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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Community Vision Metrics Web Tool

How to Use the Tool

Flowchart showing the 4 steps (above) for using the tool.

This tool allows you to search for performance measures based on your community's goals and unique context. For example, your community might be interested in including goals related to Public Health as part of the planning process.

STEP 1: Choose a Topic (Community Goal)

Your current Topic selection will be displayed in a text box to your right as a reminder of your selection.

STEP 2: Choose a Geographic Scale
(Level of geography or specificity at which the measure will be applied (e.g. corridor, city, region, state))

Your selection will be added and displayed in a text box to your right.

STEP 3: Choose a Setting/Density
(Number of persons, housing units, or other specific activities per unit of land area.)

Your selection will be added and displayed in a text box to your right.

STEP 4: Choose up to (3) three Transportation Modes (Travel mode(s) for which the measure is applicable (e.g. automobile, bicycle, pedestrian, transit))

Your selection will be added and displayed in a text box to your right.

Following this final step you will be shown results:

EXAMPLE Result set

Based on your choices, these performances measures can help you start the visioning process required to determine if you have adequately considered the impacts of your decision-making process.

You can print your results or start the search process from the beginning, or you can save these results and compile your list based on performances measures you deem important to your community.


Updated: 10/29/2014
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