Training for Tribal Representatives

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Emergency Management Institute Tribal Curriculum

EMI Tribal Curriculum Goal: To collaborate with tribal governments to build emergency management capability and partnerships to ensure continued survival of Tribal nations and communities.

L552 Continuity of Operations (COOP) for Tribal Governments

Course Purpose:  To give Tribal governments a foundation for ensuring operation of essential government functions during emergency events.

This 2-day course provides tribal representatives with an understanding of how to develop and implement a Continuity of Operations program to ensure continuity of community essential functions across a wide range of emergencies and events.  Topics include legal basis for continuity, continuity planning, determining essential functions, vital records management, and pan flu implications for continuity operations.  1.2 CEUS

TARGET AUDIENCE:  tribal leaders, tribal emergency managers, and tribal community response personnel.

NOTE:  Off-site classes only – scheduled through EMI Preparedness Section

E580 Emergency Management Framework for Tribal Governments

Course Purpose:  To assist tribal communities to understand emergency management principles and develop and implement comprehensive emergency management systems.
This 4-day course provides tribal leaders and emergency management/response personnel with a basic understanding of emergency management principles and their role in leading and directing their tribes in developing and implementing comprehensive emergency management systems. Specific topics include identification and analysis of hazards, developing an emergency operations plan, assuring readiness through training and exercises, forming partnerships in the public and private sectors, and upgrading and sustaining emergency management capabilities. 3.0 CEUs

TARGET AUDIENCE:  tribal emergency managers, tribal emergency response personnel, tribal leaders

March 14-17, 2011 and August 22-25, 2011 at the  Emergency Management Institute

E581 Emergency Management Operations for Tribal Governments

Course Purpose:  To assist Tribal officials to develop organizational structures, operational procedures, and resources for effective emergency management operations.
During this 4-day course, trial emergency management and response personnel will develop a deeper understanding of emergency management operations. Special emphasis is placed on developing standard operating procedures and using these procedures to test operational readiness.  3.0 CEUs

TARGET AUDIENCE:  tribal emergency managers, tribal community response personnel, tribal leaders.  NOTE:  E580 is a mandatory prerequisite

April 25-28, 2011 at the  Emergency Management Institute.

E582 Mitigation for Tribal Governments

Course Purpose:  To give Tribal governments a foundation for reducing or preventing potential losses from natural or other hazards.
This course provides tribal representatives with an understanding of mitigation concepts and techniques for protecting their communities from all hazards.  The course will cover the use of hazard identification and risk analysis for mitigation planning, and provide examples of tribal mitigation successes.  The course will also provide an overview of FEMA mitigation programs as opportunities for further reducing risk to all hazards in their community.

2.4 CEUs

TARGET AUDIENCE:  tribal emergency managers, tribal community planners. 

NOTE:  E580 is a mandatory prerequisite

May 23-26, 2011 at the Emergency Management Institute

IS 650 Building Partnerships with Tribal Governments

Effective partnerships form and evolve because the individual partners have an understanding, appreciation, and respect for one another that they acquire through education and life experiences. This course is designed to provide the basic knowledge to build effective partnerships with tribal governments and to work in concert with them to protect native people and their property against all types of hazards.

Throughout this course tribal representatives speak about their history, their culture, their way of life, and what people need to know to develop good relationships with them. What they say will provide insight into a people who have endured great suffering and challenges but remain proud and committed to taking care of one another, their land, and their traditions.

Feedback from class participant:

"I just wanted to let someone know how much I enjoyed IS-650 Building Partnerships in Tribal Communities. It was wonderful! I knew the history of our Tribes but I found out I knew nothing about the appropriate way to approach and communicate with tribes. This was so informative and we have a Federally recognized tribe in our County. The Cowlitz Tribe. I also loved the format and listening to the dialog of the various spokespersons with their insights."

Cathy Batchelor
Cowlitz County DEM
Kelso, Washington
Last Updated: 
06/05/2012 - 10:30
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