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Apportionment of Highway Infrastructure Funds Pursuant to Section 122 of the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2010, Division A, Title I of Public Law 111-117
Classification Code Date Office of Primary Interest
N 4510.719 February 12, 2010 HFCB-1

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  1. What is the purpose of this Notice? This Notice transmits the certificate of apportionment of the Highway Infrastructure funds appropriated in fiscal year (FY) 2010 pursuant to section 122 of the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2010, division A, title I of Public Law (Pub. L.) 111-117. The apportionment is effective immediately.

  2. What is the availability of these funds?

    1. The funds resulting from this apportionment are available for obligation until September 30, 2012. Any amounts not obligated by the State on or before September 30, 2012, shall lapse.

    2. The funds resulting from this apportionment are available for obligation immediately. The funds resulting from this apportionment are not subject to any limitation on obligations.

    3. The Federal share is 80 percent.

    4. The program code to be used when obligating these funds is LHIP.

  3. What is the background information?

    1. The funds resulting from this apportionment are eligible to be obligated for restoration, repair, construction and other activities eligible under section 133(b) of title 23, United States Code (U.S.C.).

    2. The funds available for distribution to the States have been apportioned to the States in the same ratio as the distribution of obligation authority under section 120(a)(6) of the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2010, division A, title I of Pub. L. 111-117.

    3. The funds shall be administered as if apportioned under chapter 1 of title 23, U.S.C.

    4. Section 1101(b) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) of 2005, Pub. L. 109-59, shall apply to funds resulting from this apportionment (Disadvantaged Business Enterprises).

  4. What is the distribution of funds?

    1. Section 122 of the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2010, division A, title I of Pub. L. 111-117 appropriates a total of $650,000,000 in Highway Infrastructure funds.

    2. The amount of funds available for distribution to the States is $650,000,000. The attached table shows the State-by-State distribution of funds.

  5. What action is required? Division Administrators should ensure that copies of this Notice are provided to the State departments of transportation.


Certificate of Apportionment from
the Sum of $650,000,000 Appropriated
for Highway Infrastructure


The Secretary of the Treasury of the United States and the State departments of transportation:

Pursuant to the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2010, division A, title I of Pub. L. 111-117, and the delegation of authority from the Secretary of Transportation to the Federal Highway Administrator, Section 1.48 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, I certify–

First, pursuant to section 122 of the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2010, division A, title I of Pub. L. 111-117, the amount appropriated for Highway Infrastructure for the fiscal year ending September 30 is $650,000,000.

Second, I have computed the apportionment to each State and the District of Columbia of the amounts appropriated for Highway Infrastructure in the manner provided by law in accordance with the formulas set forth.

Third, the sums that are hereby apportioned to each State and the District of Columbia, effective immediately, are respectively as follows:

N4510.719 Attachment

United States Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Apportionment of Highway Infrastructure Funds Pursuant to
Section 122 of the Department of Transportation Appropriations
Act, 2010, Division A, Title I of Public Law 111-117

State Amount
Alabama 11,069,536
Alaska 5,234,672
Arizona 12,919,577
Arkansas 8,388,607
California 63,035,534
Colorado 9,312,003
Connecticut 8,542,232
Delaware 2,752,735
District of Columbia 2,790,907
Florida 31,536,677
Georgia 21,439,407
Hawaii 2,938,570
Idaho 4,726,186
Illinois 22,395,281
Indiana 16,079,330
Iowa 8,078,892
Kansas 7,111,425
Kentucky 10,505,760
Louisiana 11,791,673
Maine 3,149,444
Maryland 10,589,754
Massachusetts 11,492,940
Michigan 18,871,714
Minnesota 10,783,039
Mississippi 8,112,510
Missouri 15,442,149
Montana 6,019,862
Nebraska 5,174,800
Nevada 5,072,398
New Hampshire 3,027,553
New Jersey 17,162,414
New Mexico 6,382,669
New York 30,243,686
North Carolina 17,620,967
North Dakota 4,382,841
Ohio 22,829,413
Oklahoma 10,340,781
Oregon 8,020,903
Pennsylvania 27,720,149
Rhode Island 3,692,477
South Carolina 10,529,958
South Dakota 4,506,730
Tennessee 13,660,142
Texas 54,717,353
Utah 5,251,611
Vermont 3,019,963
Virginia 16,576,185
Washington 11,986,898
West Virginia 6,094,733
Wisconsin 12,186,493
Wyoming 4,688,467
Total 650,000,000
Approved Effective February 12, 2010

Signature: Victor M. Mendez, Administrator

Victor M. Mendez

Page last modified on October 19, 2015
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000