three women holding thumbs up

Older Americans Act

Providing critical services for our nation’s seniors

Tell Congress to fund the OAA

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The Older Americans Act (OAA) funds critical services that keep older adults healthy and independent—services like meals, job training, senior centers, caregiver support, transportation, health promotion, benefits enrollment, and more.

Nearly five years after it expired, legislation to reauthorize the Act was passed by Congress with unanimous, bipartisan support. Read about the Senate reauthorization bill and the House amendments. The bill was signed into law by the President on April 19, 2016. Read statements from NCOA and the Administration for Community Living (ACL).

Join NCOA in thanking Congress for this strong show of support for the OAA and urge the same bipartisan effort in making long-overdue investments to enable these important programs to meet the needs of senior across the country.

Learn more about the OAA reauthorization progress and the changes that will be enacted, read about the recommendations that NCOA and others proposed, and review the Aging Network programs and strategies supported by the Act.