PHMSA Failure Investigation Results in Notice of Probable Violation and Proposed Civil Penalty for Sunoco Pipeline
  • Article
Nov 2, 2016

PHMSA 28-16
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

News Digest

PHMSA Failure Investigation Results in Notice of Probable Violation and Proposed Civil Penalty for Sunoco Pipeline. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) today issued a Notice of Probable Violation, Proposed Compliance Order and Proposed Civil Penalty of $251,800 to Sunoco Logistics Partners, L.P. after concluding its investigation of a November 2015 accident at the Sunoco-owned West Texas Gulf Pipeline Company's Wortham, Texas, facility that injured several workers. The NOPV identifies two probable violations of Federal pipeline safety regulations, including failing to have a formal written procedure for the operation and maintenance of the 10-inch flow control valve involved in the accident, and failing to follow a written plan to ensure isolation of all energy sources prior to the start of work on the day the incident occurred. Review the details of the enforcement case here. Contact for media: Allie Aguilera (202)366-4831.
