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Business travel

  • Airline baggage fees

    Bags of cash

    by C.S.

    LAST month the US Department of Transportation revealed, somewhat unsurprisingly, that airlines in America continue to make money from baggage fees. Delta Air Lines came out on top, pulling in more than $233m (£145m) in the third quarter of 2012, just above United Airlines on $187m. Spirit, a low-cost rival, charges up to $100 for each piece of hand luggage.

    After a recent trip from Ohio to Boston, Sanjoy Mahajan, a Freakonomics contributor, claims he’s had enough. In a lively blog, he argues that while baggage fees have helped American companies to double their profits, they have also produced numerous social costs.

  • Aeroplane technology

    Glass bottom jets

    by M.R.

    AS PART of a promised $140m investment in new technology, Delta Air Lines has developed an iPad app that gives passengers a bird's-eye view of the ground under their plane. The "Glass Bottom Jet" app feeds real-time data of your flight position into maps and satellite imagery of the surrounding area. It then combines that information with the destination guides, photographs and social-media gizmos for which travel websites are more commonly known. The app does not use live footage, and it obliges you to pay for Delta's in-flight Wi-Fi service.

  • Boeing's 787

    Bad dreams all round


    OVER at our sister blog, Schumpeter, is a piece on the continuing problems of the Boeing 787 "Dreamliner", and what it means for other plane makers:

    The decision on Wednesday by both All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Japan Airlines (JAL) to ground their 787s follows a string of safety problems, including two fuel leaks and an electrical fire aboard a domestic flight that required the evacuation of 129 passengers. News that authorities in America and Japan have launched separate investigations into the problems immediately knocked 1.6% off ANA’s shares. Boeing’s lost almost 4%. But their executives will not be the only ones losing sleep.

    The piece can be read here.

  • Hawaiian Airlines

    Aloha, Asia

    by N.B. | WASHINGTON, D.C.

    HAWAIIAN AIRLINES, one of America's favourite passenger carriers, is continuing its aggressive expansion into the Asian market. The airline plans to buy over a dozen new Airbus jets, the Associated Press reported on Sunday. The rapidly growing airline plans to add about 1,000 jobs over the next half-decade or so to handle its expanded capacity. The deal is worth around $2.8 billion, according to Reuters.

    Hawaiian is a positive story in America's domestic airline industry. Its planes arrive on time, it gets good passenger satisfaction scores, and it is growing.

  • 787 Dreamliner

    Dream on, Boeing

    by N.B. | WASHINGTON, D.C.

    THE SAFETY record of American airlines over the past decade is nothing short of extraordinary. Flying has become even more safe than it was already (ie, very). American airlines, and their willingness to cooperate with federal regulators, deserve much of the credit. Next on airplane manufacturers' agenda, though, is the Boeing 787, a jet that airlines love because it is quieter and more fuel-efficient than existing airliners.

    There's just one problem: the 787 keeps running into safety hiccups. The latest, a fire aboard an empty Dreamliner in Boston last week, has received worldwide attention.

  • Airport names

    Flying into the void

    by M.R.

    FOR most commuters, going to an airport named after someone famous is not high on their list of priorities. But recently, proposals to change the names of various airports have been proving controversial among commuters and journalists alike. Just before the new year—admittedly a silly season for the news—the Birmingham Mail reported that there were ideas being mooted to rename the city's gateway "Ozzy Osbourne International Airport", in homage to the Black Sabbath musician and former resident.

    Jim Simpson, a record label boss who discovered Black Sabbath, is reportedly behind the proposal.

  • Rail safety regulations

    Better, faster and lighter

    by N.B. | WASHINGTON, D.C.

    AMERICA pays more for fast passenger trains than almost any other country. That's partially because, as this blog has explained before, safety rules promulgated by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) require American passenger trains to be heavy enough to withstand crashes with giant freight trains. American trains also have to operate with two locomotives, one at the front and one at the rear. Neither requirement is in effect in most other countries. In short, European and Japanese passenger trains are much lighter and, consequently, faster than their American counterparts because lighter, faster trains are illegal in America.

  • Etihad's Indian investment

    Jet set

    by M.R.

    LAST week it was confirmed that Jet Airways, an Indian airline, is courting investment by Etihad Airways, the deep-pocketed flag-carrier of Abu Dhabi. It comes at an auspicious time for both parties. Local media reports suggest that a 24% stake could exchange hands, although the $330m figure doing the rounds has raised some eyebrows. But equity analysts are broadly positive about the would-be partnership; far more so than they were for the rumoured deal between Etihad and Kingfisher Airlines, for example, which prompted incredulity last month—many commentators struggling to see value in a debt-ridden airline that has never posted a profit and which has been grounded since October.

  • Air safety

    Difference Engine: Up, up and away


    OVER at our sister blog, Babbage, is a piece on air safety. It suggests that, for those who prefer to fly, there is much to celebrate:

    Air travel has never been safer. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), an average passenger travelling on Western-built jetliners would have to take no fewer than 5.3m flights before being involved in an accident. To put that in perspective, even the most frequent of fliers is unlikely ever to rack up more than 20,000 flights over the course of a lifetime. The accident rate for the airline industry as a whole is now so low that someone taking a flight a day could theoretically expect 14,000 years of trouble-free flying.

  • Electronic devices on planes

    Turn off your iPad now, please

    by N.B. | WASHINGTON, D.C.

    AMERICA'S Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which regulates airline safety in the country, has recently been giving evasive explanations when asked why passengers have to turn off their electronic devices for takeoff and landing. They have told Nick Bilton of the New York Times that iPads and Kindles have to be turned off because they could disrupt a plane's electronics—but have also allowed pilots to bring iPads into the cockpit. Previously, agency representatives had claimed they were just being cautious. Other reporters have received similar, ever-changing explanations over the years.

  • The politics of high-speed rail

    HS2 moves ahead

    by N.B. | WASHINGTON, D.C.

    THE POLITICS of high-speed rail in Britain are unrecognisable to an American—at least on the national level. Unlike in America, where Republicans almost universally despise rail projects in general, and high-speed rail in particular, all three main political parties in Britain support the plan, initially proposed by Labour in 2009, to extend high-speed rail north of London. But once you get down to the local level, American and British rail politics don't look so different after all. Cities want (and will fight for) new high-speed services to their central business districts.

  • Airline fee disclosure

    We're not going to tell you how much this will cost

    by N.B. | WASHINGTON, D.C.

    AIRLINES don't want you to know how much your ticket will really end up costing. For over two years, American carriers have been battling Barack Obama's Department of Transportation (DOT), which is considering requiring airlines to disclose fee information to travel agent distribution systems and online ticketing agents like Orbitz. Some airlines previously sued the Obama administration over a rule requiring they disclose taxes as part of the cost of their flights, but they might hate the fee proposal even more. And their explanation for their position on fee non-disclosure is especially bizarre. The Associated Press explains [emphasis added]:

  • Airlines in Africa

    A burgeoning revolution

    by N.B. | WASHINGTON, D.C.

    "THE biggest mistake west African airlines have made", the boss of Starbow Airlines, Brock Friesen, told the Financial Times on Friday, "is try to compete [with big foreign airlines] on long-haul routes." It's a crucial observation, and one that is fuelling the growth of short-haul aviation in west Africa:

    Start-up airlines have revolutionised air travel in Ghana over the past 18 months. Fares on domestic routes have fallen by up to 75%. Passenger numbers on the main route from the capital Accra to the second city Kumasi have increased fivefold.

  • Full-body scanners

    Scanning safely

    by N.B. | WASHINGTON, D.C.

    PRESUMABLY tired of complaints from passengers and watchdog groups, America's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has agreed to review the safety of the full-body scanners that have become common at many American airports. The Los Angeles Times reported on Thursday that DHS will pay the National Academy of Sciences to review existing research on the safety of the devices—conducting a study of studies, essentially. 

  • On-time flights

    How to show up on time

    by N.B. | WASHINGTON, D.C.

    AMERICAN airlines are showing up on time more often. "During the first 10 months of 2012," the Boston Globe reports, "on-time arrival rates at US airports were the highest they have been since 2003." The best on-time performance in almost a decade should be reason for celebration. But what have airlines done to make the schedules click a bit better? The Globe cites a fascinating example in JetBlue, which operates most of its flights between some of America's most crowded airports, including Boston Logan, Washington-DCA, Washington Dulles, and both JFK and LaGuardia airports in New York. JetBlue's on-time performance, consequently, is among the worst in the industry.

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Our correspondents inform and entertain business travellers with news and views to help them make the most of life on the road


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