• CPT Lite

Channel Portfolio Tool (CPT)

CPT is designed to enable analysis of commercial utilization of the Corps-maintained waterway infrastructure at a variety of coverage levels. At the most detailed level, individual channel sub-reaches may be chosen for analysis and compared to other sub-reaches in the USACE portfolio of navigation projects. However, in order to provide decision support to personnel at all levels of Corps management, CPT can also be used to analyze and compare commercial usage figures at the Project, District, and Division levels. For example, a District program manager might want to see which navigation project under his or her control handles the most exports of a particular commodity. CPT pulls from a large database that is maintained by the Corps’ Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center (WCSC).

Setting the desired level of analysis is done through the CPT Home screen: https://cpt.usace.army.mil.

Access to CPT (CAC card required):

  1. Register at CPT Website
  2. Download and sign non-disclosure agreements for:
  3. Email signed forms to Kenneth.N.Mitchell@usace.army.mil

Once all steps are complete, access will be granted for future visits to the CPT Website

Access the CPT Website:

Note: Yearly update of non-disclosure agreements is required.


  • CHETN (PDF) - A Review of Coastal Navigation Asset Management Efforts within the Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP) Part 2:
    The Channel Portfolio Tool
  • Conference Paper (PDF) - Depth-utilization Analysis for Estimating Economic Activity Supported by Dredging
  • Journal Article (PDF) - Depth-utilization Analysis for Estimating Economic Activity Supportted by Dredging


CPT Lite

CPT Lite provides Project-level coverage of waterborne commerce movements through Corps navigation channels, ports, and waterways.  CPT Lite is designed for decision makers requiring quick, reliable access to summary statistics for Corps navigation projects.  Supporting figures are provided by the Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center (WCSC) through the Navigation Data Center (NDC), and users are advised to validate the results of CPT Lite against the official NDC reports for decision-support purposes.

CPT Lite is presently only available to US Army Corps of Engineers employees. To obtain username and password information or provision your iOS device, please contact Kenneth.N.Mitchell@usace.army.mil and state your need.

Installation instructions (iOS devices only):

  1. Each device must first have a USACE profile installed. This must be renewed each year in order to continue to download updates to the program.
  2. To install or update your version of CPT Lite:
    • Since the application is over 20 MB, enable WiFi to download and install the application (doesn't work with 3G connection)
    • Go to the ERDC/ITL App Store, located at " https://blueroof.usace.army.mil/mobile"
    • Select the CPT Application.
    • Click the link to "Install or Update CPT".
  3. (Optional) - Save link to the App Store on your device to make access to updates easier.
    • Go back to the App Store main page - either click "Back" or go to "https://blueroof.usace.army.mil/mobile".
    • Press the "Send to" button at the bottom of your screen. It looks like an arrow coming out of a box.
    • Select "Add to Home Screen" and give a name that is easily identifiable.

Demonstration of CPT Lite for iPhone/iPad mobile devices:

Principal Point of Contact

Kenneth Ned Mitchell
Email: Kenneth.N.Mitchell@usace.army.mil

Engineer Research and Development Center
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180