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July 22, 2016
8:31 pm

Secretary Johnson Secures the 2016 Democratic National Convention

Securing the Democratic National Convention. Secretary Johnson and senior DHS leadership traveled to Philadelphia today to inspect security operations and contingency planning. Just hours after executing an outstanding security plan for the RNC in Cleveland, the Secret Service is ramping up operations for a second National Security Special Event. Official DHS photo by Barry Bahler.

July 22, 2016
5:42 pm

Today I was honored to participate in a special event hosted by the White House and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), which brought together a diverse group of federal government officials, community and faith-based leaders, and advocacy groups to talk about an issue that impacts far too many people in our nation: religious discrimination. 

From March to June of 2016, DHS, DOJ and other federal agencies hosted a series of roundtables across the country with community stakeholders to discuss issues such as religious bias and obstacles to religious practice. Today, DOJ released a report on these roundtables and, along with other federal agencies, announced new steps they are taking to address religious discrimination. 

Building safe and resilient communities that protect religious freedom is a fundamental part of the Department’s mission.  On behalf of DHS, the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) works closely with communities to promote tolerance and ensure safety at houses of worship. 

  • CRCL holds quarterly roundtables with demographically and religiously diverse communities in 17 cities across the country.  These roundtables provide an open forum for communities to discuss religious intolerance that can result in hate crimes or bias-motivated threats at the local level.  CRCL also provides resources for these communities to develop emergency plans and enhance security measures at their houses of worship
  • In addition to our roundtables, CRCL also works with international partners through the UN Human Rights Council, to train countries on how to promote religious tolerance through implementation of Resolution 16/18.  Since 2013, CRCL has delivered training to officials in Bosnia, Indonesia, Greece, and Spain.
  • Also, FEMA and the DHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships provide resources, training, and guidance on how to protect their houses of worship.

We will continue to work with DOJ, other interagency partners, and community stakeholders to overcome the challenges to religious freedom and safeguard the fundamental rights of all that we encounter in our homeland security mission. More information about CRCL can be found here.

July 21, 2016
3:05 pm

DHS Cyber and Tech Job Fair - July 27-28, 2016The Department of Homeland Security is committed to building a world-class cyber workforce. Recruiting and hiring professionals with expertise in the areas of cybersecurity, information security, and a broad range of other IT competencies is vital.

To do this, DHS will host the first ever DHS Cyber and Tech Job Fair on July 27-28 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. This event marks the first time that eligible candidates can interview for an opening, receive a tentative job offer, and initiate the security process – all on the spot. Expediting the hiring process will help ensure that DHS can fill mission-critical positions to protect our nation’s cyberspace.

At the Cyber and Tech Job Fair, we will be looking to hire the best and brightest entrepreneurs, computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and problem solvers. We strongly encourage candidates to apply to one of the job opportunities in advance to be eligible for an on-the-spot interview.

Here’s how it works:

  1. View the latest job vacancy announcements on USAJOBS.
  2. Apply for one or more the job vacancy announcements.
  3. Qualified applicants may receive an invite to interview with a DHS hiring manager who will be on-site during the fair. 
  4. If selected by a hiring manager, candidates may receive a tentative job offer and initiate the security clearance process on-site.

If selected, you’ll have an immediate opportunity to serve our Nation DHS as a DHS employee and make a difference for millions of Americans. 

If you do not register in advance, or if you are not selected to interview, you can still you can attend the event as a walk-in and learn more about employment opportunities from DHS components and from the Office of Personnel Management.

Join our team in executing the DHS mission. Learn more about the DHS Cyber and Tech Job Fair at and follow along on social media with the hashtag #DHSCyberFair.

July 19, 2016
5:16 pm

 Today, the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign and the Department of Transportation (DOT) hosted a transportation industry stakeholder event. The event brought together leadership from both departments, as well as representatives from airline, rail, bus, and trucking companies to talk about how the transportation industry can support the fight to end human trafficking.

Undersecretary for Management Russ Deyo welcomes attendees

Human trafficking takes many forms—forced labor, domestic servitude, and sex trafficking—but all of it is an insidious crime that can victimize anyone, anywhere. Traffickers use our country’s transportation systems to move their victims from place to place as part of their horrific criminal activities. That’s why DOT and the transportation industry are such valuable partners in the Blue Campaign’s work to end human trafficking. 

To combat this heinous crime in our nation’s transportation systems, we rely on the eyes and ears on the front lines—in our airplanes, at our rest stops, and on our highways. The Blue Lightning Initiative, a joint effort between DHS and DOT, is one example of our collaboration with the transportation sector. Through the Blue Lightning Initiative, DHS and DOT train airline partners to identify potential traffickers and their victims, and report their suspicions to federal law enforcement.  The Blue Campaign also continues to work with Amtrak: Since 2012, the Blue Campaign has partnered and trained thousands of its police officers to recognize the signs of human trafficking. Amtrak continues to share the Blue Campaign’s awareness materials at train stations around the country.

Participants from across the transportation industry share best practices for training employees to recognize signs of human traffickings

By continuing to raise public awareness of human trafficking and by encouraging more of the transportation industry to join the fight, today’s event was an important step forward in our continued efforts to combat this crime.

You can help combat human trafficking, too. When you’re traveling this summer, be on the lookout for indicators of human trafficking and learn how to report suspected cases. For more information, visit the Blue Campaign’s website at

July 19, 2016
11:14 am

Secretary Johnson receiving daily Cleveland Operational briefing

In addition to inspecting convention security in Cleveland last Friday and Philadelphia later this week, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson receives daily intelligence and operational briefings from U.S. Secret Service Director Joe Clancy and his team, who are on the ground in Cleveland. DHS personnel apprise the Secretary of the latest developments concerning the security situation at both conventions.  The Department of Homeland Security is dedicating nearly 3,000 personnel, from the U.S. Secret Service, TSA, ICE HSI, CBP, the National Protection and Programs Directorate, the U.S. Coast Guard, and other DHS components and offices, who are working alongside other federal, state, and local partners.  DHS photo by Barry Bahler.

July 15, 2016
8:40 pm

Secretary Johnson and DHS Leadership Inspect Convention Security Operations in Cleveland

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: DHS is working hard to ensure security at the Republican National Convention. Secretary Johnson and senior DHS leadership traveled to Cleveland today to inspect security operations and contingency planning.

Official DHS photo by Jetta Disco | Download High-Resolution Image (6016 x 4016px)

July 15, 2016
3:01 pm

We stand in solidarity with France.

Secretary Johnson with French Ambassador Gerard Araud

On July 15, 2016, Secretary Jeh Johnson visited the French Embassy to the United States and met with Ambassador Gerard Araud, to pay his respects and offer the full support of the Department of Homeland Security.  Official DHS photo


July 15, 2016
11:42 am

In the 21st century, technology is ingrained into the fabric and function of our society. But the larger the role technology plays in our lives, the more opportunities unscrupulous individuals, criminal organizations and those acting in bad faith have to commit cyber-related crimes.

Given this threat, our law enforcement professionals are faced with the challenge of investigating crimes in a space where technology is constantly changing. Consequently, the knowledge of how to best combat cybercrime can become quickly perishable.

Director Connie Patrick addresses audience during Cybercrime Conference

Director Connie Patrick addresses the audience during the Inaugural Cybercrime Conference. Official FLETC photo

The Department of Homeland Security is committed to making the fight against cybercrime a priority. The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center hosted its Inaugural Cybercrime Conference last week. The conference brought together more than 150 cybercrime subject matter experts from academia, private industry, and the federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement communities to exchange ideas and best practices at FLETC’s headquarters in Glynco, Georgia.

Through more than 50 training sessions covering a wide variety of topics, from electronic surveillance to geolocating, FLETC personnel sharpened their knowledge of cutting edge technologies with the help of these experts. Now, we’ll take this information to bolster our curriculum and training methods, ensuring that we can provide law enforcement with the right tools and information to fight crime on the sophisticated, rapidly evolving front lines of cyber security.

FLETC hosts Inaugural Cybercrime Conference

FLETC hosts the Inaugural Cybercrime Conference. Official FLETC photo

The FLETC is committed to providing our students with the best and most current training possible. Our team of professionals accomplishes this mission by engaging in research, collaboration and networking with leaders who have expertise in a wide spectrum of investigative and technological fields.

The Cybercrime Conference is the latest example of how the FLETC strives to set the gold standard in law enforcement training to best equip the thousands of men and women who do the difficult work of protecting our homeland from threats in their communities and in cyberspace each and every day.

July 8, 2016
7:45 pm

Secretary Johnson Speaks at New York Police Headquarters

From New York Police Department Headquarters, Secretary Johnson, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bratton responded to the week’s tragic events. The Secretary called on police and the communities they serve to come together, heal wounds, and bridge any differences.

July 7, 2016
10:40 am

Image of Ask TSAThis blog originally appeared on the TSA Blog on July 7, 2016.

With summer air travel well underway, TSA is working hard to make sure your travel experience is as secure and efficient as possible. Today, we’re announcing that our customer service program, AskTSA, is expanding to Facebook Messenger to improve the customer service experience and to better assist you before, during, and after your flight. 
First, the basics: the AskTSA team consists of full-time employees, with diverse backgrounds in law enforcement, security operations, training, surface transportation and customer service.  The AskTSA team is available 365 days a year to help solve traveler problems and answer questions.

Anybody can use this service – it is free and easily accessible. Travelers can simply send @AskTSA a tweet or direct message on Twitter or, starting today, send AskTSA a message on Facebook. TSA is the first government agency to provide customer service using Facebook Messenger. Our aim is to make talking to our team and getting helpful information as easy as possible.

How can AskTSA help you? Not only can the team answer basic questions about air travel, we can also provide helpful services that solve real traveler problems.

  • Want to know if an item can be packed in your luggage? Send us a picture of an item and we’ll let you know if it is allowed on a plane.
  • Did you leave an item behind at the checkpoint? We’ll help you locate your lost item and let you know how to get it back.
  • Was your ID lost or stolen? We’ll tell you about our identify verification process and help you get through security at the airport.
  • If you’re TSA Pre✓® eligible and don’t see it on your boarding pass, we can help identify the issue and ensure you receive expedited screening.
TSA’s goal is to ensure safe and secure travel for all. We are here to help your traveling experience.  Please direct your questions to @AskTSA on Twitter and We’re available to answer your questions, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Eastern Time, weekdays; 9 7 p.m., weekends/holidays. Safe travels!

TSA Social Media Team


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