
GenCade, Version 1.0 (Update 6)

GenCade is a newly developed numerical model which combines the engineering power of GENESIS and the regional processes capability of the Cascade model. GenCade calculates shoreline change, wave-induced long-shore sand transport, and morphology change at inlets on a local to regional scale and can be applied as a planning or engineering tool. GenCade is operated within the Surface-water Modeling System interface, bringing functionality of a georeferenced environment together with accessibility to other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers numerical models. GenCade is being developed jointly by CIRP and the Regional Sediment Management (RSM) program.

System Requirements:
Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) version 11.1
For the latest version of SMS 11, see SMS entry under the Products menu.

Fact Sheet: GenCade, Version 1 (PDF)

FY15 Technical Report GenCade, Version 1 Model Theory and User's Guide
FY15 CHETN Using GenCade to Create a Sediment Budget in SBAS
FY13 Technical Report GenCade, Version 1 Quick-Start Guide: How to Start a Successful GenCade Project
FY13 CHETN Wave Data Processing and Analysis Tools for Developing Wave Boundary Forcing for CMS-Wave and GenCade Numerical Models: Part 1
FY13 CHETN Wave Data Processing and Analysis, Part 2: Codes for Coupling GenCade and CMS-Wave

Video Clips - GenCade V1 Getting Started Tutorials (links to YouTube):
Tutorial 4: The graphical interface
Tutorial 5: Setting Workspace
Tutorial 6: Creating the Initial Shoreline - Part 1
Tutorial 6: Creating the Initial Shoreline - Part 2
Tutorial 7: Regional Contour - Part 1
Tutorial 7: Regional Contour - Part 2

Other Documentation:
A GenCade User's Guide is in progress and is located on the following wiki page:

GenCade Binning Matlab Code - zip file -
Contains: linwavetheory.m, wavdispeq.m, and JP_BinWaves.m

CMS2MAP Code - zip file -
Contains:cms2map.exe, and cms2map.ctrl

Wave Data Processing and Analysis Tools for Developing Wave Boundary Forcing for CMS-Wave and GenCade Numerical Models: Part 1

Principal Point of Contact

Ashley Frey
Email: Ashley.E.Frey@usace.army.mil

Engineer Research and Development Center
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180