Coastal Inlets Research Program
PC-Based Products and Tools

High resolution hydrodynamic surveys produce output data of such large quantity that many applications for engineering decisions are being lost.

HyPAS is a tool designed to remediate that problem as well as improve current applications of such data.


HyPAS for ArcView currently provides three analysis tools for Velocity Data

  1. Contouring velocity data in planview.
  2. Plotting vector magnitude and direction in planview.
  3. Creating cross-sections of velocity data.

* Click on this image for an expanded view of an input form for contouring data in planview. Notice the choices available from the velocity database.
* This image shows an example of contoured velocity data in a river channel.
* This image shows a selection screen for setting up a plot of velocity vector magnitude and direction.
* This image shows a velocity vector magnitude and direction plot for Shinnecock Inlet and is displayed over Shoal's Bathymetry data.

The image on the left shows selection of a measurement transect for plotting velocities on the cross-section.

The right image shows some of the available options.

* This image shows velocity contouring of cross-section corresponding to measurement transect.

HyPAS for ArcView provides three additional analysis tools...

  1. Importing and displaying digital photography for project management enhancement
  2. Importing and Analyzing Time Series Data
  3. Importing and Analyzing Grain Size Soil Samples
* This image shows an Imported Digital Photograph.
* This image shows a Time Series Data Plot.

This image shows a GrainSize (phi) Distribution Plot.
* This image shows a Soil Sample Analysis by displaying selected samples in Tabular, Histogram, and Plan View windows.
* This image shows the capability to calculate the Adjust Fill and Renourishment Factors with reference PHI values.

Additional Analysis Routines...

  1. Overlaying Fish Tracking Data with ADCP Cross Sections
  2. Wave Frequency and Direction Analysis

* This image shows ADCP data with Fish Population Data overlaid.
* This image shows a Wave Energy Density Direction Plot.
* This image shows a Wave Rose Plot.

Possible future enhancements to HyPAS may include...

HyPAS Summary

Points of Contact

Thad C. Pratt
Waterways Experiment Station
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180

Voice: (601)634-2959 FAX: (601)634-3694

Daryl S. Cook
Waterways Experiment Station
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180

Voice: (601)634-2959 FAX: (601)634-3694

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Last Updated October 13, 2000