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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

2007 Environmental Excellence Awards

For Excellence in Nonmotorized Transportation:

Massachusetts Highway Project Development and Design Guide

The new edge-to-center design approach recommended by the Massachusetts Highway Project Development and Design Guide is a breakthrough effort to mainstream non-motorized planning into the project development process. The needs of, and the methods to accommodate, non-motorized modes of transportation are no longer segregated into their own sections or chapters but now are addressed in every chapter of the guide. The guidebook directs the designer to begin at the edge with the pedestrian and work their way in, to ensure that the needs of non-motorized users remain integral to project planning and design. This change in thinking facilitates the use of context-sensitive design, environmental protection and the careful consideration of the safety and accessibility needs of pedestrians, bicyclists and non-motorized facility users. The statewide manual, which was developed in partnership with a task force composed of 28 members, addressed a broad range of constituency concerns but focused on adding streamlining measures and design flexibility in the project development process. By integrating multi-modal planning and design into every chapter of the development and design guide, the final result supports a transportation system providing seamless, functional and safe access for all users.

Project Contributors:

  • Massachusetts Highway Department
    Luisa Paiewonsky
Picture of Massachusetts Highway Project Development and Design Guidebook
Updated: 10/25/2012
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