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Flat Stanley

Flat Stella and Flat Stanley Characters with FEMA hat, Flashlight and Kit Bag with Ready Logo

Flat Stanley and Flat Stella have been asked to serve as ambassadors to promote preparedness. How great is that?!

Children and their parents can build their own FEMA Flat Stanley or Flat Stella, and then share with other children and classrooms the steps they have taken to support preparedness throughout their homes, schools and communities.

Here are different ways young people can customize and share their 'Flats' and what they have learned:

We’re excited about this is a collaboration between the Ready Campaign and Flatter World and the Flat Stanley Project to help educate school-aged children on the need to be prepared for emergencies and disasters, as well as what they can do to help their families and loved ones to build more resilient households.

According to Flatter World, 15 percent of all schools in the U.S. use Flat Stanley, and integrate their adventures into classroom lesson plans, so we look forward to hearing from teachers.

Get the Characters

Download Flat Stanley and his sister Flat Stella and start your adventure today

Flat StanleyFlat Stella

Flat Stanley Figure

Download Flat Stanley here

Flat Stella Figure

Download Flat Stella here