One Call Grants

One Call Grants


PHMSA’s One Call Grant Program is designed to provide funding to state agencies in promoting damage prevention, including changes with their state underground damage prevention laws, related compliance activities, training and public education. This grant program is for states that have a certification or agreement with PHMSA to do pipeline safety inspections.

Award Eligibility 

State agencies that participate in the pipeline safety program are eligible to apply for one-call grant funding on an annual basis.

One Call Program grants may be used to support initiatives to further promote efforts specifically for damage prevention, including one-call legislation, related compliance activities, training and public education. These may include for example, areas such as:

  • Compliance - compliance monitoring and enforcement, legal assistance with enforcement actions, development of compliance statistics, procurement of computers and other equipment to support ongoing enforcement programs.
  • Performance - development of one-call center statistics, one-call membership initiatives, procurement of one-call center computers and other equipment.
  • Communication and training - communication improvements, development and/or conduct of state-provided training programs, development and/or distribution of promotional items or materials, informational mailings, and advertisements, damage prevention awareness campaigns, and public service announcements.

Award Funding Information

State agencies that participate in the pipeline safety program are eligible to apply for one-call, with a maximum request amount of $45,000 per state. See the One Call Grant Funding Criteria.PHMSA, working with the National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR), released a report in February 2010, “2009 One Call Report Analysis Recommendations” that concluded “an increased funding level is needed…to provide the needed assistance to states”.

Past Projects 

Listings of one-call grant awards for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, 2014, and 2015 are available.

More information is available under the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.