
Accessibility strives to make all content on our website accessible to people with disabilities. We work to meet or exceed the standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. The Act was amended by Congress in 1998 (29 U.S.C. § 794(d)) to address electronic and information technologies (EIT). These are the rules used to measure how our site complies with the federal law. 

Under Section 508, all federal agencies must give disabled people access to information. This must equal the access given to others. Visit the website to learn more about how the standards are used.

Accessibility Contacts

Share feedback or concerns about the accessibility of our site:

File a Section 508-related complaint:

  • Call the Office of Equal Rights at 202-646-3535.

Ask questions or give comments about FEMA’s Section 508 program:

Last Updated: 07/13/16