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Florida County Embarks on “Out of this World” Multihazard Initiative

October 2016

Santa Rosa PrepareAthon! LogoIn collaboration with America’s PrepareAthon!, Santa Rosa County Emergency Management hosted a week of preparedness actions to help communities become more resilient through hurricane drills, group discussions, and hands-on exercises. Santa Rosa County planned the actions during National Hurricane Preparedness Week, May 16–19, 2016. Some of these activities included registering for Alert Santa Rosa, the city’s emergency notification system, learning about flood risk, and planning for evacuation.

“The Santa Rosa County PrepareAthon! engaged Support Alliance for Emergency Readiness (SAFER) Santa Rosa members, businesses, schools, government offices, and volunteer and faith-based partners to support the campaign and participate with their stakeholders,” said Daniel Hahn, Santa Rosa County Emergency Management plans chief.

Flood Insurance Graphic
On May 17, participants conducted insurance check-ups of their homes, houses of worship, schools, vehicles, and workplaces with their insurance agents to determine their level of coverage, understand their risk, and identify the need for flood insurance. Standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flooding.

“Homeowners and renters need a separate policy for flooding,” said Hahn. “Act now as flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period.”

The following day, Santa Rosa County and partnering agencies participated in a statewide hurricane exercise at the Emergency Operations Center by conducting brief scenarios, including tornado, tsunami, and flood drills. Residents also made evacuation plans for their homes and businesses, as well as family communications plans in the event they got separated during a disaster.

The week concluded with the Santa Rosa Alien Invasion Expo sponsored by SAFER Santa Rosa. In addition to extraterrestrials, the expo featured the latest mitigation tools and disaster services, including generators, disaster supply kits, storm windows and doors, and flood insurance.

“By combining our efforts and working together as a whole community,” explained Hahn, “we hope to increase the level of preparedness of our partners and all residents within Santa Rosa County.”