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Editor's Perspective - Video Blog

OPEC was destined not to cut output in Vienna meeting

Thu Dec 04 15:00:00 CST 2014
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries was destined not to cu...

BP’s Insider Insights Webcast Series

A focus on BP's global portfolio; working and delivering major projects and career insights

BP’s Insider Insights webcast series: Event 3 A focus on BP's global portfolio; working and...
Wed, Apr 16, 2014
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A focus on the US; major project insight

BP’s Insider Insights webcast series: Event 2 A focus on the US; major project insight - Wh...
Wed, Apr 2, 2014
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An introduction to BP Refining & Marketing; organization overview and BP’s fuels value chains

BP’s Insider Insights webcast series: Event 1 An introduction to BP Refining & Marketin...
Wed, Mar 19, 2014
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Watching Government - Video Blog

Considering the 2014 elections

Tue Nov 25 14:23:00 CST 2014
Not a whole lot changed for US oil and gas in the 2014 elections despite...

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Global reserves, oil production show increases for 2014

12/01/2014 Oil & Gas Journal's annual look at worldwide proved reserves shows increa...

Prospects for US crude exports to Asia are looking up

12/01/2014 Within the next 3 to 4 years, the US can become an oil and condensate exporte...

Asia-Pacific refining primed for capacity growth

12/01/2014 Global crude oil refining capacity in 2014 edged lower from 2013 (OGJ, Dec. 2...

Editor's Perspective

Study: To cool climate, eat l...

Meeting stated goals for Earth’s climate requires not only using pricey energy but also spurning animal protein.

Featured Market Connection


Proco Products: Your Expansion Joint Source for Mud Tanks, Frac Tanks, Shale Shakers

Proco Products, Inc. is a global leader in the design and supply of piping/ducting...

Shell Perdido Custom Publication

Fabricating the Single-Lift Topsides

The Perdido team faced a tough decision. A conventional topsides design required a series of modules that would have to be fabricated onshore, then lifted onto the spar and integrated offshore, but what if the team could constrain the design enough that it could be built and lifted in one piece?

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