Coastal Modeling System Basics

Webinar occurred 11-15 June 2012


11 June 2012 - Day 1

  • Presentations
    • Welcome
    • Introduction to SMS interface
    • Introduction to the Coastal Modeling System (CMS)
  • Demonstrations
    • Working with Bathymetry

12 June 2012 - Day 2

  • Demonstrations
    • Working with Bathymetry (cont)
      • Horizontal and Vertical Datum Corrections
      • Merging Bathymetry Datasets
    • CMS-Flow (variable) Creation/Setup

13 June 2012 - Day 3

  • Presentations
    • CMS-Flow Model Setup Hands-on Document (older)
  • Demonstrations
    • Boundary Conditions
    • Model Parameters and Model Check
    • Creating CMS-Flow grids (Telescoping)

14 June 2012 - Day 4

  • Presentations
    • CMS-Wave Background and Capabilities
    • CMS-Wave Model Setup Hands-on Document (older)
  • Demonstrations
    • Creating CMS-Wave grids (Variable only)
    • Creating Wave Spectra from bulk criteria
    • Importing Wave Spectra information from Wave Gauge/Buoy
    • Steering - Interactive CMS-Flow and CMS-Wave

15 June 2012 - Day 5

  • Presentations
    • Link to latest Draft User's Manual
  • Presentations
    • Post-processing of Output
    • Validation (Comparison with Measurements)

Click underlined links on the agenda to access presentation material, CMS User's Guide, and data files.


Webinar Audio/Video Files