Advanced Topics with the Coastal Modeling System

Webinar occurred 18-22 June 2012


18 June 2012 - Day 1

  • Introduction to CMS (slides)
  • Overview of Documentation and Workshop Material – Read it!
  • Tips for preparing bathymetry and other scatter sets
  • Tips for setting up and running
  • Hydrodynamics

19 June 2012 - Day 2

  • Wind and Atmospheric Pressure
  • Initial and Boundary Conditions

20 June 2012 - Day 3

  • Surface roller
  • Salinity Transport
  • Sediment Transport

21 June 2012 - Day 4

  • Multiple-sized sediment transport
  • Numerical Methods
  • Advanced Output

22 June 2012 - Day 5

  • Scripting
  • Problem Solving
  • Model Calibration
  • Post-processing
  • Upcoming features



Click underlined links on the agenda to access presentation material, CMS User's Guide, and data files.


Webinar Audio/Video Files