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The Washington Post
(Oliver Munday For The Washington Post)
(Oliver Munday For The Washington Post)
  • 9 hours ago

The GOP nominee has a lot to lose by following through on his threats to sue his accusers.

  • Bruce W. Sanford
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  • 55 minutes ago
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The notion of devising a single number that gauges “progress” is a potentially dangerous pipe dream.

When Trump started spouting off, Reince Priebus should have reined him in. Instead, the GOP leadership worried about the wrong things.

The U.S. pattern of recruiting local forces, then abandoning them, is at play again with the Kurdish militia fighting the Islamic State.

Boomers inherited the sole superpower after the Cold War. Then they squandered American influence.

How can Trump ready himself for 2020? Maybe a trip to Iowa would do the trick.

If she's elected president, Hillary Clinton may need to do some plain-speaking with Pakistan much sooner than she had bargained for.

“We have the best private-sector financial system in the world. ... However, our private sector can't do everything.”

How the Democratic Party can reach out to Trump voters after Election Day.

Values, not fear of a liberal Supreme Court, should dictate evangelicals’ votes.

  • Dustin Wahl, Paige Cutler, Alexander Forbes
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  • 1 day ago
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The state Board of Health votes down punitive regulations, but clinics remain vulnerable.

A coming 25 percent spike in some premiums should spur solutions, not point-scoring.

A frightening new kind of cyberattack uses inexpensive home devices.

Donald Trump gestures to his followers from his plane in Sanford, Fla. (EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA)
Donald Trump gestures to his followers from his plane in Sanford, Fla. (EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA)
His xenophobia is usually blunt, but not when it comes to Jews.
  • 10 hours ago

I'm at a swanky high-level conference put on by the Russian elite. What is to be gained from attending?

Stop pretending the defeated candidate is always gracious.

  • David Greenberg
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  • 10 hours ago
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The Islamic State is failing everywhere, except, apparently, in American politics.

  • Daniel Byman
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  • 10 hours ago
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Life under siege in Syria
  • 5 days ago

Wait, they’re not actually smarter than the rest of us?

  • Eric Weiner
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  • 5 days ago
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Stop the waxing, stop the pedicures, and cover those hard-won abs with a thick layer of heat-trapping fat.

  • Sarah Hutto
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  • 5 days ago
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Grading the billionaire on the 11 attributes of fascism.

They get rid of the good and the bad.

  • David Alpert
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  • 4 days ago
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In time and with financial support, Metro can reclaim its status as a world-class system.

  • Roger Berliner
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  • 4 days ago
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We must diversify our revenue sources.

  • Sharon Bulova
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  • 4 days ago
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Restaurants should not bear the burden alone.

  • Jim Corcoran
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  • 4 days ago
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Many cities are facing a crisis of declining revenue amid skyrocketing demand for services.

  • David Eichenthal
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  • Oct 14
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A new series tackling the real questions of the 2016 election.
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