated to the States (or will not be apportioned for the Federal Lands Access Program) and will not be available for obligation in FY 2014 due to the imposition of any obligation limitation for such fiscal year shall be distributed to the States.

    2. The funds authorized for the Tribal Transportation Program are not subject to this provision and authorized amounts for such program that are in excess of the associated obligation limitation are not redistributed to the States.

    3. Such funds shall be distributed to the States in the same proportion as the FY 2014 distribution of formula obligation limitation under section 120(a)(5) of the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2014.

  4. What is the availability of these funds?

    1. These funds are available for obligation until September 30, 2017. Any amounts not obligated by the State on or before that date shall lapse.

    2. The funds resulting from this distribution are available immediately and shall be subject to obligation controls in force at the time of obligation. No new obligation authority is distributed with these funds.

    3. The Federal share payable shall be in accordance with section 120 of title 23, United States Code (U.S.C.), except as provided by another provision of law.

    4. The funds are available for any purpose described in section 133(b) of title 23, U.S.C.

    5. The program code to be used when obligating these funds is M030.

  5. What action is required? Division Administrators should ensure that copies of this Notice are provided to the State departments of transportation.


Gregory G. Nadeau
Deputy Administrator




State Amount
Alabama 2,143,814
Alaska 1,417,947
Arizona 2,069,821
Arkansas 1,463,216
California 10,395,101
Colorado 1,513,019
Connecticut 1,421,363
Delaware 478,543
District of Columbia 451,343
Florida 5,353,649
Georgia 3,651,317
Hawaii 478,402
Idaho 808,697
Illinois 4,022,815
Indiana 2,694,320
Iowa 1,388,931
Kansas 1,068,055
Kentucky 1,877,676
Louisiana 1,983,357
Maine 522,072
Maryland 1,700,715
Massachusetts 1,719,448
Michigan 2,978,574
Minnesota 1,843,902
Mississippi 1,366,841
Missouri 2,675,633
Montana 1,159,852
Nebraska 817,095
Nevada 1,027,625
New Hampshire 467,346
New Jersey 2,826,593
New Mexico 1,038,002
New York 4,752,563
North Carolina 2,949,076
North Dakota 701,933
Ohio 3,792,036
Oklahoma 1,792,220
Oregon 1,413,097
Pennsylvania 4,640,897
Rhode Island 618,413
South Carolina 1,892,351
South Dakota 797,348
Tennessee 2,389,201
Texas 9,760,419
Utah 981,713
Vermont 574,032
Virginia 2,877,809
Washington 1,917,268
West Virginia 1,235,294
Wisconsin 2,127,093
Wyoming 724,284
Total 110,762,131


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Page posted on February 18, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000