WaveNet and TideNet Webinars
19-22 April 2016

Webinars: The Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP) conducted a series of four webinars on 19-22 April 2016. Drs. Zeki Demirbilek and Lihwa Lin were the instructors for these webinars. The archives of the webinars are available for viewing at any time from the CIRP website: http://cirp.usace.army.mil/techtransfer/webinars/2016-19Apr-webinar.php

Each 1-hr long webinar demonstrated parts of WaveNet and TideNet, web-based tools which are the first two modules of the MetOcnDat (Meteorological and Oceanographic Data or Metocean data) management and analysis system. These tools allow USACE users to access, analyze, and visualize metocean data for application to coastal navigation and storm damage reduction projects. Wave and wind data from six data sources can be accessed by WaveNet, and water levels from four data sources by TideNet. Additional info about these tools follows.

WaveNet: WaveNet is the first module of the metocean data system, a modular database management system for the Meteorological and Oceanographic (metocean) data used in coastal navigation and storm damage reduction applications by USACE. The system consists of two web-based modular toolboxes for waves and tides. WaveNet is a web-based Graphical-User-Interface (GUI) data management tool for users to access, process, and analyze wave and wind data from six publically available sources, allowing users to check the availability of data, extract, download, analyze, and prepare data in tabular and graphical format for project planning and reports, and input files for numerical wave models. Five published User’s Guides describe details of WaveNet application to six wave databases: National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), Wave Information Study (WIS), Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP), Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS), Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System (GLCFS), and Wave Watch III (WW3).

TideNet: TideNet, the second module of the metocean data system, is a web-based GUI that provides users with tools to query tide data sources in a desired geographic region of USA, its territories, and globally. Users can select a tide data source through the Google Map interface to view data and parameters of interest, query the data source, plot, analyze, and extract tidal information at user-specified location and time window, and provides output data in different formats for engineering applications. Post-processing capabilities produce tables and figures to prepare input files for numerical models. TideNet provides water levels from four data sources: ADCIRC Tidal database, Le Provost Global Tidal database, National Ocean Service Tides and Currents, and Oregon State University TOPEX/Poseidon Global Model Ocean Tides. A User’s Guide describes the application of TideNet to tide data for coastal, ocean, and marine engineering applications, providing users analysis tools to access, process, and analyze tide data, and prepare water level and tidal constituent input files for wave/flow/sediment transport models.

The WaveNet and TideNet tools can be accessed on Corpsnet (ACE-IT) machines by clicking one of the following links:  or

Note: if you get a message "there is a problem with this website's security certificate", this is an ACE-IT warning.  Click "proceed to this website" to continue.

Webinar Videos
WaveNet TideNet
Day 1Day 1
Day 2Day 2

Principal Points of Contact

Zeki Demirbilek
Email: Zeki.Demirbilek@usace.army.mil

Lihwa Lin
Email: Lihwa.Lin@usace.army.mil