Welcome to
LTBP Bridge Portal
FHWA Details

Homepage & Settings

Start a search or access the settings page.
  • Homepage
  • Settings
  • From the homepage, you can access the Simple Search, Advanced Search, Global Filters, and Settings.
  • On the settings page you can change your password, set the Simple Search attributes, set the default columns for searches, manage your global filters, and turn on the website tour.


View a summary of your results, with information and statistics in a table.


View data in a dynamic spreadsheet with sortable content and individual bridge information below. Export to formats such as Excel, PDF, and KML. Access in depth data on a single bridge.
  • Grid Info
  • Export
  • Bridge Info
  • On the results page, you can see the information grid and sort, reorder, add columns, or filter to see specific information.
  • You can also export your results to XLS, PDF, or KML format.
  • Below the grid, you can see individual information on the selected bridge.

Save, Edit, and Reuse Searches

Save and share your searches with the community, or access globally shared searches.
  • Edit Search
  • Save Search
  • Select Global Filters
  • Instead of creating a new search, you can go back and edit your current search.
  • You can also save your search, globally to share it with others, or locally for personal use.
  • From the top navigation bar, you can select a saved search to instantly get results from that search.

Map View

View the bridges from your search on a Google Maps interface with region selection tools and customizable marker sizing and coloring.
  • Marker Size
  • Marker Color
  • Region Select
  • Export
  • Pop Up
  • The marker size tray allows you to choose the attribute that affects marker size and its scaling.
  • The marker color tray allows you to choose the attribute that affects marker color.
  • The region selection tray creates a square or circular region in which you can exclude or include only the bridges in the selection.
  • You can also export your results in KML or CSV/XLS format.
  • By clicking on a bridge marker, you can access information and links to NBI information and Google street view.

1-D Chart

Use 1-dimensional charts to analyze bridge data in a simple chart or table. Sort your data and export it as an image or PDF.
  • Overview
  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Table
  • On the 1-Dimensional Chart page you can choose a column attribute to chart. The sort button sorts your results from low to high. You can export your chart to a JPG or PDF. In the corner you can select a view. In the Chart Title tray, you can rename the chart title and axis.
  • The bar chart is selected by default in the top right corner.
  • By selecting the pie chart icon, you can view your results in a pie chart.
  • By selecting the table icon, you can view your results in a table and export to XLS format.

2-D Chart

Use 2-dimensional charts to analyze bridge data the way you want. Sort and stack your data then export it as an image or PDF.
  • Overview
  • Bar Chart
  • Table
  • On the 1-Dimensional Chart page you can choose column and row attributes to chart. The results can be stacked or sorted via the top buttons. You can export your chart to a JPG or PDF. In the Chart Title tray, you can rename the chart title and axis.
  • The bar chart is selected by default in the top right corner.
  • By selecting the table icon, you can view your results in a table and export to XLS format.

Map Chart

View your data on a map of the U.S. to compare your data between individual states with a variety of attributes and functions at your disposal. Then export as an image or PDF.


View statistics of your data in a table. Then export as an Excel file.

Individual Bridge View

View National Bridge Inventory (NBI) information on individual bridges.
  • Summary
  • NBI
  • NBE
  • Historical Data
  • Field Data
  • Deterioration
  • View a summary of the individual bridge, with information and location on Google Maps.
  • View detailed information from the National Bridge Inventory including the most recent inspection data.
  • View a table of information on the conditions of the National Bridge Elements.
  • In the Historical Data tab, you can view NBI charts of bridge condition and bridge daily traffic.
  • In the Field Data tab you can upload and share field data of individual bridges of different inspection types as well as access other shared data.
  • In the Deterioration tab you can view a chart of the bridges level of deterioration.

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