Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Table of Contents

How do I submit PIREPs?

Please follow the steps on PIREP Submit Request. Accounts are validated via the FAA Airmen Inquiry.

Where is the CWSU National Map?

The CWSU National Map that was hosted on was removed. The Mesowest database was becoming outdated and less reliable, and without 24/7 technical support. You can always get current conditions on AWC's METAR page. Hover capability is under the Configure drop down above the map. Another option is the Weather Hazards and Data Viewer hosted by the NWS Western Region.

Why won't the Flight Path Tool launch?

Try installing the latest version of Java and add "" to the exception list in the Java security tab (control panel → Java). The Flight Path Tool (FPT) was developed several years ago when the use of Java was more widely accepted. Most of the problems today are with the upgrades of Java to version 7 and 8 as well as changes to the security within Java. This can affect Windows 10, Mac, and some Linux operating platforms. As such, we've migrated almost all of our web away from Java with the exception of FPT. We are exploring options for a different service, but they have not yet been completed. In the meantime, you might be able to get FPT to work by setting an exception for apps coming from

If I find a bug, how do I submit it?

You can use the feedback page to submit a bug, a suggestion for improvements or a general comment. There are some new features and there will be some initial bugs. Please don't hesitate to let us know. We run a deployment of functionality upgrades every month. Critical bugs will be fixed as soon as possible. To submit feedback, go to: /contact.

I'm having trouble accessing my account.

You will need to log in and/or have correct permissions. To check your groups, log in and visit: /User. Please Contact Us if further assistance is needed.

How can I request information on additional TAF sites?

Request additional TAF sites through the NextGen Aviation Weather Request Form.

How can I toggle off the GIS maps?

For those with older browsers or slow network connections, it's recommended to toggle off the GIS interactive maps. This is done through the User Settings page.

Where's a tutorial on the website?

A brief tutorial is available at /help/tutorial. Please check it out.

How do I access historical data?

It depends on the data type:

  • METARs/TAFs Up to 36 hours: (via “Request METAR Data")
  • METARs/Aircraft Reports/TAFs/AIRMETs/SIGMETs/G-AIRMETs/Station Info up to 3 days:
  • For all else ... The official resource for archived NWS data is the: National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). NCEI provides online access to data through the Archive Information Request System. Select "Land-Based" heading and then expand the "Service Records Retention System (SRRS) Text Products" to access the order form, documentation, and bulletin selection options. When placing an order, you can enter the type of data and the period of time for the request. An email with details and links to access to the data will be emailed to the provided address when processing is complete &emdash; roughly 30 minutes after the request.

Where can I find NOTAMs?

NOTAMs are managed by the FAA, and can be viewed via the PilotWeb Site: PilotWeb.

I would like to learn about meteorology!

This is a great recourse: Jetstream - An Online School of Weather.