Conference Papers

These are listings of the Conference papers only. Some links point to the conference web site for possible access to the report. For more information, contact: Mitchell Brown,

List of Reports by Fiscal Year
FY 2015
  • Numerical Modeling of Waves, Currents, and Sediment Transport at Pillar Point Harbor, CA (ISOPE 2015)
  • Wave-Current Conditions and Navigation Safety at an Inlet Entrance (ISOPE 2015)
  • Littoral Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport around a Semi-Permeable Breakwater (Coast & Ports 2015)

The following papers will be published in Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2015:

  • Foredune Classification and Storm Response: Automated Analysis of Terrestrial Lidar Dems
  • Engineering with Nature: Nurture Berm Placements at Fort Myers Beach and Perdido Key, Florida, USA
  • Measuring and Modeling Beach-Profile Response to Tropical Storm Debby, West Central Florida
  • Sediment Management Options for Galveston Island, Texas
  • Hydrodynamic Conditions and Sediment Movement at Port of Port Orford
  • Numerical Modeling of Mixed Sediment Transport in GIWW and West Galveston Bay, Texas
  • Sediment Engineering Thru Dredging and With Nature (SETDWN) - Fate of Fines in the Dredging and Placement Process
  • Sediment Budget on the Indiana Shore at Burns Harbor, Lake Michigan
  • Conceptual Regional Sediment Budget for the US North Atlantic Coast
  • Long-term Morphological Modeling at Coastal InletsComparing Two Numerical Models in Simulating Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport at a Dual Inlet System, West-Central, Florida
FY 2014
FY 2013
  • Mixed Sediment Modeling for Matagorda Ship Channel, Texas
  • A 3-D Phase-Averaged Model for Shallow Water Flow with Waves in Vegetated Water
  • Coastal Inlet Navigation Research in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • A Modeling Study of Coastal Sediment Transport and Morphology Change
  • Numerical Modeling of Coastal Dredged Material Placement Study at Noyo Harbor, CA
  • Coastal Inundation due to Tide, Surge, Waves, and Sea Level Rise at Naval Station Norfolk
FY 2012 The following presentations supported by the CIRP and papers will be published in Proceedings of the ICCE 2012:
  • Dredging optimization of an inlet system for adjacent shore protection projects using CMS and GENCADE.
  • Modeling alternatives for erosion control at Matagorda County, Texas with GENCADE.
  • Numerical modeling of coastal inundation and sedimentation by storm surge, tides, and waves at Norfolk, Virginia, USA. 
  • Littoral transport modeling for Ocean Beach and San Francisco Bight, California.
  • A model of beach profile evolution including wave-undertow interaction.
  • Influence of inlet / shoal complex on adjacent shorelines via Inlet Sink method.
  • Sediment Budget Formulation Via Exhaustive Search Method

Papers submitted to other conferences:

  • Modeling Combined Diffraction-Refraction in a Coastal Spectral Wave Model
FY 2011 The following papers supported by the CIRP and published in Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments '11 Specialty Conference:
  • Coastal Evolution Modeling at Multiple Scales in Regional Sediment Management Applications
  • Re-establishing a Historical Inlet at East Harbor, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
  • The Mystery of Historical Channel Shoaling at Houston-Galveston Navigation Channel, TX
  • Nonuniform Sediment Transport Modeling at Grays Harbor, WA
  • Evaluation of Breakwaters and Sedimentation at Dana Point Harbor, CA
  • Ebb-Tidal Delta Development Where Before There Was None, Shark River Inlet, New Jersey
  • Inlet Stabilization: A Case Study at Mouth of Colorado, Texas
  • Comparison of a Physical and Numerical Mobile-bed Model of Beach and T-head Groin Interaction
  • A Depth-Averaged 2-D Simulation for Coastal Barrier Breaching Processes
Papers submitted to other conferences:
  • Sediment Transport Modeling and Application for Ocean Beach and San Francisco Bight, CA
  • Modeling transport of disposed dredged material from placement sites in Grays Harbor, WA
  • Sediment Budget: Mississippi Sound Barrier Islands
FY 2010
  • Barrier Island Restoration for Storm Damage Reduction: Willapa Bay, Washington, USA
  • Rapid Calculation of Nonlinear Wave-Wave Interactions in Wave-Action Balance Equation
  • Evaluation of a Proposed Channel on Circulation and Morphology Change at Kawaihae Harbor and Pelekane Bay, Hawaii, USA
  • An Implicit 2-D Depth-Averaged Finite-Volume Model of Flow and Sediment Transport in Coastal Waters.
FY 2009
  • Influences of channel dredging on flow and sedimentation patterns at microtidal inlets, West-central Florida, USA
  • Depth-utilization Analysis for Estimating Economic Activity Supported by Dredging (WEDA XXIX) 
  • Rapid Methods for Estimating Navigation Channel Shoaling (WEDA XXIX)
FY 2008
  • Cumulative Effects of Channel and Ebb Shoal Dredging on Inlet Evolution in Southwest Florida, USA
FY 2007
  • Numerical Modeling of Waves Generated by High-Speed Vessels in Shallow Water with a Coupled Boussinesq-Panel Method
  • Finite Volume Solution of Boussinesq-type Equations on an Unstructured Grid
  • Nonlinear Wave Interaction with Submerged and Surface-Piercing Porous Structures
  • Laboratory Measurements of Wave Forces 
The following papers supported by the CIRP and published in Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments '07 Specialty Conference:
  • Navigation Improvement, Mouth of the Colorado River, Texas
  • Long-Term Inlet Stability of a Multiple Inlet System, Pass Cavallo, Texas
  • A Total Load Formula for the Nearshore
  • Closed Form Solution for Threshold Velocity for Initiation of Sediment Motion Under Waves
  • Coastal Inlets of Texas
  • Physical Processes Study of Goldsmith Inlet, New York
  • Limits of Beach and Dune Erosion in Response to Wave Runup Elucidated From SUPERTANK
  • Longshore and Sand Transport Calculated by Time-Dependent Shear Stress
  • Sedimentation Patterns in a Stabilized Migratory Inlet, Blind Pass, FL
  • A Relic Sand Wave Field in a Tidal Channel
  • Morphologic Response to a New Inlet, Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas
  • Hydrodynamic and Morphologic Modeling at Sebastian Inlet, FL
  • Morphologic Modeling of Multiple Barrier Island Breaches for Regional Application
FY 2006
  • Natural Sand Bypassing and Response of Ebb Shoal to Jetty Rehabilitation, Ocean City Inlet, MD, USA 
  • Coastal Inlet Functional Design: Anticipating Morphological Response
  • Shoreline Evolution in a Groin Field by Reservoir Model Approach 
  • Wave Forces and Moments on Heavily Overtopped Vertical Current Deflection Dike
  • Wave-Induced Gravel and Cobble Transport on a Crenulate Shoreline of a Large Inlet, Grays Harbor, Washington
FY 2005
  • General Methodology for Inlet Reservoir Model Analysis of Sand Management Near Tidal Inlets
  • Laboratory Measurements of Waves and Wave-Induced Currents At a Jettied Inlet
  • Application of a Predicitive Channel Shoaling and Migration Model, M3D, to St. Marys Entrance, Florida
  • Implications of Morphodynamic Time Scale for Coastal Protection
  • Numerical Morphological Model of Barrier Island Breaching
FY 2004
  • Evaluation of Ebb-Tidal Shoals as a Sand Source for Beach Nourishment: General Methodology with Reservoir Model Analysis
  • Coupled Circulation, Wave, and Morphology-Change Modeling, Shinnecock Inlet, New York
FY 2003
  • Hypothetical Relocation of Fire Island Inlet, New York
  • Long-Term Coastal Inlet CHANNEL AREA Stability
  • Circulation Change and Ebb Shoal Development Following Relocation of Mason Inlet, North Carolina
  • Numerical Simulation of Sediment Pathways at an Idealized Inlet and Ebb Shoal
  • Shoreline Response to Breakwaters With Time-Dependent Wave Transmission
  • Morphological Analysis of Sebastian Inlet, Florida: Enhancements to the Tidal Inlet Reservoir Model
FY 2002
  • Analytical Model of Navigation Channel Infilling by Cross-Channel Transport
  • Simulation of Regional Longshore Sediment Transport and Coastal Evolution - The "Cascade" Model
  • Coupling of Wave and Circulation Numerical Models at Grays Harbor Entrance, Washington, USA
  • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Coastal Inlets Research Program
  • Federal Inlets Database
  • Coastal Inlet Bank Erosion
  • SMS Steering Module: An Interface for Automated Coupling of Circulation and Wave Models
  • Numerical Simulation of Navigation Channel Infilling, Bay Center, Washington 
  • Automated Coupling of Regional and Local Circulation Models through Boundary Condition Specification
  • Predicting Hydrodynamics of a Proposed Multiple-Inlet System, Colorado River, Texas
FY 2001
  • Engineering Study of Inlet Entrance Hydrodynamics: Grays Harbor, Washington, USA
  • Analytical Solution of One-Dimensional Bay Forced by Sea Breeze
  • Implementation of a Regional Wave Measurement and Modeling System, South Shore of Long Island, New York
  • Wave Scaling in a Tidal Inlet Model
  • Re-Alignment of an Inlet Entrance Channel by Ebb-Tidal Eddies
  • Establishment of a Flood Shoal Sand Source with Preservation of Existing Habitat Function
  • Beach Erosional Hot Spots: Types, Causes, and Solutions (in press) 
  • On Equilibrium Properties in Predictive Modeling of Coastal Morphology Change
  • A New Approach to Represent Tidal Currents and Bathymetric Features in the One-Line Model Concept
FY 2000
  • Application of a Regional Sediment Budget Analysis System for Florida's East Coast
  • Data collection supporting shore-protection planning for wetlands located near navigation channels
  • Representation of Tombolos and Sediment Transport by Tidal Current in the "Genesis" Model
  • Regional Coastal and Inlet Circulation Modeling with Application to Long Island, New York
  • Numerical Model Steering Module - Let the Communication Begin
  • Tidal inlet circulation: observations, model skill and momentum balances
  • Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Sea-Breeze Dominated Shallow Embayment, Baffin Bay, Texas
  • Prediction of Ebb-Shoal Evolution and Sand Bypassing
FY 1999
  • Physical Model of Current-Induced Scour at Ventura Harbor
  • Regional Sediment Budget for Fire Island to Montauk Point, New York, USA
  • Equilibrium Shape of Headland-Bay Beaches for Engineering Design
  • Analytical Model of Spit Evolution at Inlets
  • Cyclic Channel Movement At The Entrance To Willapa Bay, Washington, USA
  • Depth of Closure in Beach-Fill Design
  • Estimating Uncertainty in Coastal Inlet Sediment Budgets
FY 1998
  • Inlet Cross-Sectional Area Calculated by Process-Based Model
  • Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamics for Proposed Inlet, East Matagorda Bay, Texas
  • Evaluation of Pre- and Post-Jetty Inlet Shoal Evolution
  • Irregular Wave Kinematics From PUV Gauge
  • Modeling Waves at Ponce de Leon Inlet, Florida
FY 1997
  • Nonlinear Wave Kinematics from Pressure Arrays
  • Distinguishing Cross-Shore and Longshore Processes in Shoreline Change Evaluation
  • Littoral Impact of Ocean City Inlet, Maryland, USA
  • Current-Induced Breaking at an Idealized Inlet
FY 1996
  • An Approach to Modeling Inlet and Beach Evolution
  • Irregular Wave Kinematics from a Pressure Record
  • Scour at Coastal Inlet Structures
  • A Comprehensive Field Study of Tidal Inlet Processes at Ponce de Leon Inlet, Florida