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©malija/iStock/Getty Images Annual Meeting of National Academy of Medicine NAS Member Shares 2016 Nobel in Economics ©shaunl/iStock/Getty Images
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Improving the Sustainability of
U.S. Cities

Oct. 19 – A new Academies report offers a road map and recommendations to help U.S. cities work toward sustainability.


    Improving the Sustainability of
    U.S. Cities

    Oct. 19 – A new Academies report offers a road map and recommendations to help U.S. cities work toward sustainability.


    Annual Meeting of National Academy
    of Medicine

    Oct. 17 - The 2016 NAM Annual Meeting featured a daylong public program, The Epidemic of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes, announced the newest class of members, and presented this year's Lienhard and Sarnat awards and other honors.


    NAS Member Shares 2016 Nobel in Economics

    Oct. 10 - The 2016 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded jointly to National Academy of Sciences member Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström "for their contributions to contract theory."


    Effects of Human Activities on Marine Mammals

    Oct. 7 - A new Academies report recommends a conceptual framework model to assess the potential cumulative effects of human activities on marine mammals 

Communication Awards Ceremony - Oct. 26

2016 comm awardsCongratulations to the winners of the 2016 National Academies Communication Awards, who were honored during an award ceremony on Oct. 26. These prestigious awards -- each of which includes a $20,000 prize -- recognize excellence in reporting and communicating science, engineering, and medicine to the general public. 

Prescription Opioid Abuse & Misuse - Nov. 4 Workshop

©Aleksei Oslopov/iStock/Getty ImagesThe Academies' committee examining the state of the science on prescription opioid abuse and misuse since the 2011 report Relieving Pain in America will hold a public workshop on Friday, Nov. 4. Agenda for the workshop | Follow on Twitter #NASEMopioidstudy | Watch a live webcast beginning at 8:30 a.m. EDT

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