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Document in Context
Collapse    Title 23 - Highways
Parts 1 - 1399. April 1, 2008.
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents (Parts 1 - 1)
Section 1.1 - Purpose.
Section 1.2 - Definitions.
Section 1.3 - Federal-State cooperation; authority of State highway departments.
Section 1.5 - Information furnished by State highway departments.
Section 1.7 - Urban area boundaries.
Section 1.8 - [Reserved]
Section 1.9 - Limitation on Federal participation.
Section 1.11 - Engineering services.
Section 1.23 - Rights-of-way.
Section 1.27 - Maintenance.
Section 1.28 - Diversion of highway revenues.
Section 1.32 - Issuance of directives.
Section 1.33 - Conflicts of interest.
Section 1.35 - Bonus program.
Section 1.36 - Compliance with Federal laws and regulations.