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Where can I find information about FTA's requirements?

Where can I find information about the the common grant rule and any other materials related to procurement procedures for federal projects? Where can I find rules, policies, and circulars related to pre-award, post-award, solicitation, cost analysis, contract negotiations, contractor performance, and assessment practices for federal projects?

For the common grant rule, if you mean the OMB Common Rule, ask your Grant Manager because she or he is responsible for your financial management. If you mean A-102, it's at; if you mean A-110, it's at; etc.

For procurement, ask your Grant Manager, because she or he is responsible for your procurement. The procurement circular Third-party Contracting Requirements Number C 4220.1F, 11/01/08, at is a good place to start.

For FTA requirements in general, you ought to consider classes, but in the meantime, is a good place to start.

Be sure also to talk to your Grant Manager because she or he is responsible for your agency's Technical Capacity.

For 5307, it's specified in 49USC5307, TITLE 49 -- Transportation, Subtitle III -- General and Intermodal Programs, Chapter 53 -- Mass Transportation, Sec. 5307. Urbanized area formula grants

(d) Grant Recipient Requirements.--A recipient may receive a grant in a fiscal year only if --

  (1) the recipient, within the time the Secretary prescribes, submits a final program of projects prepared under subsection (c) of this section and a certification for that fiscal year that the recipient (including a person receiving amounts from a chief executive officer of a State under this section) --

    (A) has or will have the legal, financial, and technical capacity to carry out the program ....

For 5309, it's specified in 49USC5307, TITLE 49 -- Transportation, Subtitle III -- General and Intermodal Programs, Chapter 53 -- Mass Transportation, Sec. 5309. Capital investment grants and loans

(d) Project as Part of Approved Program of Projects.--Except as provided in subsections (b)(2) and (e) of this section, the Secretary of Transportation may approve a grant or loan for a project under this section only after finding that the project is part of the approved program of projects required under sections 5303-5306 of this title and that an applicant --

  (1) has or will have the legal, financial, and technical capacity to carry out the project, satisfactory continuing control over the use of equipment or facilities, and the capability to maintain the equipment or facilities ....

Updated: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
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