corps cirp

13th Annual
CIRP Technology-Transfer Workshop (#38)
6-8 March 2012
Philadelphia District
US Army Corps of Engineers

The 13th Annual Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP) Technology Transfer Workshop (38th overall) will be held in March 2012. The workshop will be held using facilities at the Philidelphia District. Workshop attendees will be provided Laptops or PCs with pre-loaded software, a bound notebook with presentations, and a link to download all software and data sets prior to the conference. A temporary 60-day license* for the Surface-Water Modeling System (SMS) including the Coastal Modeling System (CMS), and GenCade.

NEW - Webinar Information

Most of the Workshop will also be set up as a Webinar (call-in and connection information below). If you are interested in participating in the workshop via webinar, please email so we can let you know where workshop materials are posted beforehand and add your name to our list. You are welcome to participate for any portions of the workshop in which you have interest.

It is likely to be difficult for us to respond to individual off-site questions during the workshop, but we will respond to you each as time allows, so please use the webinar "participant chat" option for questions as these arise. Or, as always, feel free to email workshop instructors anytime.

Webinar access and call-in information:
Toll-Free #: 888-273-3658
Participant Code: 6760180

Webinar: (Internet Explorer works best). The Meeting Number is the same at the phone number as listed above. The Participant Code is the same as above.

A temporary license (~2 months) to SMS is needed unless an existing SMS license that includes the CMS Models is already in place. Please contact Mitch at to get that license information.

NOTE: SMS 11.0 and 11.1 will be used for this workshop. See THIS page for installation instructions. License information will be given on Tues. March 6 (for SMS 11.0) and Wed. March 7 (for SMS 11.1).

Please install both versions of SMS prior to beginning the webinar.

Agenda - Updated 3/1/2012

  • Click underlined links on the agenda to access presentation material, CMS User's Guide,
    and GenCade data files.
  • Click here for CMS-Flow data folder.
  • Click here for CMS-Wave data folder.
Time Tuesday, March 6th Wednesday, March 7th Thursday, March 8th
8 - 9 Start of Workshop Pre-workshop assistance by appointment
9 -10 Welcome and Overview
of the Workshop



  • Hydro Calibration and Validation
WaveNet and Other Cool
CIRP Tools
10 - 12

(break 10:45-11)

Overview of SMS 11.0

User's Guide

  • Bathymetry
  • Datums

  • Sediment Transport
  • Morphology Change
  • Calibration and Validation
12 - 1 Lunch on your own

1 - 5

(break 2:30-2:45)


  • Grid Creation
  • CMS-Flow model
  • CMS-Wave model
  • Steering



GenCade Future Plans Group Discussion: District needs
5 - 6 Individual Problems End of Workshop

Julie Rosati and CIRP PIs

Julie D. Rosati, PhD (
ERDC, Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory