Calendar of Events

    Upcoming Events

  • Set Politics Aside and Join the Conversation

    Nov 11, 2016

    RAND is hosting Politics Aside on November 11 and 12, 2016, a postelection event that engages policymakers, opinion leaders, philanthropists, and RAND's leading thinkers in a nonpartisan discussion of the top policy issues for 2017 and beyond. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • RAND Behavioral Finance Forum 2016

    Nov 14, 2016

    Nobel Laureate George Akerlof will be keynote speaker at the 2016 RAND Behavioral Finance Forum, to be held on November 14 at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The one-day conference brings together leaders from academia, government, and industry.

  • Past Events

  • Game Night at RAND: How Safe Are We?

    Oct 26, 2016

    RANDNext members are invited to play an interactive game about a hypothetical cyber attack in Chicago. They will also learn how the RAND Center for Gaming uses gaming to help decisionmaking. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • RANDNext Anniversary Happy Hour Celebration

    Oct 19, 2016

    Celebrate two years of RANDNext with us at Bar Chloe. Our happy hour is a great opportunity for cross-industry networking among a sophisticated group of early- to mid-career professionals. RAND researchers will be there to mingle and discuss their work. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • Survey Says? Inside RAND's Election Poll

    Oct 6, 2016

    Policy Circle and RANDNext members are invited to a special briefing on the RAND Presidential Election Panel Survey (PEPS), a venture made possible by philanthropic contributions from RAND supporters. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • U.S. International Economic Strategy

    Sep 27, 2016

    The next U.S. president is likely to face a highly uncertain international economy. RAND President and CEO Michael Rich and Howard Shatz, RAND senior economist, will discuss the economic policy choices facing the next administration. [Pittsburgh, PA]

  • Workforce Development for the Jobs of the Future

    Sep 1, 2016

    Research shows that economic development depends on a trained workforce. Experts will discuss what California, the federal government, and employers are doing to nurture a workforce that is well prepared for the jobs of today and the future. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • RAND Cybersecurity Workshop

    Aug 17, 2016

    In this cybersecurity workshop, legislative staffers can learn how to calculate cyber risk; where to find appropriate information about threats, vulnerabilities, and impact; and better consider options for legislation and federal government response in cyberspace.

  • RAND Public Policy Workshop

    Aug 3, 2016

    In this public policy analysis workshop led by Jeffrey Wasserman, director of RAND Health, participants learn about policy analysis tools and techniques—and gain an understanding of how they can be used to improve the quality of public policy decisionmaking.

  • Networking Happy Hour

    Jun 30, 2016

    The RANDNext Happy Hour is an opportunity for cross-industry networking among an elite group of early- to mid-career professionals. RAND researchers will be there to mingle and discuss their work across various policy topics. Join us at Le Méridien's newest venue, SandBox. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • The Role of Private Plans in Medicare

    Jun 9, 2016

    The 2016 Williams Lecture on Health Policy features Joseph Newhouse, the John D. MacArthur Professor of Health Policy and Management at Harvard University. He will discuss reforms in the mid-2000s that had a surprising—and some would say counterintuitive—effect on Medicare Advantage Plans. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • A Conversation with His Excellency Yousef Al Otaiba, Ambassador of the UAE to the US

    Jun 1, 2016

    Ambassador Al Otaiba has been instrumental to enhancing UAE-US relations and improving bilateral security and economic cooperation between the two nations. He will describe his vision for a stable, tolerant, and prosperous Middle East. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • Suicide Trends and Prevention in New Orleans

    May 27, 2016

    In 2014, New Orleans had a record-breaking 50 suicides. In this special presentation, Rajeev Ramchand, senior behavioral and social scientist, discusses how psychological autopsies can help develop a broader understanding of the causes of suicide deaths in New Orleans.

  • Training Workers in a Changing Economy

    May 26, 2016

    California's unemployment rate is high, but employers are having trouble finding workers who are trained for the jobs that are available. Will federal and state efforts to address this critical issue succeed? How are public-private partnerships helping to develop a job-driven U.S. workforce and training system? [Santa Monica, CA]

  • The “Internet of Things”: Lessons from a Hacker

    May 25, 2016

    RAND researcher and DEF CON Black Badge winner Lillian Ablon will describe how our increasingly digital world has presented new risks. She'll explain what makes us vulnerable and what motivates different types of cyberattackers. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • The Hackers' Bazaar: Markets for Cybercrime Tools and Stolen Data

    May 24, 2016

    RAND researcher and DEF CON Black Badge winner Lillian Ablon will discuss the characteristics of burgeoning black markets, why we can expect more cybercriminal activity, and why the ability to attack will likely outpace the ability to defend.

  • Combating the Opioid Epidemic

    May 12, 2016

    A panel of experts will discuss prevention, treatment, and recovery options as well as national and Pittsburgh-area efforts to fight the opioid epidemic.

  • A Conversation with Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad

    May 11, 2016

    In a new memoir, Zalmay Khalilzad recounts his early life in Afghanistan through his service as a policymaker in three U.S. administrations. He will share rare insights into what went wrong in the Middle East and his unique perspective on the way forward.

  • Police-Community Relations

    May 5, 2016

    Police shootings across the country continue to raise questions about the relationship between police departments and the communities they are charged with protecting. Experts and community leaders will discuss new policies the L.A. Police Department is considering.

  • Extending the Horizons of Coastal Risk Management

    May 4, 2016

    RAND and its Sustainable Climate Risk Management (SCRiM) collaborators are hosting a workshop to discuss some of the latest climate science relevant to resilience and coastal flood risk planning for New Orleans.

  • Getting to Yes with China in Cyberspace: Is it Possible?

    May 2, 2016

    Scott Warren Harold and Martin Libicki will discuss the contentious relationship between the United States and China with regard to establishing norms and rules in cyberspace. Are there any feasible paths to getting to a meaningful and lasting agreement?

  • California Capitol Briefing: Lessons for Marijuana Legalization

    Apr 27, 2016

    Initiatives to legalize marijuana in California have been filed for the 2016 election. Given the size of the state's marijuana market, its proximity to Mexico, and the U.S. presidential and congressional races, Californians are divided on this issue. RAND experts will discuss what California can learn from other states that have legalized marijuana.

  • California Capitol Briefing: Early Childhood Education

    Apr 26, 2016

    What does the landscape of California early care and education programs look like? RAND experts will discuss current access gaps, approaches for ensuring quality, and the costs and benefits of universal preschool versus targeted preschool programs.

  • RANDNext Dinner and Discussion: On the Issues

    Apr 13, 2016

    RAND researchers will discuss the issues that are at the top of the agenda this election year: U.S. military strategy, immigration, criminal justice, China and trade, and cybersecurity. They will also present RAND's presidential election polling research.

  • AERA Annual Meeting

    Apr 8, 2016

    A number of RAND Education researchers will be speaking and presenting at the AERA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.—the largest meeting of education scholars in the country.