PC-Based Products and Tool Archive

Click an option below to obtain additional information

Note: Most of these tools were designed for Windows XP or earlier operating systems and are no longer actively supported.

* New BeachTools


Two ArcView/ArcGISTM extensions are available that are designed to identify and quantitatively establish the position of the shoreline and other coastal features from aerial imagery - one for ArcViewTM 3.2 and one for ArcGISTM 9.1. Please choose the correct plugin from the choices below.

Aerial imagery, i.e., digitized aerial photography, is commonly analyzed to qualitatively and quantitatively study the evolution of coastal inlet geomorphology. BeachTools is designed to facilitate such studies by providing a suite of tools that allows for the automatic delineation of coastal features and the generation of baselines and transects, removing the tedium and subjectivity of extracting data by hand, and allowing for much greater precision of such measurements.

Documentation is available from the PDF link next to each plugin listed above.

CEA - Channel Equilibrium Area program
* CEA: The Channel Equilibrium Area PC program (CEA) determines the minimum cross-section channel area for a coastal inlet. For a given inlet scenario, an analytical 1-D model is used to calculate inlet hydraulics. This information is combined with a tidal prism-minimum channel area relationship using the channel stability concept of Escoffier to determine the minimum equilibrium area.

CEA is a standalone PC program for the Windows operating system. Download the Zip-compressed archive for this program by holding down the Shift-key and clicking on the link below.


Download CEA Program zip archive -- 26 Mbyte download.

Installation of CEA: -- Place zip archive in directory of your choosing and unzip the archive. First install the .NET framework by double-clicking on the file dotnetfx.exe. Then you will be able to install CEA by double-clicking on the file setup.exe


CEDAS - Coastal Engineering Design and Analysis System

The Coastal Engineering Design and Analysis System (CEDAS) is a comprehensive collection of coastal engineering design and analysis software, developed by or for the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. CEDAS is interactive system for Windows 95/98/2000 or NT-based PCs. The system contents range from the simple technologies of the popular ACES package, to sophisticated models for multi-dimensional hydrodynamics, wave propagation, nearshore hydrodynamics and beach processes, inlet technology, and harbor oscillation. Additional information is available at the Veri-Tech web site.

Ebb Jet Calculator
* * Ebb Jet Calculator. - [ 4.7 Mb zip file ]. This is a Visual Basic application for Windows Operating Systems.
Hold down the shift key and click on the above link to download the Ebb Jet Calculator!


The EbbJet Calculator allows quick estimation of the ebb or flood jet issuing from an inlet based on the analytical solution of flow from Ozsoy and Unluata (1982). Estimates of sediment transport are developed from the sediment transport equations published by van Rijn (1984a, 1984b, and 1984c). Developed for inclusion in the Diagnostic Modeling System Analytical Toolbox, the EbbJet Calculator provides estimates of flow velocity and associated sediment transport at inlets that can aid in optimizing channel location and estimation of shoaling rates.

Further details are given in this Technical Note.

HyPAS - Hydraulic Processes Analysis System

* HyPAS: The Hydraulic Processes Analysis System (HyPAS) is a tool designed to manipulate and view large data sets of high resolution hydrodynamic data such as three-dimensional currents collected with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP).

Impacts of Inlets on Adjacent Beaches (IIAB/Section 111)

Impacts of Inlets on Adjacent Beaches

Please copy all these files into a new folder on your PC. Then double-click the IIAB Standalone Java Program and populate fields with each file as directed, or modify for your site-specific data. To copy the data to an excel spreadsheet and manipulate plots, you can paste into the attached "Application Workbook".

Download IIAB Files -- (1 zip file containing these files)    - Updated 17 May 2012

  • IIAB Standalone Java Program
  • Example Ebb and Flood Shoal Data
  • Example Shoreline Data
  • Example O&M Dredging Data
  • Application Workbook (Excel 2007 file)

NOTE: Units in this example are in Meters.
Also, for information on the IIAB, go to “Help-App Instructions” from within the Java Program.

IIAB Documentation can be found on the CIRP wiki:

Point of Contact:

Engineer Research and Development Center
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180

InletGIS ArcView Plugin
* * InletGIS ArcView Plugin. - [ 47kb ZIP file ]. This is an ArcView TM 3.x Geographic Information Systems (GIS) extension known as Inlet, Nearshore, and Littoral Enhancement Tool for Geographic Information Systems (INLETGIS). This plugin was designed to provide the user with a set of image processing tools, which may be used for an objective and time-saving method of inlet shoal and channel analysis through aerial photography classification schemes.

Hold down the shift key and click on the above link to download the InletGIS Plugin!


Further details are given in this Technical Note.

Inlets Online

* Inlets Online: An online information and analysis resource on tidal inlets, navigation channels, and adjacent beaches. It is intended to serve as a tutorial for nonspecialists and an information center for specialists in fields related to coastal inlets.

Regional Morphology Analysis Package (RMAP)

Regional Morphology Analysis Package (RMAP)

RMAP (Regional Morphology Analysis Package) - an integrated set of calculation tools developed for manipulating, analyzing, visualizing, and archiving data on shoreline positions and beach profiles in a georeferenced environment on a personal computer. RMAP supports analysis of beach profile, channel or river cross-sectional data, and shoreline position data for engineering and science applications. Capabilities extend from generation of spatially referenced shoreline change maps to a large suite of beach profile analysis tools.

RMAP is sponsored by the Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP).

Latest Version:

Note: Uninstall previous versions before installing this version.

Tutorial files can be downloaded here.

CHETN - Regional Morphology Analysis Package (RMAP), Version 3: User's Guide and Tutorial

RMAP Demonstration Project for the New Jersey Coast

Engineer Research and Development Center
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180