#NatlPrep Posts

National Preparedness Month begins this week!  To help spread the word, ReadyMontana and statewide partners will be sharing preparedness messages on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.  If you or your organization would like to join in this campaign- just copy and paste some of these pre-designed messages onto your own pages!  Of course, this is a completely optional activity, and you are welcome to draft your own messages or use additional posts from: www.ready.gov/SeptemberVideos, images and other graphics can be downloaded from that page.

If you would rather just share our messages, follow us on Twitter or Facebook.  Remember to use the #NatlPrep hashtag so people can follow all related messages!

Daily messages for social media posts (updated Aug. 29)

Week of Aug. 29-Sept. 2

8/29: #NatlPrep Month starts 9/1. Promote the theme "Don't Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today." Tools: www.ready.gov/September

8/30: “Don't Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today.” Get started here: www.ready.gov/make-a-plan #NatlPrep

8/31: Share your plans for National Preparedness Month using the hashtag #NatlPrep and see what others are doing!

9/1: Today is the kick-off to #NatlPrep Month! We’ll be sharing preparedness tips and messages all month. Follow, retweet, and #GetReady

(Facebook) You may not be with family when an emergency happens.  How would you get in touch if cell phones are not working? Did you know that it may be easier to call an out-of-state contact than a local contact during an emergency?  Learn more and create an emergency plan now: 1.usa.gov/1JwEwRG #NatlPrep

9/2: #Wildfire season isn’t over yet. Follow @MTDNRCFIRE @FireSafeMontana and use #OneLessSpark for fire prep tips

(Facebook) Your ability to recover from an emergency tomorrow may depend on the planning and preparation you do today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcnCQ_pdVCY #NatlPrep #MTStrong

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