Table 4: Data Relevant for Labor Productivity and MFP in Air Transportation

Table 4: Data Relevant for Labor Productivity and MFP in Air Transportation

(Index Numbers, 1990=100)

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Year Output
Labor Hours
Intermediate Purchases
Output per Hour
Output per Unit of Capital
Output per Unit of intermediate Purchases
1990 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1991 98.0 97.0 103.1 97.3 101.0 95.1 100.7
1992 103.9 98.9 101.3 101.1 105.1 102.6 102.8
1993 107.2 98.0 105.3 113.9 109.4 101.8 94.1
1994 114.2 97.4 112.2 112.9 117.2 101.8 101.2
1995 119.0 96.7 113.9 113.5 123.1 104.5 104.8
1996 127.2 99.7 117.0 116.7 127.6 108.7 109.0
1997 132.8 102.9 120.5 120.8 129.1 110.2 109.9
1998 135.7 107.8 125.9 122.8 125.9 107.8 110.5
1999 142.5 112.4 131.4 125.0 126.8 108.4 114.0
2000 151.3 119.3 139.3 124.8 126.8 108.6 121.2
2001 141.3 119.1 145.5 117.9 118.6 97.1 119.8

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics internet site: