[Header] PHMSA - U.S. Department of Transportation - Pipeline and Hazardous materials Safety Adminis
Completed Competitions at PHMSA

Administrative Services Competition at PHMSA Headquarters:

See the flow chart of the overall competition process. Also, refer to the milestone dates for the overall competition process. The competition was completed in FY 2004. Originally the competition was planned to include 14.7 FTE. 2.0 FTE were subsequently eliminated from the competition as follows:

  • 1.0 FTE was made up of .5 FTE for two students (Co-op and Stay-in-School). It was determined that functions performed by students should not be classified as Commercial B (suitable for competition).
  • 1.0 FTE involved an employee performing administrative services and reporting directly to an Associate Administrator/Office Director. Guidance from the Office of the Secretary of Transportation, with respect to the FY 2004 FAIR Act inventory, suggested that functions, performed by employees reporting directly to an Associate Administrator/Office Director, are not to be classified as Commercial B (suitable for competition).

Refer to the Performance Decision announcement email, September 28, 2004 from the Deputy Administrator to all employees.

3 men shaking hands