
The mission of the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency is to coordinate activities that will save lives, protect property and reduce suffering of Mississippi’s citizens and their communities impacted by disasters through a comprehensive and integrated program of disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation initiatives.

The MEMA Web site is designed to support this mission by providing information and planning to the public and the emergency management communities. This site is continuously under development, and we make every attempt to keep information timely and accurate. We will also make every effort to correct errors that are brought to our attention.

MEMA is led by Executive Director Lee Smithson and divided into six offices:

  • Mitigation: which helps prevent damage and loss of life and property in future disasters.
  • Preparedness: which is in charge of all emergency plans and training programs in the state.
  • Radiological Emergency Preparedness: which is in charge of coordinating preparedness efforts related to a nuclear or radiological emergency in Mississippi.
  • Recovery: which is in charge of all recovery operations such as public assistance reimbursement.
  • Response: which is in charge of coordinating the state’s response to any type of natural or man-made emergency through the State Emergency Operations Center.
  • Support Services: which is in charge of all financial and personnel issues for the agency.

Emergency Public Information:
During an emergency, any crucial public information will be released through MEMA with the help of other state agencies that may be involved in the response actions. During any type of evacuation in the state, the Mississippi Public Broadcasting Network will broadcast that evacuation and traffic information on all MPB radio stations.