Surface-water Modeling System (SMS)

The Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) is a comprehensive environment for one- and two-dimensional models dealing with surface water applications. Hydrodynamic models include CMS-Flow, TABS (RMA2, RMA4), FESWMS, ADCIRC, and TUFLOW. The hydrodynamic models cover a range of applications including river flow analysis, rural and urban flooding, estuary and inlet modeling, and modeling of large coastal domains. Additional functionalities include advection/diffusion (RMA4) and sediment transport (FESWMS). Wave models in SMS include CMS-Wave, STWAVE, BOUSS2D, and CGWAVE and include both spectral and wave transformation models. The Particle Tracking Model (PTM) tracks particles added to the water column to help evaluate sediment transport and environmental impacts. In addition, the generic model interface allows users to use the powerful mesh building tools with numeric engines that do not have custom interfaces. SMS can import data from a variety of files including text, CAD, and GIS files. SMS contains many visualizations options including contours (filled or linear), flow/velocity vectors, creation of animations, and exporting to Google Earth or GIS.

SMS 12.1.7 - 13 August 2016

SMS 12.1 versions
SMS 12.1.7 (32-bit) - 13 August 2016 (Alt Site) ~273 MB Release Notes
SMS 12.1.7 (64-bit) - 13 August 2016 (Alt Site) ~324 MB

Note: The CMS interface has changed completely in SMS 12.1 with the advent of the DynamicXML capability. While CMS may work in this version, it is undergoing rigorous testing. A webinar will be conducted in July-August 2016 to train customers in the new features and interface. We recommend continue using 11.2 for production and only use 12.1 for exploration and testing.

SMS 11.2 - 03 March 2016

SMS 11.2 versions
SMS 11.2.16 (32-bit) - 03 March 2016 (Alt Site) ~291 MB Release Notes
SMS 11.2.16 (64-bit) - 03 March 2016 (Alt Site) ~329 MB

Note: The CMS interface has changed somewhat in SMS 11.2 from 11.1. Mainly these changes are in the Model Control, however there are some other new features in the right click options as well.

SMS 11.1 - 13 November 2014

SMS 11.1 versions
SMS 11.1.20 (32-bit) - 13 Nov 2014 (Alt Site) ~202 MB Release Notes
SMS 11.1.20 (64-bit) - 13 Nov 2014 (Alt Site) ~235 MB

Note: The CMS interface has changed somewhat in SMS 11.1 from 11.0. Mainly these changes are in the Model Control, however there are some other new features in the right click options as well.

The new features will be described by wiki pages over the next couple of months. A link will show here when the wiki pages are up and starting to be populated. In the meantime, look around and try them out. If you have any question, write Mitch or Alex at the email addresses below: