U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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$320 Million Rescission of Federal-aid Apportionments
Classification Code Date Office of Primary Interest
N 4510.481 September 24, 2002 HABF-10

  1. What is the purpose of this Notice? This Notice is to notify the States of a rescission of $320 million of unobligated Federal-aid Highway apportionments available to the States, as required by the FY 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 107-206).

  2. What apportioned funds are being rescinded? The five core programs being rescinded are Interstate Maintenance (IM), section 1101(a)(1), National Highway System (NHS), section 1101(a)(2), Surface Transportation Program (STP), section 1101(a)(4), Bridge Program, section 1101(a)(3), and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ), section 1101(a)(5), of Public Law 105-178, as amended.

  3. How are the apportioned funds being rescinded? The rescission is being applied proportionately to States and, within States, to the five core programs and the categories within the STP and Bridge Programs, based upon FY 2002 apportionments to the States for the five core apportioned programs. Table 1 shows each State's share of the total rescinded amounts from the IM, NHS, STP, Bridge and CMAQ Programs. Table 2, part 1 shows the amounts rescinded from the STP accounts. Table 2, part 2, pages 1 through 4 shows the amounts under STP Urbanized Areas over 200,000. Table 3 shows the amounts rescinded from the Bridge Program and Skill Training amounts from Bridge and STP Programs. Table 4 shows the State Planning & Research (SPR) amounts. Table 5 shows the limiting amounts for National Highway Institute, Highway Tax Evasion and Safety. The rescission amounts shown on the attached tables will be deducted from the unobligated balances as of September 13, 2002. If there are insufficient balances when the rescission amounts are entered into the Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) an overobligation will result. If this occurs, the State must process a deobligation or request that the shortfall be applied to other core programs or categories before September 30, 2002.

  4. What action is required? Division Administrators should ensure that this Notice is provided to State departments of transportation.
 Signature: Mary E. Peters
Mary E. Peters

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Table 1
Table 2, part 1
Table 2, part 2 (page 1 of 4)
Table 2, part 2 (page 2 of 4)
Table 2, part 2 (page 3 of 4)
Table 2, part 2 (page 4 of 4)
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5

Page last modified on May 24, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000